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Re: [ROR] A Taste of Rebellion (In Development)


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y-wings took out a venator in 5 2nds due to speed of torpedos and how slow they are, also because of hardpoints dieing so fast. I suggest applying a topedo limit on fighters. When they run out they would half to reload at a capital ship with hangers. Plus i suggest decreasing capital ship accuracy on hard points dramatically, add hull as a hardpoint for all ships, and make some ships have more than 1 shield generator. ISD has 2 domes on the bridge, same with sensors.
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Hardpoints each have a model of their own which attaches to the ship model through bones... until we can edit the models used in the game some of your suggestions will be impossible.  As far as just how effective your Y-wings were... How many did you send against it?


I know that torpedoes need to be dialed down in effectiveness, but I won't be able to do anything about it right now.  My CPU Fan on my machine just failed and I won't be able to do anything until I get it fixed.  Heck I was planning on releasing an update which changed the costs for everything and drastically changed the credit value of planets, many of which are next to worthless now (The credit value is based on taxable population and when Tatooine only has a population numbering in the hundreds of thousands it isn't able to provide much in the way of income, especially compared to the core worlds.  A large number of worlds actually don't provide any income what so ever now. [Hoth, Endor, Yavin, Dagobah])

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Hardpoints each have a model of their own which attaches to the ship model through bones... until we can edit the models used in the game some of your suggestions will be impossible.  As far as just how effective your Y-wings were... How many did you send against it?


I know that torpedoes need to be dialed down in effectiveness, but I won't be able to do anything about it right now.  My CPU Fan on my machine just failed and I won't be able to do anything until I get it fixed.  Heck I was planning on releasing an update which changed the costs for everything and drastically changed the credit value of planets, many of which are next to worthless now (The credit value is based on taxable population and when Tatooine only has a population numbering in the hundreds of thousands it isn't able to provide much in the way of income, especially compared to the core worlds.  A large number of worlds actually don't provide any income what so ever now. [Hoth, Endor, Yavin, Dagobah])


5 sqaudrons.

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Lets see... 5x12x2 = 120 Torpedoes


In X-wing: Bacta War a volley of 80 Torpedoes took down the dorsal shields of an Executor Class Star Dreadnaught, but I wouldn't give the Rogue Squadron series of books that much weight.  I could see 80 Torpedoes knocking down a shield system on an ISD, but not an ESD.  A volley of torpedoes from 5 Squadrons of Y-wings should destroy a Venator relatively quickly, perhaps not in 5 seconds but pretty quick.  What I'll need to do is add in a damage scaling routine into the Gameconstants.xml like I did with the other weapon systems.  Unfortunately my computer doesn't run because of the beforementioned fan issue, I've already order a replacement and I should be back up and running by the middle of the week.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Is "a taste of Rebellion" a title in reference to SW Rebellion game ? I mean, does this mod will try to make EAW more like SW Rebellion ?



Always up for a rebellion game,


Hardly waiting for a rebellion 2.

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it'd be great to see actual systems like in rebellion not just simple planets!


also it seems rather unfair that the rebellion is the underdog militarily, generally the underdog and the guerilla fighters (in this case the rebels) fight better but have far lesser numbers.

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A taste of Rebellion is a reference to the planned total conversion of EAW called Reality of Rebellion.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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You might say its a source of inspiration, but I'm also basing a lot from other sources including the books.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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My friends, I have good news! (No i didn't save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Gieco.) The replacement for my CPU Fan arrived today, hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things tonight and be able to release Beta V.02 either tonight or tommorrow.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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be this good news indeed ( ??? )

but why are the fighters figures of light?  ;D

seriously, all i see from my fighters are little dots of light lol.


i love venator scaling  ;D ;D ;D


Long live the Venator!

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Thats why its BETA  ;D


Fighters figures of light... I know they're small, but they're accurate to size (Actually they're not, they're about 2x actual size but close enough while still being visible).


