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PFF push for an EAW Addon in 2006. Join us!


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***Bugs I would like Fixed ASAP***



***Wish List***


1) I'd like to see an expansion that will run from episodes 1-6. Adding the clone army and droid armys to the game and more units for the existing two armys.

2) In Skirmish modes, you will be able to select as one of the four armys. Empire, Clone, Droid, and Rebel and fight battles that never really happened in the universe. Such as Rebel vs Clone, or Clone vs Empire armys.

3) Double the maximum number of planets in the galactic mode, and add 4 player maps for both online and single player where all four armys can fight at the same time.

4) Triple/Quadruple the number of maps for land, space, and galactic online play.

5) Let people who pre-order the expansion from a website (maybe lucasarts store) partispate in the beta for multiplayer balancing feedback and bug reports.

6) Space battles should not automatically warp in a fleet like they current do, only the biggest ship in your fleet should warp in at first, with the rest of your ships as reiforcments. That way the player gets to pick which ships he wants to warp in like he does with land battles.


***Balance Issues***


1) Major balance problem... bacta healing stations and heros. It takes exactly 4 seconds for a bacta healing station to heal an infantry hero to maximum health. Inless you can heal the hero ont he first run, he can heal in 4 seconds and be back on the battlefield in a second. Although the bacta healing station is low HP, it costs only 20 credits to buy in galactic mode and makes heros near-invisible when microed correctly, especially if you are low tech level, and an enemy hero rushes you. Only a complete domination where many units fire at them can heros like obi-wan or darth vader die before reaching the bacta station.


2) Many of the heros feel overpowerd in the galactic mode. You get them for free with unlimited lives except the Emperor and Mon Montha. People are not afraid to send heros into battle, kill one unit, retreat, then get free heal and do it again. With rebels they can do that without controling space (althougthing bombing runs make it harder for them). When you first start the game with tech one, there is no other land unit, other then another hero or multiple Anti-Infantry turrets. Bacta healing stations don't help, but still tech one you are mostly helpless against a hero rush except with your own heros. Space heros, although balanced more then land units, still shouldn't be free. If you want to leave them free, make it so that they don't enter the game intill days 20, 40, 60, and 80 depending on how good the units are. Other units will be plentiful by those days and the weakest heros shouldn't effect gameplay as much. Note: R2D2 is fine and should not have anything changed with him, however every other hero feels imbalanced. I Feel that the Emperor and Mon Montha should be like boss units in galactic mode because their death means the end of the game. Both should have some more HP so that it takes some time for them to die. Bacta healing stations on heros must be nerfed before this however because they can already become practically unkillable if they stand next to two bacta healing stations at the back of your base, rebulding one if it dies allowing the rest of the units to fight to the end and your hero unable to die intill he is practically the only one left.


3) Star Destroyers for whatever reason are bugged so that they do not provide bombing runs for land battles if there are star destroyers above the planet in online galactic mode matches. This happens with the hero star destroyer unit also. They have tie bombers so why can't they bomb?


4) Galactic mode does not have an option to turn all heros except R2D2, Mon Montha, and The Emeperor. Right now, inless the galactic mode starts at tech level 5, most of the game is decided by hero battles in land. Most of the space heros seem balanced, but still they shouldn't be free when they are so effective on the battlefield.


5) Neutral Pirates in Galactic Online Campaign is quite simply, a poor game mechanic that hurts gameplay that should be removed. The best players just spam 500 credits worth of Storm Troopers/Rebel Soldiers with their hero units and they will always win against the pirates. While sending in several AT-ST and other expensive units will result in thousands of credits dieing automatically in a battle that you didn't even fight, it was just automatically decided. They make the whole game decided by who can spam the basic cheapest unit out the fastest to conquer all of the neutral planets, and leaves the roll of some dice to decide how many units you lose. RPG elements (dice rolling like random deciding who wins and loses) in an RTS game is not wanted. Its nice for single player, but in multiplayer it hurts gameplay.




Will add more over time.

Edited by Destman
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Let us play as Pirates (add a few ships to their fleet, like R-41 Starchasers, Lorinar Strike Crusiers and why not let THEM have the Capture Ship Ability?)


Make AT-ST useful against infantry and let them have a limited AA ability


Make the AI know when to figth and when to run.


Release when ready.

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These are some of the things I (As a Big starwars fan, and RTS vet) would like to see. This is pretty indepth for the most part.


Basically its a "A new hope to ROTJ" mod with tweaks to the gameplay.


1. A map creator (much like the MapEditors in the "Age of" games) built into the game, and set as an option.


2. THe ability to Have a set ammount of build pads, and be able to plant them where you want. Maby 5-10 build pads depending on the size of the map. Wich leads me to my next one. I think this would be betetr than pre-chosen positions for your build pads. People would be able to set up their defences the way they think is most effective.


3. Much Larger maps. Im talking Very large. This way if you want to take your infantry across large terrain without protection of transports and whatnot, they will encure moral loss or damage or something.


