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Observations after the first max sized Galactic Conquest


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Well, I played a little bit of the Rebel campaign, and then said "To hell with this, I want WAR", and switched to Galactic Conquest mode. I played as the Empire, on the largest size map, and here are my thoughts in the aftermath, in no particular order:


1) Although it says the population cap is 20, in my final battles I was running Accuser, 1 Star Destroyer, 3 Victory Destroyers, 5 Tartan Cruisers, an Interdicter, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, with Tarkin on the Death Star. This said Pop: 21/20 on all of my battles. I also had 10 more Star Destroyers in reserve... just erm... in case ;). Anyways, that is over 20 even if the Accuser and the Heroes are free. Im not sure if this was a bug or what, but it made me invincible. It was way too many TIEs for the Rebels to deal with, and the 5 Tartans melted their waves of fighters like they werent even there.


2) The Empire has a massive advantage with its free, replenishing fighters. With the Emperor and the planet that cost reduces your Tartans, they cost next to nothing, and 4 of them instantly negate any amount of "whatever-wings" the Rebels might throw at you. The AI does not seem to focus fire them appropriately. It loves to build Fighters and it hates to target your Tartans. Honestly, I felt that the Tartans were a little overpowered. I would have tried playing without them entirely if there were any other way to deal with 20 squadrons of fighters that come wave after wave in the giant battles.


3) Perhaps I wasn't doing something right, but the Acclamators seemed "nearly" worthless to me. They are cheap, of course, but considering both an Acclamator and a VSD cost 3 towards your population limit, and VSDs are about 3x as good, it seemed like a no-brainer to never build an Acclamator again past a certain (and fairly early) point in the game. This is probably an intentional design decision, of course.


4) The Galactic-level AI seemed pretty decent. They attacked me where I was weak. They raided strong planets with weak garrisons. In space, the only thing lacking seemed their inability to target my Tartans, and the horrible decisions they would make to retreat their fleet only once 90% of it had been destroyed. An Interdictor actually turned out to be fairly unneccesary, because the AI would not retreat until they had lost most of their force in the first place. This was probably my biggest dissapoint with the game. There were so many battles that the AI should have retreated from when it saw my force. I know I retreated numerous times from the AI, but at the start of a hopeless battle, not at the end of one. Perhaps on Hard difficulty the AI will make better decisions in this regard, I can only hope.


5) Land battles. Wow, these got tedious unfortunately quickly. The alliance CONSTANTLY harrassed me with those worthless Sniper guys, and only once or twice mounted a coherent counter-attack when I invaded their planets. Also, the fog of war is just too much. They should have to have communication jammers of some sort for you to not know where, at the very least, their buildings are. On some planets, its obvious, on others... not so much so. But let me tell you, I got so sick of running around looking for that last remaining sniper that I REJOICED when the Death Star reached completion.


6) Turbolaser Turrets on ground maps. Um..... does anyone else think these things are laughably overpriced? 4000? I mean, they arent bad, but they certainly are in no way the equivalent of a Star Destroyer.


and last


7) The Death Star. This thing is awesome. I realize the smart way to play it is to not even enter a system with it until the System is in your orbital control. I also got a definite smile when I saw the AI had automatically placed Tarkin on the Death Star. Move your mouse when the firing cinematic starts, its way cooler to actually see the planet explode in context of the ongoing battle than to watch the cinematic. I couldnt figure out how the Rebels could actually destroy it. I know it involves Luke and Red Squadron, but there was a battle in which Red Squad was engaged (the final battle... well, not the final final, but the battle after which the Rebels lost, they could never recover), and I sent Vader, Boba, all my TIEs, and my 5 Tartans (with MAXIMUM FIREPOWER!) against him, and he gibbed like he just took a Rocket Launcher point blank in Doom. I suppose when I play as the Alliance I'll have to figure out how to actually destroy the thing!


Overall, I'd say its a pretty darn good game. I look forward to playing on the hardest setting. I think with a few minor AI-tweaks, the game would be great. For one, the Rebel AI needs to not think that building 7 of those one-man sniper units is not an army, its an annoying mess that takes 15 minutes to track down and kill. I refused to auto-resolve after I lost 3 AT-ATs in my one auto-resolve attempt... when I would generally lose perhaps 1 if the AI was feeling really feisty if I did it manually.


