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Experiments and prototypes

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Well we do know that in real life that Germany, Britain, Canada, Japan, USA, Russia and ect tried to get the best out of their vehicles. And in Star Wars the Imperials made so many prototypes thats how they got fighters onto the line by testing and improving. Well this could be interesting to see how both Imperials and Rebels fair



  • Have a AT-ST fly using Boba Fett's codes (Results will go to my mod and Battletech  8)
  • Having the AT-AT float from bottom of its belly using a boat code (Afterall a dev hinted we can add units under/on/above water. (Results COULD go to LoW mod  8) )
  • AT-AA having a land varient using its rockets for captured AT-AT's
  • Ships using tractor beams to capture smaller ships



  • Having Chewies codes imputted in some Rebel unit to steal Land Vehicles (Think of it as training the troops to "purchase" new units)
  • Able to upgrade a obsolete unit somehow such as the Venator and the Acclamator.


Yes yes these are just thoughts  ;D I of course dont expect this to be done in the demo but the full game ;D Seriously I aint that braindead  8)


edit: LOL 49 views and Geez my idea isn't that nuts common.............. ;D

Edited by Ghostly_Substance
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I'd like Chewie to keep the vehicles he steals after the battle if they aren't destroyed. I mean, come on, what do you think he's gonna do with that AT-AT? Make a bonfire?

And when he reaches Heaven,

To St. Peter he will tell,

"Just another soldier reporting Sir,

I've served my time in Hell."

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I'd like Chewie to keep the vehicles he steals after the battle if they aren't destroyed. I mean, come on, what do you think he's gonna do with that AT-AT? Make a bonfire?


Very true...may be not keep it, but get credits for.  The Rebels wouldn't keep it, but they prolly would gut it for parts.

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I don't know, what would be more valuable to them, maintaining their old broken down crap, or stealing a prime piece of state-of-the-art military equipment, than turning it on the people that made it?

And when he reaches Heaven,

To St. Peter he will tell,

"Just another soldier reporting Sir,

I've served my time in Hell."

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They would keep it. Look at the lambda shuttle.

True True. I would keep it and use it against the enemy(what would me more morale lowering than seeing your own viecle shooting at you?)

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




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Some cool ideas....


I've only tried to make one expirement unit already, and that was a "repair ship". Was using the maruader cruiser model, and tried to use the code for the land repair facilities, but modified for space automatic, and space unit types. But nope didn't work.


My next one is to attempt a shield boost/repair on target ship. Perhaps even having the ship grant invulnerbility to other ships. Seems like it would be a bit easier then the repair ship, and both would add interesting twists to space battle.


Yes I know units heal after the battle, but on the map they don't, and who knows a repair cruiser could just mean a battle or a loss.

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the lambard is for the rebles as well in empire at war, nice idea if you can get it working tell us it sounds great

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






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I'd like Chewie to keep the vehicles he steals after the battle if they aren't destroyed. I mean, come on, what do you think he's gonna do with that AT-AT? Make a bonfire?


The prob would be to get that "tiny" vehicle into orbit... The Imperials have a special transport for the At-Ats, and that's my idea, what about capturing enemy ships? That could be the 4th battleinstance, kill all troups on an IS and it's yours  ;D...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alrighty now we got the full game can someone that can do things quickly please make me a flying AT-ST ? ;D A class of its own and made by the cantina  :P


Oh ya just ignore this like its some annoying troll  :-\ Seriously if you hate this just let me know damn.........

Edited by Ghostly_Substance
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