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How realistic are the last 15 minutes of Return of the Jedi


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hay, like I said, it has to be a flaw in imperial command.


maybe the imperial officers didnt think they needed any more troops since there was however many people could fit on a shuttle

Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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Han did not think the shield generator was under defended hence his comment "Tougher places than this". Keep in mind the rebels went to the back door. After spending several years in the US Army I know that regardless of how well defending an area is there is always a way in, I've done it I know. The biggest way into a defended area is to rely on the complacency of the officers and lower enlisted. The easiest ways to become complacent is to be on guard duty for so long with no action and have an overconfident in being able to defeat your enemy. Being on guard duty waiting for the DS II to be built with no action would cause even the best to become complacent. But lets assume the legion just got assigned to endor for the trap and had just arrived. That would make the commander over confident.


If I was in command, I would have had all available entrances guarded. Obviously the bunker Han went to did not have a sizable guard force (tactical error). Your implication was that they are in ambush. If that is the case then there is a flaw in the commander here as well. Now remember, Han got into the bunker before the imps happened by (either on patrol or en route from the garrison). When you set up an ambush you don't let your enemy get to the objective before you attack. In this case the bunker a very defendable position (tactical error). Han was putting up charges when the imps showed up. In real life he could have blown the charges and may have done sufficient damage to take the shield down. Since this is a movie all the heroes could not die. Would not sell tickets. So if they where in ambush then they screwed up by not attacking in time. That is why I don't believe they where in ambush on the ground. Now where they on patrol or where there 60 other entrances that had to be guarded and the contingent of guards where just arriving... who can so. This is all just a hypothesis 8)

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Having completed the space battle tactical analysis (http://www.geocities.com/the_emperor1981/tactical.htm, I've now come up with the ultimate tactial analysis of a single most important scene in the battle of Endor (ground combat) at the very begining of the battle.


Warning: seeing the explanations of this scene may cause you to be sickened by your favorite side in the galactic conflict. :roll:





There is only one life;

There is only one truth;

There is only one EMPEROR'S GRAND PLAN.


By the way, the Emperor's not dead... he's just resting...

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Having completed the space battle tactical analysis (http://www.geocities.com/the_emperor1981/tactical.htm, I've now come up with the ultimate tactial analysis of a single most important scene in the battle of Endor (ground combat) at the very begining of the battle.


Warning: seeing the explanations of this scene may cause you to be sickened by your favorite side in the galactic conflict. :roll:






You sure put a lot of work into this. Keep it up. :D

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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Yes the stormtroopers are running the rong way.


Have you ever seen National Securety, remember the beginning when hes swatting at the bee and looks like hes kicking the crap out of the black guy, and the movie that results.


Well that is what your screenshot proves.


Well not exactly that but only that the troops were running the wrong way.

Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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Guest Scathane
Besides they must not of none to much wrong, they won :D
I must admit that is true. As the story is told, th Rebels win, there's no way around that.


As said before, our history is packed with examples of generals winning against all odds, against overwhelming forces. These stories were all analyzed to see how this could have been so. Maybe we should do this as well (as ricepr2001 has been doing all along): why did the Rebels win? Maybe we're overlooking things... :D

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yea, finally your seeing the light....................


It doesnt matter how many Stormtroopers were on the moon, if there were only some fighting.


Maybe they were all getting drunk...


Buzzers go off, beep beep.


Trooper 1: Think we should go help out?


Trooper 2: Naw, theres only about 20 of em with the furry buggars.


Trooper 3: Yea but dont you think we should check it out, i mean I cant see a damn thing when i got my helmet on.


Trooper 4: What do ya think there gonna do, blow up the base!!


Officer: Nonsense how could they do that!!!


Trooper 5: Whose got the next round?


Trooper 1: Aint that you 1192


Trooper 6: Oh crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The base is engulfed in flames.....


See my point, well ok there wasnt a point so ill make one.



The main thing is that we dont know what the imperials were thinking, you need to know both sides story before you can properly analize the battle.


Soo, George Lucas, we bring it apon you to remake the battle of Endor from an Imperial POV.

Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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Guest Scathane
Soo, George Lucas, we bring it apon you to remake the battle of Endor from an Imperial POV.
Which he won't. :( So, if we have to do it, what do we know?


    1. Vader explicitly instructed the officer charged with validating the Tidirium's code to Leave them to me.
    2. Piett had special orders directly from the Emperor not to engage the Rebel fleet.
    3. We didn't see many troops or material on the Sanctuary Moon, although the Emperor said a legion of his best troops were down there.
    4. Han and his strike team took the back door to the bunker complex.


