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Re: Quest for the Demo Locks.


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I have now been able to successfully add planets, and allow for battles on both ground and in space. Unfortunately, all Planets must use the VergessoAsteroids spacemap and Tatooine landmap since those are the only ones available for us to make use of. I tried using one of the tutorial maps but it was just a giant mess and didn't work right at all.


Only problem I'm having now is that the Empire refuses to attack and just amasses loads of troops. I'm not sure why the AI is refusing to go on the offensive, I must be missing something.

Edited by Telstarin
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Gotta agree with Cain there, some documentation on all of this would be great. Id like to know what files are being modified, what programs you folks are using to edit/extract the files, and how you are repacking them.  By the way has anyone tried enabling some of the other mission scripts? I have done nothing with the game except picking through the files as of right now but I did notice there we're other missions included with the demo. Alot of them seemed to be previous press only demos.


Alright, let's see. The program i'm using is the hex editor XVI32. It can be found at http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm

No unpacking/packing is necessary. Just straight editing.

The files i'm modifying... There are two. GameData/Data/Config.meg and GameData/sweaw.exe

The first is for most of the stuff, the second is for unlocking buttons locked by the demo... I tried looking for the buttons that are locked in the space battle but I couldn't be sure i'd found them so didn't edit.


One thing about editing config.meg, is that the number of characters in the file must remain exactly the same. So if you've got _Space_Planet_Eriadu_01.ted and are putting in _Space_Planet_VergessoAsteroids_01.ted (this is the method to add the asteroids space map to other planets) that's 11 more characters. So, what I do is search for the string ************* (literally) because there are several comments throughout the file with stars in them. And it's safe to delete them. So I delete 11 stars and yey, working. You'll know if you have the wrong amount of characters because EAW wont even run at all.


Ummm, that's all I can think of at the moment. To be honest, I wanna go back to continuing to try and get adding maps to other planets to work.

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