4. More land and space units. Things like cavalry, stormtroopers mounted on large animals, with a "stampeed" ability that tramples units, or in the case of tauntauns, a speed ability that lets them outrun enemies, or get to a destination faster.. Also, rebels should have the ability to jump onto tauntauns so they can trek farther out on Hoth (if it was a bigger map, to encure less damage from the cold). Maby have a unit called "beast trainer" or something that can go up to wild creatures and turn them into units themselves. That way your rebel infantry could jsut mount onto them from there. Even the ability to train rancors (this would require a higher level trainer or something). Emagine having a rancor on your side? Muahaha! For space units, things like tie-intercepters, B-wings, ect. As well as some more  heros. Maby heros like Yoda, Lobot the bounty hunter, Kyle Katarn in his Jedi state, Greedo the boutny hunter would come with his own group of g00ns, luke in jedi form. There are plenty to choose from.


5. More planets, and more elements in space. Maby things like Ice crystal clouds. If you are in a lighter ship and try to go through one you will encure damage from the ice clunks hitting you. Just things like that to give the space battles more depth. Also Boba fetts ultrasonic bomb could destroy asteroid feilds and send chunks out at the enemy fleet. That would be Carazyness. Maby a ship that can deploy cloaked space mines?


6.Smarter AI. The AI in this game somewhat dissapoints me. They dont build AA guns, they dont know when to attack or retreat, They seem to grab resourcess out of thin air, I have seen enemy units just wander in circles aropund the map. Just a revamp of the enemy AI to make them more tactical would be nice.


7.Tweaks to the ammount of damage certian units do, as stated by many of the other forum members.


So basically. More units and structures from the empire strikes back, and ROTJ movies. Though a clone wars expansion would be pretty cool too. Or maby even a game set in the Kotor age?



EDIT: Oh! And I forgot a custom ship menu maby. Possibly abit far fetched. But it would be cool to create your own ship in the form of a hero. You could have a selection of special abilities already in the game and choose 1 or 2 of them to use for your hero's ship. It would be neat. Maby abit costly on the balance side of things though.

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Don't let others speak for me, so I'm not reading their replies.  Here is mine:


1. What you desire to get in the EAW Addon (1,2,3,4,5,6...).

2. Why you desire those things and how they will influence your gameplay and fun (Your personal opinion).

3. When you will like to see the addon? (summer, autumn, winter).


1 - 2


a)Larger maps - less of a rat's maze layout.


b)Interior building maps,


c)garrison troops or on-site upgrades valid for that map only


d)experience retention for units that survive battles


e)health and stats consistency/persistence


f)removal of pop cap - with today's computer hardware, you should be able to have more than 200 sprites on the screen at once.  If your units come in squads - it's the same as having a single graphic as you can't control individual units - you select a squad, and every unit in that group is selected - mainly for infantry units, so I don't see the point unless you're trying to distort the truth.  Hey you have a pop cap, of 3, but within those three units you have 60 individual graphics!  So it's really 60 units!  when it's not.  I fail to see the reasoning behind it.


g)more intelligent death star operation - simply waiting for the timer to expire and pressing a single button to destroy a planet isn't very challenging.  Allow the death star to take 'some kind of damage'.  Allow the death star to be destroyed without red squadron.  It doesn't matter if it takes an hour of constant combat and millions of reinforcements - having any unit entirely invulnerable unless red squadron is there is plain stupid.


h)ability to damage your own units with bombing runs, ability to shoot your own units, ability to destroy your own planets with the death star, ability to sell and/or downgrade the space station and upgrades.


i)improved AI


j)R2D2 should serve more practical purpose - he should be his own unit hero IMO - ability to fly, set things on fire, etc etc  - Right now he is joined at the hip to c3p0, and everyone knows which of those two is useful, and which is only serving as dead weight.


k)planet status persistence - ability to damage the landscape - blow up trees, leave craters in the ground, destroy buildings, and when the planet is attacked next time I want to see the previous battle scorch marks for at least a week of game time before its environment returns to normal.  Either that, or change the loaded map layout on the next attack.


l)space station location - assuming this would orbit the planet, have the space station show up at a different location every time the planet is attacked - also space battle area is too small


m)better game balance between units


n)designing your own jedi hero


o)more video clips - I finished the campaigns and was disappointed to see a grand total of about 40 seconds of video - hardly enough of a reward for spending 3 days playing.  When you lose, you get the main menu, no losing cutscenes.


p)better time control - the difference between fast mode and slow mode is indistinguishable on my computer


q)more upgrades/research - 5 tech levels is all and good for designing units, but without extra research to be done the game gets very boring.  Generals had the ability to research the blue chemical suit - why not allow for an upgraded light saber for a hero unit, better weapons for storm troopers, faster speed for tanks, etc etc?  The single or dual abilities are innate to the space units - meaning they come automatically with those, I'm looking for more customization - additional permanent armor, etc.


r)more strategy/tactical features.  As it is now, I have no reason to worry about losing units - I can build more and they are exactly like the ones I just lost.  Big deal.  So it comes down to spamming big fleets with more big fleets and who cares if I lose when I can just attack again and throw more units at the problem?


s)optional removal of Auto-Resolve - why even mention the fight if you're going to have the computer duke it out for you?  I think auto-resolve was included because you saw how redundant and pointless the battles are.  Tactics and Strategy don't appear to exist in the game.  It's a glorified version of Risk.  Whoever has the largest horde, highest tech level, and most money will win, and if the rock-paper-scissors comes into play, build equally and you do just fine.


t)removal of computer cheats - goes back to battle persistence and improved AI.  If the artificial intelligence is good enough, there should be no need to have reduced cost and reduced build time for different difficulty levels.  Make HARD=normal player build time for the same item.  make EASY 1.5 or 2.0 times normal player build time and cost.  As it is now you have the computer building stuff faster than a human is allowed to.  Compensating for poor AI coding by penalizing the player isn't a nice thing to do, and this concept is spread throughout the design of this program.