Regarding point 1:

    * This could assert that Vader and the Emperor relied heavily on Sith beliefs. Normally, a military force would not wait to capture Han's strike team until they would arrive on the Sanctuary Moon; they were able to either capture the shuttle or blow it to smithereens right then and there, securing the Endor shield generator. Instead, Vader and the Emperor relied on something else, which, considering the importance of the shield generator, must have been something they regarded as certain.... This has to be the force, since Luke detected Vader and Vader's response to the officer validating the code implied that he detected Luke as well.
    * It could also mean that the Emperor and Vader thought the capture of Luke and his possible defection to the Dark Side (which, I'm sure, the Emperor considered a fact once Luke had been captured) was much more important then the second Death Star. The fact that, in Episode IV, Vader sstates that The power of the Death Star is nothing compared to the power of the force confirms this. The Emperor may well have reasoned that he would sooner crush the Rebels if Skywalker would walk over to the Dark Side, since I think we can agree that 1) Luke is a very, very powerful Jedi; and 2) the defection of Luke would give a tremendous blow to Rebel morale.
    * The last explanation for letting the Tidirium through lies in the fact of not firing your guns too soon. If they had capture the Tidirium or blown it to bits, the rest of the Rebel fleet would probably somehow have noticed this and called off the entire operation. Since it is clear that the Emperor knew that the entire Rebel fleet would be attacking, he may well have let the shuttle through to get to the bigger fish. If he the Rebel fleet had been decimated, then he would have won a very important strategic battle that would probably have been the end of the Rebel Alliance. Apart from taking out the bulk of Rebel fleet resources, consider who the Emperor would have captured or killed: Han Solo, Pricess Leia, Chewbacca, Adniral Ackbar, Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles and Bren Derlin. This is just short of the entire command of the Rebel Alliance (lacking only Mon Mothma, Jan Dodonna, Carlist Rieekan and Orrimaarko, who may or may not have been there; I'm not sure). Topping this all off with the capture of Luke Skywalker, the Emperor would have crushed the Rebel Alliance without a doubt, had he succeeded. If this is true, however, the question remains why the ISD's were ordered not to attack; so, it's on to point two...

Regarding point 2:

To me, this remains the biggest mystery. Even if the Emperor was relying on he capture of Skywalker, he could have crushed the Rebel fleet right then and there. However he didn't. Two possible explanations:

    * The Emperor, Sith as he was, relied too heavily on Skywalker's turining to the Dark Side. I'm sure it must have been his main focus. He may have been preocuppied with turning Luke, forgetting all other things.
    * The Emperor never foresaw Rebel tactics. We know they eventually prepared for a suicide mission... The Emperor may have based his victory on striking fear into the hearts of the Rebels and decimating their morale, and having the Dark Side triumph over the Light Side: since we all know that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to the Dark Side, this may well have been his focus.


Regarding point 3:

The Emperor may have been bluffing. When he said this, it may have been a trick to get Luke over to the Dark Side. Moreover, it remains a fact that Han was at a back door; there may have been more troops on the Sanctuary Moon, but Han may well have found a way to a weak spot in the Imperial defenses. Moreover, considering he needed a trick to get in (they couldn't open the door from the outside), suggests this entrance was very difficult to crack as well. So, it's on to point four...


Regarding point 4:

True, when Han requested backup from the Imperial officer inside the building, there should have been three squads instead of the 12 Imperial soldiers we see in the movies. Nevertheless, Han's resources outside that bunker's backdoor, would have been more than enough to take on three squads. And it just might be that the Imperial forces made a mistake. Remember that Troy fell to a 'backdoor' of a kind and that Rome barely survived a back door attack due to something as untactical as geese!

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:? Maybe thats bad news for some of you, but: Star Wars still is a MOVIE ! Whats the sense of discussing a Sci-Fi Movie? You might discuss a movie like Titanic, but SW is only entertainment! I love SW and k´now more about it than most of you i think, but just for the fun of it !


I you´re sad of the actuall discussion try to argue about that:


Why does han solo say : " I made the Kessel run in less than ?? parasecs "if parasecs is not a time unit, but a distance ???? Surprised?


Just enjoy the movie, don`t discuss every f***in` detail !

