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Enable all ships in the game, with a catch


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Ok, so I have figured out how to enable even units "Not Buildable in the Demo" and the MC-80 Cruiser. 

There is however a catch, as this change CAN'T BE MADE IN the Config.meg I need permission to post the instructions from someone at Petroglyph or a Mod. Needless to say its actually easier then the Config.meg editing.  In anycase I'm posting the pic in my profile of all ships enabled and the space station still "Not Buildable".


MC-80 Cruiser

First replace the required planets list with

then add in 52 extra characters in the comment lines

and ensure you are tech level 5.

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Ok, so I have figured out how to enable even units "Not Buildable in the Demo" and the MC-80 Cruiser. 

There is however a catch, as this change CAN'T BE MADE IN the Config.meg I need permission to post the instructions from someone at Petroglyph or a Mod. Needless to say its actually easier then the Config.meg editing.  In anycase I'm posting the pic in my profile of all ships enabled and the space station still "Not Buildable".


MC-80 Cruiser

First replace the required planets list with

then add in 52 extra characters in the comment lines

and ensure you are tech level 5.




Odd that that information would be set in the .exe  They would have to recompile it every time they added a ship or planet. 

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So with an extractor you don't have to modify the exe at all simply create new units(with new names) that use the headhunter, gunboat, marauder, and whatever else you want to enable.  Its not as clean as the other method but it will work.
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Akula = post a link to your mod and PM Delphi with the link to that topic or this one informing him about what you did. If he decides to step in and delete the topic - he will. It's just a demo after all - until then since we are all not sure - why not. They should have been told us what is possible to mod and what not.


Assuming they didn't specified and they new we mod all we can ... why not? This is just a free demo no?

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