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Re: Official Topic - Warlord Total Expansion


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What space stations do you remember seeing as 3D models ? In the demo. I can't remember wich of them had 3D models the level 1 seems the most stabile and it has anyway the other stations stats.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Thank you. I may decide to change the difficulty settings .... try easy and see how it goes? Or I can decrease the income.


Btw I just enabled Zaarin and I got my but kicked. I need to stop the land structures spwaning troops to infinity.

Edited by Cain

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1. Hypervelocity Gun cost increased to 12000 credits and the requirements are tech level 5 and heavy construction buildning. Recharge time 35 sec from 15.

2. Ion Cannon cost increased to 8000. Recharge time 35 sec from 15 - No requirements needed.



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But for now I think I will just relax. No more modding for me for a couple of days.

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I played this mod yesterday, its a good mod, the only thing I see as a problem is that the AT will just swarm the player, even on Medium, if you try and attack a planet where they are pretty well set, they will win by sheer numbers.



do you mean AI

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


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Btw the TIE_Prototype is fully functional - too bad Vader is not on land :(

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I found a bug. It was random I think. I was Zairian, was on kessle, rebels sent a artillery unit(raid), I beat the *** out of them ;D.

They tried it again(after I conquered another planet) on the same planet

then right after I clicked 'begin battle', the game crashed?

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

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I played this mod yesterday, its a good mod, the only thing I see as a problem is that the AT will just swarm the player, even on Medium, if you try and attack a planet where they are pretty well set, they will win by sheer numbers.



I tend to agree, the V. 4 mod is excellent and the challenge is great. I've finaly managed to control the entire galaxy in space but even on easy mode (for the land battles)  just being able to deploy one At-At you loose over the sheer numbers on the ground even before you get the option for the bombing run. Usually my At-At is destroyed with half or 1/4 the bombing run timer still going. I've tried invading 10 times in a row, even using the allies on the map and still each battle the sheer numbers spawned on the planet never diminish. While I don't mind a challenge this is just brutal.  ;D

Edited by paperfly
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Good job with the mod Cain ;D, well everything seems ok, land battles and space battles, except one, there is a indestructible space station for the rebels in hoth  :( :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( :'( try to fix it, anyway, its the best mod, this most its almost near the full version jejeje, Congratulations


Edited: By the way its a Space Station Level 4

Sith Lord Darth V`rix


C&C Fan + SW Fan = EAW Fan (Thats me)

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Ok - cool


I will try to adress the both issues and probably have a 5.0 version for the weekend.

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Ohh by the way Cain, the victory class Destroyer doesnt spawn ties, its this correct or just another bug?? Check it too pls, and sorry for my spell errors, english, its not my primary language  :P ::)

Sith Lord Darth V`rix


C&C Fan + SW Fan = EAW Fan (Thats me)

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Excellent news you provided again with more fun while the retail version comes out, thanks.


Playing as Rebel: It seems than on land battles the Light Factory (Empire mini-tanks, AT-STs) of the imperials doesnt show up, it keeps spawning units and it cant be destroyed, it happened twice, on diferent planets, both of them with all its building slots or most of them used by the Empire which i dont know if it affected it.


Except for that, which makes impossible to take planets from the Empire if they have built the Light Factory, great job.



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Say, is it possible that the link is broken somehow? I tried downloading the mod and all I got was an empty ZIP-file which I was unable to open.


Other than that I know this is a great mod, I'll continue playing the older version until I'm able to get 4.0 from somewhere. :)


By the way - any plans on including Zaarin as a hero unit? You could probably give him an Imperial class Star Destroyer (the "Glory" was his flagship in the good old TIE-Fighter campaign) and then disable his options of building anything larger than a VSD (due to lack of support). This would fit perfectly with what has been said about the ship - "the appearance of the Glory usually indicated that the Admiral had personal interest in a matter". Give the player one or two more ISDs but don't let him build more, so he has to be cautious when employing these ships since only the "Glory" would respawn - after some time. As for the special ability besides the tractor beam I'd just give him either "Power to Shields" or "Power to Engines" (the "Glory" tended to retreat early when getting under fire) and add a few hitpoints to the ship to make it last a little longer than a standard ISD.


Maybe also make TIE Advanced (Vader's TIE with A-Wing stats?) squadrons buildable and label them as MK II. This would fit perfectly with Zaarin, too, since he had an edge in TIE technology and equipped some of his squadrons with low-power shield generators, too.


As for the ground troops you could only make pirate/mercenary units buildable, backed up by TIE tanks. Maybe modify their equipment so that Zaarin has a chance to stand against other armies with them. You could even let him still build some heavier Imperial units, but with ridiculously high cost (due to the need of bribing imperial commanders and their troops to join him) so he might still get his hands on an AT-AT if he is able to gather enough credits. But please let him land more than one unit at a time. ;)

All in all, Zaarin should have a small advantage in space combat (as long as the numbers are somewhat even) and a small disadvantage in ground battles.


Whew ... a lot of ideas. Well, it's your choice if you would want to include them. :)


Oh, and thanks for creating this mod.

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I will give to Zarrin ship its TIE Advanced .... just give me a moment. 5.0 will come today.

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I guess it will be a big day for mods today then...  ;D I'm going to release another version today.

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Here it is what I promised.


And the dude on the ship should be Zaarin since his forces can't train officers - I guess. As you can see I given him the fleet collor since this is prinarly a imp fleet revolt.


And his TIE Advanced are shielded - and close to TIE stats. Only hid Flag Ship can spwan them. His Flag ship can't respwan - but the Rebs and Imps can / The rebs will have 2 flag ships and the imps too.



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Renameing should be simple but I don't have time for that ... now.


5.0 is alomst ready.

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And those arent Scout models either, look closely


Yep. The X-1 is the most closest model to the MKII, I guess (after all, it's the direct predecessor). Maybe later Cain can exchange them with a real MKII model if someone makes it. From what I've seen around here there are a lot of talented modelers in these boards. :)

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