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Guest Scathane
:? Maybe thats bad news for some of you, but: Star Wars still is a MOVIE ! Whats the sense of discussing a Sci-Fi Movie? You might discuss a movie like Titanic, but SW is only entertainment! I love SW and k´now more about it than most of you i think, but just for the fun of it !


I you´re sad of the actuall discussion try to argue about that:


Why does han solo say : " I made the Kessel run in less than ?? parasecs "if parasecs is not a time unit, but a distance ???? Surprised?


Just enjoy the movie, don`t discuss every f***in` detail !

    1. I would implore you not to use swear words, even if you cross most of the letters out.
    2. The Kessel Run paradox has been extensively discussed by numerous instances, including the Official Star Wars site. Nevertheless, I must admit it does make an interesting issue.
    3. If you don't like this type of debate, you're free to ignore the forum topics that deal with them.


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If you think you know so much about Star wars then why the brash comment? If you know that much about star wars then you would understand the relevance of this conversation. As with any story there are aspects that need explaining. I don't see why you have such a problem with several rational folks discussing an outcome from a science fiction movie. But I am sure in your vast knowledge of Star wars you have all ready rationalized why Han had made the kessel run comment. In the Star Wars universe you have established trade routes that are safe for hyperspace travel. The Kessel Run is a certain route used to smuggle or transport glitterstim at a set speed. Transports and smugglers would cut some distance out of the 18-parsec run. Han was able to cut it down to “less than 12-parsecs” (your missing number) by running closer to the Maw Cluster than anyone else. All of this information (as Scathane said) plus a lot more is available on http://www.Starwars.com. But in your vast star wars knowledge you know that. Sorry for all the sarcasm but I felt it was necessary.



Thanks for the prompt discipline on the swearing

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I don`t have a problem discussing a Sci-Fi movie, thats not the point! I think SW contains so many things to discuss, but why do we discuss the realism of it here??? It`s a movie, at it is the way george wanted it to be. Of course there are scenes that would be more realistic if ... . In my opinion its the small details that make the mystery of SW, not the fact that the emperors fleet was nearly unstoppable. its the irony that some little Ewoks and 3 tiny A-Wing are responsible for the defeat of the Empire ( ok, luke and leia also played a little part in it ! :) ). Thats worth being discussed, not the number of Laser Batteries on the left side of the Executor.

Just some words concerning the comment above: You`re right, i didn`t know all of that, but don`t you think that this flimsy explanation of the parasec story is a little bit strange. i do know that there has been an official explanation of it, but i think han`s sentence was one tiny mistake in the movie, and there had to be a logical announcement at http://www.starwars.com so that no one will call it a mistake. It WAS a mistake, but G.L. explained it in a very difficult way no one would understand and ..puff... its no longer a mistake !!!


Greetz, torsten


P.S.: Ok, the cursing was not necessary, sorry for that !

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Sorry about the attack on your knowledge. It has a lot less to do with your comments and a lot more to do with other things.


The comment made in the movie was supposed to be a lie from Han, which is per GL. You are right they (Lucas Arts) did come up with a plausible explanation that explains it away. But there is no explanation for why the rebels won at endor.


Basicly he whole post started with a bunch of empire loving folks :roll: that just could not believe there fleet could be beat :D . Hence the number of turbo lasers on the Executor. I spoke up just to give my rebel side of the story and how I think it was possible. However, even I had to point out specific details that lend credibility to my hypothesis. Anyway…


Sorry about letting out some frustration on your comments.

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Guest Scathane
Just some words concerning the comment above: You`re right, i didn`t know all of that, but don`t you think that this flimsy explanation of the parasec story is a little bit strange. i do know that there has been an official explanation of it, but i think han`s sentence was one tiny mistake in the movie, and there had to be a logical announcement at http://www.starwars.com so that no one will call it a mistake. It WAS a mistake, but G.L. explained it in a very difficult way no one would understand and ..puff... its no longer a mistake !!!
Speak for yourself: I, for one, don't think the parsec explanation was difficult... :D
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I don't find it difficult at all, it is explained in the Han Solo trilogy. To make the KEssel Run, a pilot needs to leave early hyperspace due to the gravitic disorder caused by the Maw.

Pulling of an extremely dangerous maneuver to escape Imp patrols Han managed to shave off some parsecs from the traditional run.


reading your points, it has occured to me an alternate ending for ROTJ one where Luke falls to the dark side.

I think I'll write it down... and work it out.. :)



BTW: Dodonna had already been captured by the Empire, after he bombed down the Rebel base on Yavin IV.