I think that covers most of what I'd really really like to see changed, but I don't have high hopes anything here will make it in, as it involves redesigning the core of the engine.  I'm again, thinking about another game entirely, one which doesn't exist.



As for when I'd like to see it, whenever it is DONE.  No releasing before extensive beta testing is completed.  No patches released hours after the expansion is.  It should be rock-solid, with perhaps a patch a month later with combined fixes of everything that is still needed.  I'm sick of microsoft's solution with 'critical updates' every day.  I waited 2 years for this game, and actually I am VERY happy with what it is, just there are numerous ways I think it could be made better.  I'm willing to wait another 2 years to get the game it could have been.

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1 Capable of deleting unit, damaging your unit, or recruit soilder . even 1 soilder alive still count 1 in  popcap,that's   just unreasonable.


2 Exp system


3 Store the superweapon . It should be like " If i got money , i can have 3 superweapons standby.

   Make storage for superweapon an option. Whether it's limited or not ,having an option like this would be great.

   And also , Two kinds of superweapon at highest tech level .  In low tech , u also have different options

   of abilitise like Generals to purchase . each tech has 2 or 3 abilities to buy.

   That will increase the Stragety depth .


4 Basic base building , or at least we should be able to put turrets based on the size of reinforcement point. The number of turrets must be limited .


5 When drag your 3 groups of unit to the ground at the same time ,it should be the same time when units show up.


6 Interaction to enviorment .Less restriction area. Or make restriction area become special area for certain unit.


7 Easier to control. The abilities of unit should be set in "The first" "The second" " The third" ability.

Ex: When we type  D , activitate first ability .

                          E                 second     .

                          F                 third        .

In short ,make the hotkeys between different kinds of unit  be the same! Three keys , easy to use ,easy to remember.


That wouldn't  change the comamand bar , people still can use mouse choose ability. But In this way, it would be easier to control units  ,the only thing we need to remember is what's the ability of this unit instead of 30 hotkeys or more. Becuase most of the time , we need to control heros individually .like when you Drop detonator or Force push, Force push ,EMP ,Sprint, Capture ATAT, Self destruct ,you just need it going foward along ,using their special ability ,then getting away .

Although the original settings allows us to use ability with hotkeys in large groups,  it's just too  complicated , and the case for large group never happens. It looks like usefful, but you just never got the chance to use it.So the hotkey should be setting like above or easier.


8 Bigger map. and more netural useful building . Even providing unique upgrade.


9 Unique upgrade .Not upgrade your armer or speed three times. That makes no sense.

Ex : This unit got 2 or 3 upgrade in this tech , but you only choose 1or 2, and in next level you got next upgrade

related to the previous upgrade . This upgrade system makes unique unit.What's the unit expert in depends on your choice.


10 Better AI .Seeing my units sticking together just makes me annoying.


11 Hero unit should have more ability ,3 or 4 would be good. And hero should be able use his ability to attack other hero.   


12Weather affect makes no sense in this game , cause all units are in the same codition. Ability to predict weather

or control the weather definitely improves the weather settings in this game ,or it just makes graphic more beautiful with nothing else. My suggestion would be making weather affect regional. And the affect should be more powerful.

ex: rain area is small ,but it continues moving around the reinforcememt . Infantry in rain damage +50%or even higher.

     speed reduce 70% ,so people will be care not to go into rain zone ,or those units would be just waste of money.

ex Storm reduce sight by 80 % ,also 5 weather effects change in turn. I know that's impossible in eaw ,

maybe in next game. If this feature exists , they should change battle dramaticlly.  or it's just nothing.   

and the infantry upgrade of protection from weather simply reduce the affect .If once upgrade ,infantry are immune

to weather , those weather settings are just crap.


12 Sneak Tech is very important , and change gameplay very much.


13 popcap should be an option to player ,although maybe settings is good ,and balancing the game in MP very well.

It's still fun to creat lots of unit ,and crush into enemy base in skirmish mode.


14 Space and Land could be a whole new system together like Armies of Exigo . Maybe not in EAW ,cause the size of

capital ship and tanks don't match.

You can also add underground and sea to the whole new system .It's goona be big system with land ,sea ,space and

air. I just can't imagine how cool this would goona be ^^.


15 Allow everything optional to let people choose from . Some people don't want too much unit,some people want lots of superweapon . It's ueually  by half  .Allow us to choose which one we like better ,make the game perfect for everyone . 