I'd love to hear any comments, or other people's post game impressions! Back I go... as a Rebel. :)

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Err, wow, you were able to finish a game in one day?  ???


no offense dude but campaigns in every RTS never last more then a day. Youve been harping on this game non stop from them releasing a patch today as a bad when it fact thats awesome to this.


I havent seen a single PC game released in years that takes more then a day. Plus he played a single campaign empire at war has a dozen or more "campaigns" before you even hit multiplayer.

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Thanx for the feedback ShockMeSane . All of the issues that you mention will be fixed in the mods. I have a pretty clear picture in my mind of what needs to be done - EAW needs a PTESB like mod that polishes the game to 100%.


He he he - I think its time to give Petroglyph a nice surprise ... I just need to get the copy.

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Shock hits the nail on the head about i feel about most of the gam as well after playing for 14 hours now lol.


i 150% agree with points 1 and 2 thought those free fighters with tartans are insane even more so when playing vrs a good player.

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Just thought I'd report back on my progress as the Rebels, in case anyone is curious. This time I played on one of the smaller maps, starting tech 1, only 20ish systems, again on medium difficulty because I hadn't played the rebels and thought I should at least try to get comfortable with their units before I went to hard. Some thoughts, once again in no particular order of importance:


1) The Rebel tech-progression is more entertaining than the Empire. Heh. Something more fun about stealing tech with R2D2, even though it all evens out to about the same amount of time and money invested.


2) Playing as the Rebels further reinforced my thoughts on the Empires free-fighter advantage. Yes, the Rebels get a 5 higher population cap, but if the Imperial is only running 3 Tartans at once, he can pump out an absolutely ridiculous (especially when you are attacking a high level Star Base) amount of (practically) never ending Fighter waves at you.


I really felt like for their cost, only Y-Wings were worth it, and even then, only to knock out the shield generators on Star Destroyers. Its a suicide run, as the AI, and I presume any human player will always have at least 3 tartans in any fleet sitting right behind their Star Destroyers. Honestly, towards the end I used only 5 Y-Wing squads, and filled the rest of my slots with Missle Corvettes (which are hawt, 5 of those can knock out critical, shielded hardpoints with extreme speed) and Calamaris. The TIE Bombers did not seem to target my Calamari's shield generators nearly as much as the Y-Wings do when you play against the AI, which is a bit strange.


3) The Rebels have a really nice luxury, which is, you don't need to build nearly as many ground troops as the Empire. Since you are not in danger of being raided, you can focus about 75% of your income towards your fleets, while the Empire has to take a more balanced approach in spending because EVERY planet must be at least reasonably garrisoned with something that has a prayer against 2 heroes and 4-5 other squads.


4) Something rather strange happened, I'm not sure if its a bug or a "feature". On this map, there were only 2 planets capable of producing the "Battleships", Fondor and Mon Calamari. Sullust and Kuat were not on the map, as it was only 20 or so systems. However, I took Fondor from the Empire relatively early, and even then, I believe it had a level 2, MAYBE 3 Starbase. Mon Calamari remained neutral for quite some time because my fleet in that part of the galaxy was busy blockading the chokepoint from a ridiculous Imperial Fleet that scared the $&%^ out of me and would periodically maraud into the eastern outern rim.


Well, as the game went on, the Empire kept building Star Destroyers. I could only build them at Fondor, and it required I believe a level 4 or 5 Starbase. So anyways, I'm not sure what was up with that. Honestly I didn't mind, because the AI didn't seem at all intent on capturing Fondor back or making a run at Mon Calamari as a human would have done. If your opponent has access to Star Destroyers or Mon Cals in any number and you don't, its game over really quickly. Well, that and the fact that you almost cant assault a level 5-6 Starbase without them.


5) This is more of a tip than anything. When fighting level 2+ Starbases, the smartest thing you can do is arrange some sort of blitzkrieg on the Hanger. When the Hanger is destroyed, it not only stops the infinite fighter reinforcement, but more importantly, the constant Tartan/Acclamator reinforcements which will wear you down with a quickness if not dealt with. Higher level Starbases take a while for even 2 Cals/SDs + posse to kill, so the Hanger and the Shields definitely need to be your priority. I'd recommend the Proton Torpedo launchers follow, as they pass through shields and can actually cause significant damage/destruction to your fleet if left intact too long. I only mention this because if I had known blowing up the Hanger stops the hyperspacing in reinforcements, I would have done it my first game and saved myself a whole lot of grief.