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I skimmed the first page and the last (c'mon, there's 8 pages, cut me some slack :D ) and I think Scathane's points are probably the key to the outcome:


1. Vader explicitly instructed the officer charged with validating the Tidirium's code to Leave them to me.

2. Piett had special orders directly from the Emperor not to engage the Rebel fleet.

3. We didn't see many troops or material on the Sanctuary Moon, although the Emperor said a legion of his best troops were down there.

4. Han and his strike team took the back door to the bunker complex


Points 1 and 2 are pretty much one point in my mind, that the Emperor "forsees" a lot of things, except apparently detecting Luke's presence when Vader had, even though the old geezer is obsessed with turning him. The thing about someone who's angry all the time, as I suspect he'd have to be to tap the Dark Side in the first place, its easy to lose focus, even on the thing you want most...Luke in yer back pocket backing you up, or you'll have to kill him cause he's a clear and present danger.


Palpy is probably mulling over all this even as he casually gave his order to Piet to keep the rebels from escaping. I agree that he forsaw the rebels responding to his ambush plans, but the glimse he had of the future must have been false.


Here's why I don't think his vision was necessarily "false"...


a. His confidence level through it all was high, even though the end result of the ambush looked grim. One argument could be made that nothing was as important as turning Luke, thus, his grip on his fleet officers (ala this Thrawn Theory) was not up to par to crush the rebel fleet then and there. In fact I'd concur with the statement also mentioned that he probably didn't even care about the DS IIs fate. I would bet that all his material assets came second to turning Luke at the time.


b. In relation to Palpy's high confidence level (and presuming here Dark Horse's comic Dark Empire is canon), I think because he had that mysterious way of projecting his presence into the body of a fresh clone...knowing he had a "back door" of his own in place should things turn on him...no matter what happened, he would go on...with or without Luke, Vader, or his prescious Empire if need be.


I bring this stuff up only to illustrate another point, and that is, while you can plan for most contingencies (like his clone, or laying out the plans for the ambush), if you aren't paying attention as the Emperor was, or directing some of those events first hand, you cannot influence the outcome. Plus the guy had 24/7 road rage and can't think clearly.


This goes back to Piet who's following his orders as best as he can interpret them..."The Emperor has a suprise for them. We only need to hold them and keep them from escaping." His overconfidence must have stemmed from the superlaser (even if he didn't know about it at first, he did when that first reb ship bit the dust) and just the TIE starfighter squadrons. Going in at point blank range with his own destroyers would have been counterproductive.


Lando picked up on this a tad late after the seond ship got vaped, but that's what kept the superlaser from firing again. If Palpy had given a squat, he'da sacraficed his own destroyers to keep on firing that superlaser, which proves my point above that he didn't :wink: His assets were secondary to the problem before him, Luke. His focus wasn't on the battle or I would argue he would have fired into his own forces to get the reb fleet. That's how evil I think he was at any rate.


That left Lando rolling with the point blank tactic Piet neglected for the sake of Palpy's "surprise". Mind you, I think they were following Palpy's orders to such a degree that the only exchange of fire the Imps were doing with their cap ships were defensive in nature only...they were not on the offensive because they were not ordered to. They had faith in their multitude of starfighter squadrons, however with fighters such as the B-Wing in the reb's aresenal helped tip some scales. And as we saw its fairly easy to cripple an ISD by blowing up them shield dingleberries, then its Torpedo City. You only need a few if you can keep them alive long enough.


To me the battle above wouldn't have had to be that long before the Imps collapsed into chaos. Despite their low cap and starfighter numbers, the Rebs only needed to let the Imps see a couple of their prized ISDs fall to those B-Wing assaults. Mind you that wasn't the only thing either, both side's cap ships were now duking it out at point blank range, and even though those Imps must have been under some "spell", I would have thought they'd have retaliated a little smarter than they did. That spell must have really really been hindering them, or they don't much care for officers that can make creative decisions on the spot.


Anyway, witness your command ship plow into this multi gabillionjillion credit spacetation, and that's enough to sap most's morale I'd reckon. But that's not to say the Rebs were technically in any better shape. I'd have thought they'd have boogied as far away from the rest of the Imp fleet as possible after the DS went. Even if they did and the Imps thought they could still crush the Rebs at Endor, we're forgetting that there's little to stay at Endor for now at that point.


As for point 3 & 4


We didn't see many troops or material on the Sanctuary Moon, although the Emperor said a legion of his best troops were down there.