16 Using Reinforcement point is goona be a new way to play RTS . Cause no one have done it before.

and it's just really really awsome. Alought with this cool feature , EAW sill lack of some important idea that you

guys created before . Combine all of staff above together , EAW or your next project is goona be invincible in RTS.

Edited by stroke
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The game is great but i think in your effort to focus on the action you went a bit too far.


1.More tactical/stragety elements should be added. (i.e. random events


2. Land and space maps should be bigger and not in maze form


3. Some way to stop "steam rolling" Although I have stopped this it takes and while depending on your opponents force. Not necessarily persistant damage but perhaps some sort of maintance meter and when it reaches 100% you must take that ship(s) to a space station to be fixed. Penatly could be less accuracy, weapon damages,etc if you dont get it fixed


4. In MP pirate battles should not be auto resolved.

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Another something I'd love to see would be a redesign of the tactical cine camera. Basically during combat (space more than anything), I'd like to be able to have an option to click a unit and follow that unit as I'm a little tired of seeing the camera tracking action and then changing to show nothing but empty space.
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More maps, bigger maps, more enjoyable ground combat!


Allow us to choose to play skirmish mode on galactic map for atleast SOME basebuilding?


The other factions playable, add in the Merchant empire, gungan's, Wookies etc..


Earlier timelines, ie from EP 1-3.


This game just *needs* more of everything! :)

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The AT-TE, UT-AT, AT-OT, LAAT and even the AT-RT in the Galactic Civil War. Because I like most of those designs esthetically and I think it would be a shame for the Empire to just throw them away. Even if they're free-for-all vehicles like the ISP and AT-AP already in the game. :D
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1) Diplomacy


2) More sandbox play (ie don't stay so close to the movie, like another squadron other than Red, can destroy the death star)


3) Create a hero


4) Larger maps. Maps that you can actually explore, decide where to build structures. Try to hide your base.


5) Presistant damage


6) Longer play. I want a game that I can play for a long time.


7) Less arcadish


8 ) More of the cat and mouse play. Meaning the empire is trying to hunt down the rebels. Have the main rebel base and hide it. Have the ability to move it around so the empire can't find it (Rebellion)


9) Ship naming.


10) From ROTS to ROTJ


11) More heroes


12) more units.

Edited by Nevets
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1.Rebellion system. I.E.-when you take over a planet you need to calm the populace or they rebel in say, 2 days?

2.Be able to play all the way through the films.

3.Add more story modes

4.Make pirates playable

5.Pirates have more ships

6.More tech levels

7.Units cost more(I was buolding HUGE fleets if I let the game sit for a half hour)

8.More maps and planets in the right spots.

9.Make AI harder

10.Creatable units

11.Multiplaye mod support.(I don't know how...but I'd be cool)

12.Higher res on models

13.Scale down Emperor's powers

14. Make it eaiser to use mod campaigns(Like Galactic Battlegrounds)

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1. Diplomacy-  If the Devs want to limit it to a mission that Mon Montha and the Emperor can conduct for simplicity's sake, I would still be overjoyed.  However it needs to cost money, take some time to complete, have a reasonable chance of failure, and most importantly provide a bonus to planets the player "converts" peacefully.  I think this would add a bit more depth to the Galactic map portion of the game as well as more faithful the the Star Wars Universe.  Invading or orbiting/blockading planets never makes the population happy or eager to produce for you, especially if you are a "rebellion"


2.  Persistant Damage-  Once again this feature can certainly be simplified if the Devs want to shoot for simplicity.  Ships/starbases should repair quickly on their own if in orbit around a friendly planet, those in a hostile system should have slower rate of repair.  This way the player does not have to worry about devoting time to repairing ships as they will do so on their own.  However, it would allow the AI or other players to follow up an unsuccessful attack on a  weakend enemy and conduct "raiding" operations.  Finally, force the player to pay a small cost to restock their ISDs and space stations with fighters after a battle on the summery screen.  A simple "reinforce for $$$" button would do the trick.  If the player chooses not to, have the garrisons repair themselves like mentioned above.


3.  Unit experience-  This is a no brainier and since it would require no additional player interaction makes me wonder why it was not included in EAW.  Units should SLOWLY gain exp which would equate to better accuracy and a higher percent chance to evade enemy fire.  No weapon bonuses etc, as that could unbalance the game.  Unit exp makes the player feel more attached to his units and increases immersion into the game.


4.  Killable Heroes-  The player should have the option to play with Hero deaths on or off.  Some hero's like Luke and the droids need to be Immortal as they serve a game play function, however, the rest should be expendable.  Additionally, I'm not really sure if the problem is with respawing in general, but it truly makes no sense to have them respawn with their ships etc. 


Case in point, when I first played the *modified* demo I sent the Homeone and a large fleet into action.  During the battle, the Homeone was severely damaged by the empires planet defense gun which sent me into a panic since I thought I would lose it forever.  Had I had the option to withdraw in the demo, I would have immediately done so to save that ship.  However, since I could not, I watched in horror as a group of tie bombers finished her off.  Although I won the battle I immediately started to ponder how the loss of such a powerful ship would impact the rest of my campain.  However when entering the strategic map I noticed a ticker counting down to Akbar's return.  Instead of being happy I found myself ticked off as it completely ruined the the *feel* of the game.  Even worse when Akbar made his reserection he had a shiny brand new FREE Homeone to command even though I left its bombed out shell in orbit. 