6) I didn't get to blow up the Death Star, because they just never got the chance to build it. In fact, they only probably fielded 5-6 Star Destroyers outside the Accuser throughout the course of the comparitively short game. Not really complaining though, I probably only built about 12 Mon-Cals, and I could see I had the game won relatively early. Maybe next time!


7) Nebulan Bs suffer from the same problem that Acclamators do, namely, they become fairly obsolete once you research Assault Frigates, which are noticeably more powerful for a fairly negligible price increase. If you manage to take Fondor, the Assault Frigate actually costs LESS than a Nebulan-B, which didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, because if you use them side by side in battle, there is no comparison, the Assault Frigate is practically worth 2 Nebulons. Of course, I feel the same way about Acclamators vs VSDs, but at least the VSDs cost considerably more, making Acclamators an essential early game and occassionally tempting mid-game investment.


8) Land Battles: Auto-calc'd them all. I knew I'd find a way to break the auto-calc, and that way is (drumroll), Snow Speeders. Yes, you can combine them and the two basic infantry units in massive numbers to auto-calc your way out of anything, and they cost next to nothing and take no time to produce. A cheap way to handle it I realize, but the Rebellion is even less appealing to me in land combat than the Empire, seeing as they lack any unit with a cool factor (or effectiveness) anywhere near the AT-AT. You can win with AT-ATs just by dropping 5 at your base, dropping your free 10 squads of Stormtroopers, and zerging with the AT-ATs coming in behind the Stormtroopers. The Stormtroopers are infinitely-replenishable, so you can basically just jihad them into whatever you want. Although this does "feel" like playing the Empire, it really is a little cheesy and the AI has no counter for it that I've seen. My first game as the Empire I pretty much conquered the entire galaxy with Veers and 7 AT-ATs (With the 1-man army that is the Emperor as my main source of amusement). A substantial investment to be sure, but I only ever lost one or two them, and it was due to laziness, not any great manuevering by the enemy.


9) Another bug/feature. The Emperor and Mon Mothma both reduce production costs by 25%, which is a very noticeable amount (Every 4th Star Destroyer is free for example, saves you what, 4500?). Smart players will queue up a build list at the leaders planet, and then move them to another planet. Once something is in your production queue, it has been paid for, whether or not the leader remains, you get the price reduction. This seemed a little cheesy to me, so I didn't do it against the AI. However, people will surely abuse this in multiplayer.


Anyways, I had alot of fun, to be sure. I could just totally be missing something, but Corvettes seem to do everything A-Wings and X-Wings do, but better and with less casualties. THe same goes for the TIE Fighters to be sure, but they at least are free. In a war of attrition against an equally skilled player, I fear the cost of your Y-Wing kamikazie might be the final undoing of the rebellion player. Anyways, between that and the Nebulon B vs Assault Frigate cost issues, the game seems fairly well balanced. Calamari vs Star Destroyer really is a good fight, though I am 100% certain the Star Destroyer would win 100% of the time in a 4 unit capacity vs 4 unit cap fight because of the TIEs. Of course, the Calamari also costs noticeably less, so thats probably fine.


Still want to hear other peoples impressions :)

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wow didnt realize that about the leaders lol explains why loki moved his around today :)


Anyway i should also point the empire has a HUGE advantge in taking pirate planets, the most lost ships are fighter suqads and since there are free they can just keep going while rebels have to stop to replace theres.

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to answer some of your obsivatoins


death srtar comes with free star destroyers and tartans


the empire has more of a risk loosing shields because mon cals shields cant be targeted


the aclamitor is more well rounded and has a torpedo launcher, then the vsd, but its a tech one, so sure it sucks. i think the nebulen b has antie corvette and antie fighter guns while the asualt frigate has anti corvette and anti frigate guns

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i think the nebulen b has antie corvette and antie fighter guns while the asualt frigate has anti corvette and anti frigate guns

They both have the same number and type of guns, 2 turbolasers and 2 laser cannons. The assult frigate has more advanced weapons than the nebulon.

