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Re: Zarkis personal weapons mod - WIP


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My weapons mod (with some other small changes) to try out. Just copy the xml folder into your data folder. To uninstall just delete the folder. Better use a seperate savegame for testing.


This is very much work in progress. So far only space combat was changed (but hero units not touched yet).


Weapon stats were streamlined to make modding/testing easier and weapons more realistic and intuitive.


(1) damage tables

- damage tables for weapons now instead for ships ( damage of a weapons should not depend on its platform)

- shields and larger ships receive less damage in general

- lasers: less damage to shields and bigger armor; more accurate against fighters tzen turbolasers

- turbolasers: normal damage to shields and better against bigger armor; one (lucky) shot can kill fighters now

- ion cannons: much stronger against shields

- concussion missile: less damage overall

- proton torpedos: slightly less damage


(2) accuracy:

- base inaccuracy is 20 for all weapons

- greatly increased inaccuracy of corvettes against fighters: 40 now (so they are still a good flak unit with many lasers, but won't kill a squadron in seconds) 

- fighter lasers 5 against fighters

- large lasers 60 against fighters

- turbolasers 70 against fighters


Other changes:

- tie scouts have small concussion missiles instead of lasers now (experimental; still needs tweaking)

- Z95 enabled

- space stations no longer spam infinite amounts of fighters and other ships

- same with land garrisons and infantry of ATATs (they get no more then 3 now)

- hyperspeed reduced

- tried to change retreat behavior of AI but have yet to see a retreat in a battle :-(

- some minor changes I forgot ;) 




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Hey, tried it out. Corvettes seem a bit weaker against fighters, though they still rock them hard. Overall, fighters may have seemed even more worthless because capital ships were taking them out as well. Missle Frigates seemed harder to kill in general, which I didn't like at all. If you can't stop their bombardment in a timely fashion, 3 of them can kill a level 5 Starbase in about 40 seconds, so making them more difficult to destroy seems like a really questionable decision.


Corvettes also don't seem any easier to kill by capital ships. Perhaps this was intentional. The Rebellion seems to have a much easier time destroying Tartans the the Empire does of destroying Corellians, though perhaps this was, again, an intentional design choice by the Devs.


Other than the missle frigate issue, I had a good time with it when I could actually engage in battles. The hyperspeed is just too painful for me. I find the games default hyperspeed well suited as compared to buildtimes and the overall pacing of the game. Moving the Death Star with this mod made me pick up a book. In between every battle, every enemy hero would respawn before I could reach the next planet. I'd seriously reconsider this.


Lastly, you may want to consider giving ships with shield generators increased shield regeneration to compensate for the increased power of Ion Cannons. It would A) Give Ions more to do, and B) Make targetting the shield generator more meaningful. I generally only ever target shield generators on the first capital ship of the fleet i engage, as after that the random attrition on the other enemy capital ships has lowered their shield strength to the point where it would be more beneficial to just knock out their turbolasers.


Anyways, some good ideas man, I just don't think you ought to include a hyperspeed change in a Weapons Mod. :)

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Thank's for the comments. To get rid of the hyperspeed changes just delete factions.xml. I may lower the accuracy of big guns against fighters even more and make bigger guns (large lasers and turbolasers) more effective against corvettes and frigattes. My biggest problem with modding EaW is the fact that it doesn't have a battle mode, where you can hand pick ships and test them against each other. Will look if I can do a campaign game with just two planets, where you can change starting forces in the xml file.
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I like the fact that you reduced garrisoned units, because now the AI just keeps me pinned down and keeps on getting reinforcements... Very frustrating when you assault a planet where you can only take 2 or 3 units at a time...


Hyperspace could be a bit faster, but not the insane speeds as in the normal game. I would actually like to see an enemy fleet approaching, instead of just being thrown into battle every few minutes...

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