4. Han and his strike team took the back door to the bunker complex


I think they may have all been there even if we didn't see them. I simply think also that there were 2 points that helped the strike team here the most...


a. Han's boast that..."Chewie and I have been in more heavily guarded places than this,". Despite his deftness with that bunker door, I still do not have reason to doubt him, after all, he got them to the door right? I don't know what it says to others, but that tells me he knows how to work behind enemy lines.


b. The Ewoks. Being tree dwellers, and one with nature and all that cutesy stuff. They've had Imps in their backyard for some time and like Han's strike team, would develop methods to get in close and personal to evaluate their foe without being detected. They know the lay of the land and in effect the strike team and the furballs together make a good pair. up.


Both of these points alone to me explain why we don't "see" as many troops. Maybe if they had blundered in their all loud and noisy, we'd see them pop out o fthe wood work so to speak.


I just like to imagine all the perimeter guards faces under their helmets as they turn to see the shield generator go up in smoke behind them :D


That being said, I do think the mopping up down on the surface would have taken awhile, but maybe not too long a time if the Ewoks knew where they were. C-3P0 prolly could have tranlated their positions from the furballs for the returning fighter squadrons to pick off some on their way in. The other alternative for those troops is to fin for themselves...with the thing they were guarding gone, there's little point in fighting so some probably took their chances and ditched.


heh sorry to blather on so long, but its late, I'm bored, and I happened to check out this forum :D

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OK the ending is a bit weird, just as was said before.


But you must have found out that, in the Star Wars Universe the poorly armed sneaky guys always win. Just remember Yavin, Naboo in TPM, Geonosis in AOTC (They were completely outnumbered even with the clone army) and so on


So in that way the ending of ROTJ was realistic :idea:

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


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Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Well as evidenced in the B-Wing ship too, smaller numbers of assets don't necessarily mean "of inferior design" or otherwise outdated equipment.


I rather like to think that in this particular instance, the Rebels may have had smaller numbers, but they had quality gear and personel for that mission, not like Hoth where they were easily outclassed.


Then again, maybe Hoth was only all about tactics. I still don't know why they just didn't use what Xs or Ys they had on station to torp those Walkers on their way out. I want General Rieken's resignation! :D


"B..B...But they said the torpedos wouldn't arrive until Tuesday!" - Statement from General Rieken's after-action report.



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Well, general Riekan i've got the order and that says today





I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Well, they didn't blasted the walkers down with some torpedoes because the armor plating of the AT-AT is just too strong, as said in ESB and sever SW games such as Rogue Squadron


And if i say that the were outnumbered or in smaller assests i don't mean that they are of inferior design, but sorry if I made you think that I did.


My point was that the Imperial fleet is about 10 times bigger than the rebel fleet including a lot moor starfighters, it is strange that for every rebel fighter there are 10 imperial fighters wich is a lot more because one fighter can't take out 10 others if the 10 others attack him (confusing is it?) so i keep wondering why did the rebels win it is statistically (is that spelled right?) impossible

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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I don't buy that necessarily. I mean just cause they attacked them with "airspeeders" that clearly weren't armed with torpedos does not answer the question that torpedos would have done the job or not.


Crappy airspeeders with useless guns were all they had, cause they chose instead to save the starfighters as escorts. This is what I mean when I'm talking tactics. Because they didn't use them in a film I'll never know the answer to that, so I'll have to use the reasoning those assets were needed elsewhere. The speeder and ground campaign in my view was only meant as a delaying strategy to get the transports out.


Actually if they wanted to save even more money, they could have just equipped a bunch of commandos with those grappling guns, a cutting torch, and a grenade to toss into the belly like Luke :)


As for why the rebels won, since your using a couple of other games as examples so will I. If you've played X-Wing, or them TIE Fighter games, you know how easy them ships break up if you can clip one on the wing. Also despite whatever skill the pilots have in any given engagement, each ship is outfitted differently depending on what your going up against.


If you know those weaknesses as i'm sure you'd want your pilots to know of the second they're found out about, you try to exploit that.


Also as one of the game's illustrated, the Rebels mostly won through hit and fade tactics, attacking shipping and stealing cargo or occasional ship if they had the troops...rarely facing the enemy head to head unless numbers favored them. They only had to risk cheap fighters and transports, not their prized capital ships.


Finally, the Empire I agree generally ountumbers the rebels, but ultimately if those assets aren't used to their full potential, it means nothing.

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