Hence as a player I feel no consequence from throwing my "hero" units into pitched battles.  Additionally a large portion of strategy is taken away since the player does not have to weigh choices or react to the huge loss of a hero unit.  While it is fun to win a game, there is no need to replay something that you can't lose.  As a gamer some of my most enjoyable experiences have come from rebounding from a terrible loss, or *gasp* fighting a losing battle to the end because I have made some stupid decisions.  While I understand that some hero's are needed to preform a gameplay mechanic, R-2D2 for research and Luke for the Death Star run, there is no excuse for the immortality of the others.  Barring an overhall of the research mechanics, even these obstacles can easily be overcome. For example, R-2D2 does not need to be involved in planet invasions,thus he is not exposed to harm. As for Luke, let him respawn but without rouge squadron.



5. Chance of failure- I think it would be a nice game feature if there was not a 100% success rate on all agent missions.  The droids shouldn't always get the blueprint you send them after, Solo shouldn't always steal credits, and if diplomacy is added a planet shouldn't be head over heals to join every time.  I'm not talk a high percent of failure, more like 5%-10%, but just enough to throw some randomness and realness into the game. 


6.  Bases-  I actually like how this works; however, I would like to be able to zoom onto the planet map when in Galactic mode in order to place my garrisons and my turrets and walls where I want them.  While I understand this would be a gameplay problem for Multiplayer, many of us are buying EAW for the singleplayer experience. 


Therefore, why not allow the player to choose from three or four base configurations "choose from a digram" after they take control of a planet?


Minor issues that could be addressed:


Renaming ships in game.


A Hardcore or Realistic Setting option in the option menu which would allow:


1. Slower Build times and Space Travel

2. Killable Heroes

3. Persistant Damage

4. Chance of Mission Failure

5. Cost to resupply units who freespawn other units.


By making it an option setting, both casual RTS fans and those of us who prefer games with more depth are happy

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1. More than two special abilities—I think all capital ships should be able to have “power to weapons” or “power to shields.” I don’t know if this is already possible.


2. Unit experience—A Star Destroyer that has survived many battles and has destroyed many ships should be more effective than a brand new one.


3. No fog of war—The great variety of sensors makes this feature unnecessary.


4. All units shown on bottom of map—As stated previously, it is annoying to constantly press Ctrl-A.


5. Customizable hardpoints—This would greatly add realism to the game, resulting in more specialized ships and Mon Cal ships that actually are “one of a kind.”


6. Orbital bombardment—A sorely missed feature, and a very good reason to build a base shield.


7. Higher population cap—Bigger battles are just more enjoyable!


8. Ability to choose which units to start a battle with—It’s annoying to have a large, mixed fleet, only to go into battle with nothing but fighters and corvettes.


9. A “Custom Battle” mode—Similar to RTW: you select what type of battle, where it is, and which units are used. Important battles could be pre-made, like Endor, Geonosis, or Hoth.


Release date? Whatever is convenient.

"God, I love complexity." -Stellar_Magic
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If you're still reading this, then God Bless You


1.  I would like to see an expansion that goes into the expanded universe, maybe early X-wing series, and a second that continues on from that into the Yuuzhan Vong era.


2.  3D space battles meaning I can set the elevation of ships, this may not be available with the RAMs of today, but once we get that holographic memory working, this will be common place.


3.  Error Reporting.  I keep getting Exception Errors and I can't do anything about it until the next update, but it may not be addressed because PG/LA doesn't know it's a problem.

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hey i read a few of the books when i was younger so i have a few abstract ideas that could be found interesting to see in the game.


1.  sheild regions- have the ships' sheilds work in a different way.  in books and in the movies, the shields worked in an area of effect... such as "bow sheilds" "Aft" etc etc... that way a capital ship will be able to last longer from volleys, will be able to manuever its sheildless side away from danger, but not long enough that it will seem that the ships are invincible. this means that the only truly effective way to eliminate a capital ship is by attacking the sheild generator with the Y-wings, or with its ion cannon.


2. Squadron numbers- up the number of fighters in a squadron from 5 to the actual 12, but make the squadrons cost greater, by at least double and a little more.


3.  Fighter models- i never understood the introduction of the A-wing but not the interceptor.  If possible, the addition of the Interceptor, the Tie_advanced model, and the Tie-Defender would be incredible.  however, the Tie-advanced model should be bought separately instead of having it in the complement of fighters a destroyer carries.


3. Missiles-  have the Rebellion fighters(excluding the Y-wing) + the advanced models of Imperial fighters should have a small, very limited complement of missiles or torpedoes t launch at the enemies.


4. Hyperspace- If a ship is damaged beyond usefulness, you should be able to have the option of hyperspacing it out of the engagement zone to save the craft.  this is included to hyperspacing hyperspace capable fighter squadrons that have taken significant losses.  also this would be useful for hyping squadrons out when faced with numerable anit fighter forces.


