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Population Cap


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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that you can modify the Space Population cap for the Demo. Its the "FACTIONS" file in the XML folder. Should allow for much bigger battles.


I attached the file just so you can get an example of where its located. Currently, I set mine to 40, and I'm having no lag whatsoever. I'll probably test the boundaries of this a little later.


Sorry if someone already did this already, I downloaded a lot of mods, and didn't see find the pop cap altered.

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Oh...uh, sorry about that.


System Information


Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2

Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.40GHz (2 CPUs)

Memory: 1022MB RAM

Video Card: 256 MB NVidia GeForce 6800 Go

Current Display: 1024x768


I have all the graphic options turned to max, and I have just engaged in a battle with a much larger Rebel Fleet, and still there was no lag.

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Alright, I changed the space pop cap to 80, and it seems like my hardware wont be able to take any more. From this point on, I'd have to decrease the graphic settings, and I'd rather not do that if I don't have to. I hope this helps someone. My laptop specs are VERY high, but now you a scale at least.


40 - Ran smoothly, no frame rate issues.

60 - Ran slightly slower, but not noticeable.

80 - There were a few jumps in the frame-rate, noticeable, but not too bad.

100 - ...Maybe later.

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Yeah, the only problem I found is that the maps really aren't big enough to hold the large number of ships. Just for kicks I made a fleet of about 20 SDs, and they can't fit, or maneuver very well. I ended up losing a couple because they just moved around. I saw something that mentioned a "unit size ratio/multiplier," so I'm gonna fiddle with that tomorrow night, I think.
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Actually there is another way of doing this...


As i pointed out in Bryant's mod thread....


open up PLANETS.XML and look for the line:




Here you can change the population for each planet, this needs to be done to every planet, so do the "replace all" option :)

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Or check my "Infinite Ships" thread for another trick! I've used a fleet of 5 Imperial SDs, 8 Victory SDs, 6 Venator assault ships, 12 Acclamator carriers, 16 Tartan Patrol Cruisers, 6 IPVs or whatever they're called, as well as four squadrons of TIE Scouts. All on the highest graphical settings, with no lag. It was beautiful...ahhh. Then again, I built my desktop for the sole purpose of gaming (and photoshopping).




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