"For every TIE fighter you shoot down, a thousand more rise to take its place"

-Baron Fel


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no offense dude but campaigns in every RTS never last more then a day.


you have got to be kidding me. ever play Rome Total War? if you have then you know that compelete conquest on uber hard takes atleast 2 weeks maybe a month (depending on if you play ALLL day and super good it's 2 weeks) a month for normal players


anyways if you try rtw with mods like rtr and such, then you can get games going that could take a cupple months +. nubian campain is the only one that took me more then a month though with that you start out with negitive cash :-P, scatterd units, lots of land between your cities which takes forever to get an army to a weak zone. and your right next to the easyist nation to play (carthiginians) which makes it near impossiable to beat.... (BUT I HAVE!)


sorry to rant. but it's just funny to hear someone say that

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Yeah... RTW had long campaigns, but if you want a truly long campaign Star Wars: Rebellion multiplayer will take you FOREVER! Especially if you're both good.

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you have got to be kidding me. ever play Rome Total War? if you have then you know that compelete conquest on uber hard takes atleast 2 weeks maybe a month (depending on if you play ALLL day and super good it's 2 weeks) a month for normal players


anyways if you try rtw with mods like rtr and such, then you can get games going that could take a cupple months +. nubian campain is the only one that took me more then a month though with that you start out with negitive cash :-P, scatterd units, lots of land between your cities which takes forever to get an army to a weak zone. and your right next to the easyist nation to play (carthiginians) which makes it near impossiable to beat.... (BUT I HAVE!)


sorry to rant. but it's just funny to hear someone say that



LOL just because you take along time does not mean everyone else will, i can beat RTW useing my fav mod SPAQ in about 2-3 days sometimes 4 depending on what faction i use, i spend 15-20 hours a day to do that but i can do it and have done it.


Also most of the time in RTW is spent moving your army more then anything else EAW just speeds that part up, but with the slowest speed setting you can slow it down and i am sure mods will being adding in hundreds of planets+ even slower speeds for the die hards who want truly long epic wars.

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you have got to be kidding me. ever play Rome Total War? if you have then you know that compelete conquest on uber hard takes atleast 2 weeks maybe a month (depending on if you play ALLL day and super good it's 2 weeks) a month for normal players


anyways if you try rtw with mods like rtr and such, then you can get games going that could take a cupple months +. nubian campain is the only one that took me more then a month though with that you start out with negitive cash :-P, scatterd units, lots of land between your cities which takes forever to get an army to a weak zone. and your right next to the easyist nation to play (carthiginians) which makes it near impossiable to beat.... (BUT I HAVE!)


sorry to rant. but it's just funny to hear someone say that



true, but you cant compare rome total war with eaw in a long shot. first, it takes several turns to build your army if your playing the vanilla game. so it takes several turns to build up an army

then you need to make sure your not getting in the red what forces you to do alot of checking your cities and stuff

those factors make that it are long campaigns;

in eaw you build the units in real time so you don have to hit that next turn button every time, plus you dont have to wait for the computer to make a move.

and i did not play the game on hard mode, but it took me 92 days ingame to get to the last mission on easy, and there are still alot of planets open.

What could increase the time of the campaign:

revolts on your core planets wher you have stationed almost nothing of armies.

more random events like you need to bribe planet x otherwise it will revolt and your amries are several days away, and so can the revolt spread...


what i am saying is: what the game does not have now:, will it get from the modding community.


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I just thought I'd mention in response to Calamari Cruisers, yes, you can destroy their shield generators, and quite easily at that. The Death Star putting a few units into battle for free makes a lot of sense, actually. And of course, on a fleet that size you would be tempted to use Tarkin for the +25% fleet strength, though you can't retreat with him on your fleet.
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I just completed my first large galatic conquest game and while it was a blast at first I did find myself  growing tired or somewhat repetitive rts gameplay *thank you auto-reslove!* and longing for more options on the galatic map.


Here is my list of Pros and Cons



-The graphics are great and really convey the Star Wars feel.

-I like the ease of use of the Galatic Map. 

-Ship naming works as designed and I was happy to see that ships retain their names in the galatic map as opposed to being randomly    generated every battle but I wonder why their names cannot be displayed on the galatic map?

-I found the AI to be pretty good on the galatic level in regards to tactics.  I liked how the rebels raided my planets and their fleet picked apart some of my border guards.

-Hero units appeared much more balanced then in the demo


-Random events/missions are a bit wonky for my taste.  For example, rebel planets converted to the Empire for no apparent reason *why no diplomacy!* and the event designed to give me credits are useless as my coffers have not run dry since very early on.

