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Re: New discovered level (Sort of)

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You know at the main menu and it shows that battle over that planet and it takes place around that huge space station?

I found a way to unlock it. if you extract the maps.meg file using a meg extractor, you will find a .ted file called "Front_end_demo_attract.ted" Apply this as a level by altering the planets.xml file, and you can play the battle from the main menu.(NOTE, I don't think the battle is winnable, because when i played it, i destroyed all enemy ships but i didn't win. Also, you get set ships,(I think)so if you enter the battle with say, 5 corellian corvettes, you only will have 3(I think), because thats the amount of corvettes it has in the battle when showed on the main menu.)I hope I didn't make this complicated for you. ;D ;D ;D

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oh, sound good, tell steller and cain, they will probebly find a way to get rid of the set ships

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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I just tried it with the raw demo(replaced Vergesso with the new map) and it started the Rebs with 2 Mon Cals, 3 Nebulon-Bs, 2 Assault Frigates, 2 Corellian Corvettes, 2 Corellian Gunboats, roughly 15 single X-Wings(not squadrons), and 1 Marauder Cruiser. It also gave me the level 5 space station. The only unit I actually brought with me was Han Solo...


The Imps started with 4 ISDs, 1 VSD, 1 INT, 2 ACCs, numerous Tartans, and 2-3 Broadside cruisers.


I won the battle, only lost 1 Mon Cal, 1 Assault Frigate, half the X-Wings, and the Marauder.

And when he reaches Heaven,

To St. Peter he will tell,

"Just another soldier reporting Sir,

I've served my time in Hell."

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The demo is so unbalaced, if you can get the map without pre readdy shipps tell me please

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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I just implemented this level into my game, and I must say that it was fun... however... I would prefer to be able to bring in my own units... so Im going to look around in the code to see what I can do. If I find anything, I will be sure to let you all in on how to make it to where no ships are present... maybe just the station.



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ive seen that map used in a mod.. but .. again with the units u see on the main menu.. thats the shell map i was talking about in another thread..


generals had the same thing.. and they were easy to make as long as u knew how to do the scripts in the map editor


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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