5.Cloaking Tech- on select ships, such as capital ships, you should have the ability to cloak a ship for advanced scouting or to put a ship in a strategic position without letting the enemy know, but with this also include detectors for these ships.


6.Experience- ive noticed that several people have mentioned this one.  i agree.  if a ship/squadron/land squadron/tank group has survived more battles than a newly bought replacement, that experienced group should be able to defeat that unit with no troubles

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crud im sorry i know you said no more than one post, but i was kinda forced off the comp to do something and didnt want to write it all over becuase i mght not remember all my ideas.




7.  Damage persistance.  capital ships that ar damaged/squads that are missing fighters, should keep this damage until the ship has been repaired, or a replacement fighter has been recruted.


8. boarding/ground troops-  a faction in the galactic/singleplayer/skirmish version of the game should be able to board capital/frigate/crusier class ships and take them over.  in counter, a ship should hold a garrison of troops aboard of it to defend OR it should hold the ground units accompanying the fleet, this way you can kill the fleet above and go DIRECTLY into the ground battle. this way you will actually have to risk your ground troops as opposed to keeping them behind and bringing them in when its safe. a way to tell what is aboard what ship, you could click on the capital/frigate/cruiser class ship see the ship in the inventory slot at the bottom and see its complement of ground troops next to it, so you know which ship is more "valuable" than the others.


9. ...more fighting room.... PLEASE!!- ground battles would be more memorable if you actually had room to fight. the city-scape/canyons/land bridges are all good and well, but there are times when you need something like the naboo plains to line your forces up on one side of the plains and have your enemy on the other, and then duke it out.


10. AI-  smarten up the AI but please get rid of the cheating ability... im gettin a little... ...bewildered by the fact that the AI ALWAYS knows where my weakest points are. in the galactic AND in the battles.


11. hunt?- hunt... what? its only use is to see through the fog of war to the ships hiding on the outer rim of the maps, and for some odd enough reason it can see into the nebula fields... ...so its a cheating unit... interesting :-\


12. Planet nukeability- im surprised... so much talk about planetary bombardment before the game but no1 has actually mentioned something about it. having the option to bombard the enemies defenses to soften them up would and could be awesome.  only certain ships should have this ability having the intensity of the bombardment could be arranged by what capital ships you have in orbit i.e. a ISD/mon cal would have a much higher damage rating than say a nebula/vic. just an idea....

Edited by The_talented
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I just want it to be more realstic with better AI.  In fact I'd pay for realsm/AI + more units + more good voice acting + better strategic AI + more variety in land/space battle.  That's all I want.  I don't need a true expansion.
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Things I would like to see in an EAW expansion would be:


To me the timeline doesn't really matter. Could be the same but expanded in the sense of more research, and more units.


1. Optional teamdamage, area bombing etc. has no effect on my own units.


2. Optional collision detection, units shouldn't be able to move through eachother and should not be able to use weapons through objects like asteroids


3. Some basic RTS commands/options like being able to move units in formation (although the manual says single-clicking will move units in formation at the speed of the slowest unit. I don't see them moving in formation.) and being able to force units to stay at their current location, no wandering.

Being able to send spaceships in a direct line to a new position on the map or give them the order to avoid hazards like Nebulae Ion Storms and Asteroid Fields (do I take the risk or play safe). Now it's just guess work. Some ships will move through hazards, some take the long road.


4. A map/galaxy editor that allows bigger maps/galaxies and/or a random map generator. If a map generator is implemented I would suggest that once a planet is generated it should be the same for the duration of the Campaign/Galaxy Conquest. Being able to save random generated maps would be great if you get a nicely generated map.

Makes it much more "re-playable". Value for money.


5. Being able to decide where I build my structures on the planet. I'm the commander, so I should be able to decide where I build my Light Factory or my Shield Generator. Also optional for those not bothered about it.


6. Optional. Being able to edit the hardpoints on ships/stations when you first build them. Pimping a ride after it was build would be great too. So you make a standard ship, send it to a pimping station and edit the hardpoints.


7. Persistant damage. Hospital ships/buildings instead of or in conjunction with bacta tanks. And engineer units for repairing land vehicles. Spacedocks for ship repairs (an optional hardpoint on a station or even a separate space station).


8. More research/tech levels. I would love to see that I'm able to research different technologies to reach the end goal without allways ending up with the same tech at the end. ( I hope this makes sense...)


9. The option to let planetary bonuses count only for that certain planet. Now most planetary bonuses are galaxy wide. For instance 20% price reduction for certain units should only be for units built on that planet. Upgrades for units should only be installed if a unit actually visits the facility/planet.


10. More control over units when I start a battle (this should actually be patched for this version of EAW but that's maybe just me). Fleet commanders all end up on the same ship. The computer decides which ships start a battle. Although the computer selects a balanced fleet it's not what I prefer. On land combat it's allways the heaviest unit that lands first, I would like more control over that as well.



11. Being able to capture disabled ships and put them into action on your side.

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First I'd like to thanks Petroglpyh for an excellent game.  You've got massive long-term potential here, and I hope you get to add to it really fleshing out the Star Wars universe, and the ability for arm-chair generals and movie fans a-like to immerse themselves in this game.