-The AI makes some odd building choices with some unbalanced fleets.

-It is very easy to win by simply building an *uber* fleet stacked with ISD's and AT-AT's  No need to build anything else. 

-There is no sense of player attachment to any units because heros are immortal and the capital ships lack personality due to no experience system/no persistant damage/fast build times/no tracking of victories etc.  Instead of, "OMG they just destroyed the Home One and its experienced crew which killed the blank, blank and blank"; its, whoops there goes the home one, see you again Akbar in 2 min. 

-While planets have unique maps, they have no personality beyond what the info screen tells you.  Their populations are just as happy to be under the thumb of the Empire as they are to embrace the Republic. 

-You need to build the same defences everytime a planet is invaded.  Why do my turrets/repair pads dissapear every battle?

-The "battle upgrades" need to be purchased every battle.  While this makes sense for multiplayer skirmish, its retarded for galatic conquest.  I just upgraded the Bombard yesterday over Korriban, why do I need to "research" the same upgrade over Mon Calamari?

-Research as the Empire is a bad joke on gameplay.


For a real time strategy game I'd give EAW an 8.5 out of 10.  What it does well, it does very well and while there are some gameplay issues, none of them are true game breakers  ;)  However for capturing the starwars universe, I would give it a 5.0  The graphics, sound, and battles are pure starwars; however, to me the galatic conquest mode lacks character attachment, political intrigue, and full immersion into the star wars universe. 


Roll on the Mods  ;D

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Yea, there should almost certainly be permanent Hero death in the cases of everyone except Luke and R2-D2. Its so anticlimactic to destroy Home One and then see it back in the next major fleet engagement. The same goes for the Accuser, of course. Also, on medium, the AI has very little clue on how to handle high level starbases. I have defeated some fairly ridiculous fleets with only a level 5 starbase, which although a huge investment in resources, virtually guarentees that the AI will never conquer a system.


I would really like to see the AI make higher level Starbases as well. My last game I was the Empire, and as I assaulted their last system, Hoth, i was up against a level 3 Starbase, Home One, an additional Calamari Cruiser, 2 assault frigates, 4 nebulon-bs, TWENTY FIVE corvettes, 8 missle frigates, 5 missle vets, and around 20 squads of every fighter-type. Now, is it just me, or is this a ridiculous amount of fleet to not have at least a level 4 Starbase. Also, the AI always way overbuilds both Tartans and Corvettes, which makes building large amounts of fighters as the Rebels totally fruitless. Just some thoughts.

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In my experience today, with the patch...


The Alliance often actually does retreat! My forces have entered a system with, say, an Imperial SD and three or four Victories and the Alliance, if they realise they won't be able to stan dup to it, just take the option to zoom away from it. :)


The AT-AT does not have infinitely replenishing soldiers in it! Neither does the Star Destroyer have of its craft! The maximum I've been able to have the AT-AT give are two groups of soldiers. the thing can lumber around for ages and the option to use that special ability never turns up again. Similarly, after a certain number of TIEs, the Star Destroyer seems to lack the ability to produce them. It means that there is a finite number for both of those.


One thing I thought was weird had been when I tried to command a ship to attack a unit and it headed away from it - or so I had thought. It turned out that most of its turbolasers were destroyed on the nearest side, so it was simply turning around to bring the maximum to bear on where it was meant to!


An interesting experience, so far.


My biggest problem with it, is that it didn't follow the model of other games and have the units able to be selected below, on tabs, which forced me to hunt around for Tartans, TIEs and other units, which sometimes weren't even visible on the relevant area being viewed on screen. That needs to be altered.

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Star Destroyers do indeed have a limit, something like 12 squads of TIEs all together. They do not reproduce them no matter how long the battle goes, unless I totally missed it.


AT-ATs DO have an infinite number of troops in them, but only 2 squads can be out at once. Try it. Drop 2 squads, run them into the enemy base. You will be able to produce another 2 squads, I promise you, as I've done it many times.


