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Re: Community Hello


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Hey guys,

Thought I would chime in and let everyone know a bit about myself, and why I just popped out of nowhere and started answering questions and posting applications.


First off, I am a long time C&C fan all the way back to playing C&C TD to now creating my own fan game to fill in a huge time gap in the series.  I have been modding C&C games (mostly Renegade) for the better part of 5 years, and have had quite a bit of success with making utilities, working with the developers at some points along the line, as well as trying to help others figure out how to mod new aspects of the game.


I am a fan, but I am also a Sr. Software Developer for a large company in southern california working with .Net, XML, SQL, and Web Development. Basically I do this in the little free time I have available, as well as the time that I am bored at work (hey, it happens).


I will try to answer any questions that I know the answers to, will chime in to help others figure things out when I have ideas, and create programs to make tasks easier when I see a need.


My Current Plans Are:

Continue work on the main .meg utility to add full creation and editing of the file format.

Create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to manipulate the XML configuration files used by the game (timely one).

Assist in any way for modding to become more user friendly then it might already be.


Anyway, just thought that I would chime in and say hello, especially to some of the Petroglyph guys that I haven't talked to in a while (Delphi).


Good luck, and hopefully I can contribute a bit to the community that is already rapidly growing.


~Tom "Dante" Anderson


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Hi Dante, I'm new here too and I've found that your application(s) have helped me wonders with editing stuff for my own use. Thanks for taking the time to help the modding community :)





Total Realism Mod Manager

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Dante was part of the PlanetCNC staff IIRC.


that i was :)  Only reason i stopped being staff was due to time constraints and items that needed to be done on the site, i figured instead of dragging them down, i would have them replace me when they found a new asp developer and keep the site stable until that time.  One of my main things i wrote was the file download system that is in place, and a behind the scenes admin section you won't ever see :P

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