Wow, LOTS of excellent ideas here.  I too would like to see the game start around the "Empire Strikes Back" movie, but then proceed to include all the technology that the game "Star Wars X-Wing Alliance" had.  I loved all the experimental ships that were done in the game.  Go here for a list of all those ships and pictures of them:  http://www.xwaupgrade.com/  Units like the Tie Interceptor and B-Wing should have been in the game already, but I'd gladly pay for them in an expansion pack (as long as campaign AI is attended to).


* Get rid of nebulas, asteroids, etc in Space Battles.  The grid is distracting from the immersiveness, the asteroids, nebula etc - all get in the way of what you're trying to do in a space encounter.  It's difficult enough with such large & small units and trying to be in the fun - and the aforementioned articles get in the way of that.


* Veterancy might be a nice thing for all the units.  Not giving them extra special abilities or special attacks, but increase the amount of damage, defense, accuracy - something like that for units that make it through battles..


* Majorpayne wrote this and I wholeheartidly agree:  "Another something I'd love to see would be a redesign of the tactical cine camera. Basically during combat (space more than anything), I'd like to be able to have an option to click a unit and follow that unit as I'm a little tired of seeing the camera tracking action and then changing to show nothing but empty space."


* Just a thought, but maybe Fog of War should be removed entirely (in space and on land)?


* I should decide what space units go into battle.  The computer shouldn't make that decision for me when I have more units than the population cap allows.


* Larger Galaxy map for normal campaign mode single play.


* Hero units sway battles too much.  Lower their offensive power.


* Allowing us to play as Pirates would be pretty darn cool.  The "I'm not joining the Rebels OR the Imperials!" attitude :)


* I'd like to see more customizable options in the game for the player... and I would really like to see the ground combat revamped.  Right now ground combat is kind of... tedious.  That's the only way I can describe it.  I think I find it tedious because of the limited build potentials and most times each map progresses the same way each time.  Now tedious may seem derogatory, but I found many of the maps in Rise of Nations tedious (actually Space Rangers 2 was like this also).  For some odd reason when you have such a cool strategic layer, that the way games that are designed around this end up being tedious.  I think it's because it's a fore-gone conclusion you're going to somehow win - and you're just getting through the land-map to get back to your game.  I think this is the real reason why most people skip land combat later in their full campaign.


* The unit cap is poorly done right now (for single player campaign).  If you have the money/financing/resources you should be to send 10 AT-AT's into battle, instead of being forced to use a much lower mix of units... - it might be fun to introduce metals, rare elements, radioactive compounds etc into the strategic elemnet of the game.  The limitation of resources could be a better way than population cap to limit the building of super-sized forces.


*  A real tenacious focus on your part to better the AI.  Everyone says "Good AI is hard to do".  We know that, but I'd personally pay money for a new expansion pack that focues on AI.  Despite multiplayer trends - the main portion of pc gamer play games in single player modes.  We play games to get away from all the troubles of life on this planet... and much of that is to get away from other humans.  I like playing single player since I don't have to synchronize times with a friend... I don't have to worry about l33t speak... I don't have to worry about quitters... I don't have to worry about a power-gamer who's a trillion times better than me... and I don't have to deal with time issues.  The mp voice is always loudest - but is still the minority.


* A replay option.  I mention this elsewhere in my post... but if I focus on strategy during a game, I miss all the wonderful close-in battle views.  With a replay mode, we could zoom in for the movie effect and re-watch how a battle plays out.  There's a reason we re-watch Star Wars movies so much - and it's to re-live the amazing universe and for the wonderful action sequences.   


* Ship naming.


* Persistent Damage.


* Luke Skywalker should be a playable figure... even though he's as whiny as me :)


How to help make groun combat better?  Well that's a tough question to answer.  It's no fault of the developers really, since technically on it own... it's like having a whole extra game.  So here's some not-necessarily-linked ideas (and I'm talking non-story mode):


1. Fewer ground battles.  Maybe have an option where certain kinds of engagements have no possability of being played out manually, and only have "zoom in" for special or huge battles.  Or even have it be random so you're rewarded with ground battle.  This way when you get to land battles you feel privledged instead of burdoned.


2. Change the way maps are done.  Make maps with fewer chokepoints and more opnen areas so we don't need to baby-sit units so much.  Thus the person with the larger/better force is "more likely" to win, but good strategy can help make up the difference.  Then in the game it becomes a war of attrition for the person outnumbered... make the enemy pay even if you know you're going to lose.


3. Get rid of build pads.  I hate build pads.  I like being able to set up my own defenses - 30 laser turrets in a solid wall if I like.  There's a fun strategy element of making your own city (so-to-speak) for defense/offense - and the whole build pad thing does away with that.