Also, I've been playing the last few games on hard. The AI is not any better as far as I can tell, they simply do ridiculous cheats. For example, I had just moved to take Fondor from the Empire, and had defeated the two Stardestroyers (haha... it had a level 2 Starbase, and it was their only planet that could produce Star Destroyers. Hilarious that the AI apparently doesnt have any build restrictions there) there, along with a sizeable garrison of those annoying missle ships that are only good vs Starbases that the computer is so fond of. The Accuser along with about 3 VSDs, 4 Acclamators and a complement of Tartans and Missle Frigates attacked me at Dagobah, a system that can only support a level 2 Starbase which was annihilated despite the contingent of several Assault Frigates and Corvettes I had garrisoned there. Since this left my shipyards at Bespin, at the time my primary Shipyard, open to attack, I had to withdraw from Fondor before I could capture it to deal with the Accuser.


Well as you can guess, I sent the Accuser fleeing with Ackbar and gang, and upon my return to Fondor.... the EXACT SAME GARRISON. Two star destroyers, etc. Later in the game I encountered Star Destroyers in parts of the galaxy it was simply not possible for them to be at, the Empire had lacked a major shipyard and those planets had been cut off for a long, long time. If those Star Destroyers had been there at the start, the Empire should have just crushed me in the first 3 days. You know, it wouldnt have annoyed me if the Starbase and entire massive garrison hadn't instantly replaced itself. Of course I only lost 1 Correlian Missle Frigate assaulting the 2 star destroyers +star base, because the computer is dumb. :)


I eventually tired of fighting endless waves of mystically appearing Star Destroyers and made a dash for the Emperor. My population had to be constantly capped so I could defend myself and keep up the attack on one front. On any difficulty except hard, my population has basically never hit cap. This is fine, because it keeps you busy and cautious, but I really loathe when people use ridiculous cheating to compensate for a generally lacking artificial intelligence. Naturally, the Emperor was defended only by a level 4 starbase and some tartans and missle cruisers, although every other planet had an auto-garrison of 2 Star Destroyers at least. I have no idea how on earth that works out. Perhaps their cheating hyperspace Star Destroyer summoning portal doesnt work in the Core Worlds. I practically thought I was up against the Star Forge from KOTOR for a minute :P

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Finished up my first galactic conquest today. Imperial, Empire At War, medium difficulty. Probably significant : I cranked down the galactic game speed to the minimum (IMO, maximizing your effectiveness requires that you be able to actually -think- and thoroughly twiddle your economy).


I won on day 18. Controlled more than 1/3 but less than 1/2 of the galaxy. I didn't even realize it was that quick until I went back to check. I did it by accidentally (pure luck) catching Mon Mothma on Naboo (is it just me or does the Rebellion -really- like Naboo? They kept harrassing me during the main campaign, and they had mega factory presence there during the conquest) during a ground attack. There's that 3 planet cluster with Naboo, Tatooine, and some other planet. I sent in my assault fleet with my Emperor-enhanced ground assault force. As I engaged on Naboo, I saw Mon Mothma show up in the little preview window. Battle was easy and even though I gave them every oppurtunity to retreat, they didn't. Mon Mothma was apparently hanging out in a factory and refused to leave :/


The thing is - it was strange. a.) that battle should have been -hard-. They had no less than 6 factories on the planet. Every single slot was pumping out tanks (just m2b's). Even with my considerable forces + Emperor, they could have swarmed me and forced me to retreat.  b.) why the heck wouldn't they retreat practically immediately if Mon Mothma came under attack? I kind of wanted to continue the conquest because I was happily crushing the Rebels wherever I went.


I'd like a little more challenge, although I suspect hard would be too much of a pain int the a$$ for me.


Still. This is just a great great game. I'll just have to do some tweaking to squeeze a little more challenge out of everything.

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If you can build a Star Destroyer or Mon Calamari Cruiser on any planet other than Fondor, Sullust, Kuat, or Mon Calamari, with any less than a level 4 Starbase, you are playing a modded game.


Perhaps you should play the game before making blatantly incorrect statements about it.

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2) Playing as the Rebels further reinforced my thoughts on the Empires free-fighter advantage. Yes, the Rebels get a 5 higher population cap, but if the Imperial is only running 3 Tartans at once, he can pump out an absolutely ridiculous (especially when you are attacking a high level Star Base) amount of (practically) never ending Fighter waves at you.



This is a strength and a weakness.  As the Rebs I'll target the hanger on all imps capital ships first, this cuts off that lovely supply of ties. then my capital ships target their tartans and missile boats, eliminating them rather quickly leaving X/A wings to eliminate their fighters and Y wings to get rid of the rest of the enemy capital ships.  I've taken on fleets twice my size and still won with the Rebels.

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