Hmm... I don't remember Tie fighters being that effective.  (Begins looking at the Venator file.) As far as T-4Bs killing everything in one missile hit (It's actually 3 missile hits in sequence but hey, who can tell.) I know the T-4B missile mode needs some changes.  I might dial down the damage but I know I will drastically increase the reload time for the missiles.  I'll also do much the same thing for the MPTL-2s.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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no, dial down the MPTL-2'S damage but not the reload time please

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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But thats not very realistic... I mean you don't want to know how long it takes to reload an MLRS (It takes hours) and while Star Wars Technology is much more advanced, they still have to reload some weapon systems manually.


Right now I've made it so the MPTL-2a and T-4Bs (On missile mode) are the only really effective means to take down AT-ATs, but they're VERY vulnerable.  In a playtest this morning I watched a 2-M Imperial tank catch 6 MPTL-2s off guard, within a minute I'd lost all of them.  >:(  If I increase the reload time the Imperials that survive the first volley will be able to close with the enemy and destroy them. 

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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There are some serious issues around the relative power of turbolasers and laser cannon batteries in space combat (version 0.2). Let me describe an encounter I had:


I attacked Kessel, defended by a level 3 Imperial station and a two Venators with what I expected to be overwhelming firepower: two MCC's and 4 CRV's. I went straight for the station, and took it ou relatively quickly. In the process the T/B's and turbolaser fire from the station knocked out two of my CRV's and badly damaged the other two, so when the station blew I sent the CRV's off to chase down the T/F's patrolling the asteroid belts. The two MCC's were basically untouched, and I ordered them to focus fire on one of the two Venators.


It took more than 10 minutes real time (5 minutes on double-speed) for the two MCC's to destroy the first Venator and move on to the second. It took another  5 minutes to batter down the shields of the second Venator, and the first hardpoint was slowly, very slowly, losing HP.


Then I brought my two badly-damaged CRV's back into the fray. Within seconds of coming into range, their laser cannons had annihilated most of the hardpoints on the Venator, and the ship died soon after. This is far, far faster than the complete armament of two intact MCC's, focusing fire at te exact same hardpoint.


Whether this is related to the large accuracy cones currently in the mod, or there is some issue with damage scaling for turbolasers, I don't think a CRV should be many, many, many times more efficient at shredding a capital ship than a pair of MCC's, when both are firing at the same target, at point blank range.


Otherwise, can I get the option to strip off the turbolasers from the MCC's and replace them with banks of laser cannon? :D


This mod is a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to your efforts with the full game. Can you look into tackling build times and boosting FOW visibility ranges? There's something odd about being able to build an MCC, or a space station, in less than a day.

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Something weird happened to me when I was playing with the Empire. I had taken over Corellia and left a small defense fleet of one Victory Star Destroyer, and a level 2 Space station.


Now, a huge force constituting more than five Mon Cals, and a few Corellian Corvettes attacked Corellia not once, but twice, and both times the Victory Star Destroyer laid untouched. Both Rebel forces were anihilated, not by Cap ship fire, but just about five-six squadrons of TIE fighters, and two-three squadrons of bombers.


Your mod is one of my favorites, and to be honest I was a bit apprehensive about informing you of this problem since I really enjoyed stomping the Rebels with only one Victory.  :P

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I've discovered the problem's source  ;D and it actually isn't my fault.  The Devs forgot to assign the fighter damage class to starfighters (Except for A-wings which are properly assigned.)  Now that I got it fixed starfighters no longer are God units.  Hopefully I'll have another version to release soon, I wasted a lot of time experimenting with increasing the size of the galaxy (Which caused a lot of UI problems.)  Right now I'm working on putting all the planets in their proper places.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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New Version guys! Knock yourself out!

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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Well with the release of the Game itself only days away... I feel its time to call this project complete.  It has already satisfied its primary objectives.  First and foremost it was an experiment and a source of information about the game itself.  Information that would be useful when modding the final game, now that its accomplished that goal there no longer is a need to continue it.


Expect work on the "Actual" mod to commence within the week.  Reality of Rebellion will begin recruiting personnel at once and incorporating lessons learned from the experiments with the demo.


See you guys in a couple of weeks.  ;)

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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