4. Create a seperate realism mode for campaign play. Rock-Paper-Scissors may be fine for balance and on-line play, but it makes you have to babysit your units too much.  Click this unit to specifically attack that unit - repeat in finitum.  This makes combat tedious.  Allowing people to focus on the greater strategy is more fun.  I think it's more fun to send units on feints, counterattacks, come arounds etc etc - than "click the infantry and make sure they only attack other infantry casue they're useless otherwise".  Once again you end up babysitting units.  One of the positive aspects of such a change would be to allow us greater freedom to use the battlecam.  You really can't zoom in or use the battle-cam because of all the micro you have to do... HOWEVER... if you added a replay option - so we play out a whole battle, then can go back in, replay the battle and view the whole thing from battle-cam or level 3d mode that would be fine.  One of the cool aspects of this game is replaying what we see in the movies... but when you have a lot of micro you can't do that if you're unwilling to get trounced.

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1. Diplomacy- you got to have diplomacy. 2. More maps- you got to have more maps{bigger} 3. Greater time coverage- make it from Ep.1 to Ep.6. 4. Different characters- we want a whole lot of different characters. Cain, I know you and your people can do this, this is an excellent game, let's make it alot better. Bring it out whenever it get's finished. Edited by buzz
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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1) Prequel era ships and factions (droid armies, clonetroopers, ARC-170 fighters, Jedi generals)

2) Support for more than two playable factions at once (kinda limiting on the modding aspect having it capped at two, since you have to replace an old faction to get your new one in)

3) Map/Mission/Campaign Editor

4) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Lua Editor (these files can't be touched as it is)

5) Super Star Destroyer ;D

6) ALSO EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Model import program or something (to add new models in-game)

7) Ability to assign the textures used by units to have more variation in units used by multiple factions (instead of the auto-assign with the current version to one default texture). This way you could make different textures for units you put in multiple factions without them all looking relatively the same.


Just some stuff I thought would make the game more interesting (1 and 5) and much more mod-friendly (all the rest). I think these are probably doable, and relatively simple (maybe, don't really know), yet very important for making better mods. Thanks for reading! ;D


EDIT: OMG, almost forgot: make AT-ST strong against infantry or something, because it's completely useless as it is now. It gets slaughtered by Plex Soldiers and can't do good damage to anything except Anti-Infantry Turrets.




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Things I'd like to be put into an addon:




I'm sick of the Rebels ganging up on me with a massive squad that consits solely of fighters and corvettes. 




I think the scale of many of the units are pathetic.  The Gallofree transport should be big, and the Nebulon should be big also.  Victories are patheticly sized, and the fighters are driven by retards.  Don't get me started on ISD's.




The space maps are too small.  And they're covered in crap they don't need.  WE NEED ROOM FOR SSD'S!




The galaxy needs to be bigger.  MUCH bigger.  And their is evidence of planets being added in and taken out (as seen on my list of hidden stuff topic). 




We all know who won the Galactic Civil War, but still, Rebel ships SHOULD NOT BE SO STRONG!  I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!  The Rebels were so hard pressed to fight the Empire that they had to use tactics.  Here, they just overwhelm the Imperials.  IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND.




There's a reason this game is called Empire at War.  That means it has to be in the days of the EMPIRE.  I think they should add in a campaign that goes all the way to at least after the Truce at Bakura.  Because the Ssi-Ruuk truly do pwn.  Truly.




The hidden units in the game are awesome, but we, the modders have to bring them out.  Some of them are really cool (like the Penguin!).




The vehicles are pathetic against infantry (with the exception of the TIE Mauler).  The vehicles should be unstoppable power houses (especially for the Empire).




Name says it all.  The vehicles, like the Mon Cal Cruiser are unique in everyway; not one was exactly like another.  It would help the game feel realistic. 




Or at least GUI support for more than two.  It would help modders alot.




The ability to talk peacefully and make alliances with smaller factions would be very helpful.  It would also add realisticity.




Yeah.  It would add a bit of realisticity to the game (because it looks strange when your units are bombarded by your own bombing run and survive while everything else dies)




The Katarn-class Boarding shuttle is a shuttle that drives through the hull plating of a ship and creates an opening that allows units to board the ship and take it over.  It would be a nice addition to the game, don't you think?


That's it for now. 




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Something to consider for troop landings is the size of the troop force. Instead of the Gallowfree if its a large enough force then how about using an acclamator (considering that they actually are for landing a large scale assault force). Also a more diversified selection of troop based units, such as those that can truely infiltrate enemy structures and perhaps give positions away, spotters (similair to those seen on Hoth). Sniper units (yes I know the current infiltrator uses a sniper rifle), which speficially use a great deal of stealth and are effective only against enemy troops. More command style troops which could allow for larger squads (for example, if you have a field commander as you have now, you could limit the amount of troop deployments to 5 or 6 squads. Then again if you deployed a General, then you could have 10 or 15 squads. The same could go for fleet command structure as well).


Also ground based units which are inside structues with only troop based combat available, and I still believe that the cinematic camera should be change to allow you to follow single units instead of it choosing what it wants to show.

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1. Commando Teams that can be set against Empire Ships or Sent to the Ground if a HVG is present and Sabotage it.

2. More Planets!

3. The Yuuzhan Vong!

4. Bothan Assualt Cruiser!

5. Solo Twins + Leia.

6. Noghri + homeworld

7. a revised Galactic map with Places more realistically placed in conjucture with the SWM released Galactic map.

8. Chiss

9. basically more units including Judder Page, and Pash Cracken's A-Wing Group!




I Support the Resistance!

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