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Re: Wing Commander

The Saint

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Sorry for dredging this up, but I have a wee bit o news.

Epytron, I guess I was a little late in joining the community, but The Saint read my frickin' mind.


If you two are not too busy with other projects, I'd love to have you in on this. It's ambitious, but if we pull it off, it'll rock. ;D

(and, with EaW, a LOT more is possible. No more wrestling code-aligators for me! woot!)

So far, what's planned is as follows(if you don't feel like browsing through my frantic post on WCNews)

-every craft, from every era. (the tech tree structure in this game facilitates this much more easily)

-possibility of land battles, but I think that'll be more a single-player/skirmish thing. As has been mentioned, not many examples exist, with regards to land units. (I'm thinking Mopok rebellion, among other things)

-Most WC tech, including Phase Shielding, the Behemoth/Temblor bomb, etc. can be pulled off in style.

The planet system may have to be slightly reworked, have to do more research into changing the "universe" into solar systems to jump from point to point, loading a new solar system when appropriate in the storyline... should be doable, in theory.

So... interested?

edit- this is a very ambitious project, there are quite a few craft in the series. Anyone who wants to join in, you are MOST welcome. :)

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Wing Commander has long been one of my favorite games.  The only ones I haven't played are Super Wing Commander for the 3DO system, and Prophecy for the GBA (and i might have missed a SNES version, tho I had it for the Sega CD).  I've read all the books, seen the cartoon and even saw that god awful adaptation they called a movie.


What I consider to be the premiere Wing Commander website (www.wcnews.com) had news about a WC mod for Galactic Civilizations 2 in the works.  I believe that the modability of that game is quite similar to this game, so making a mod for EaW shouldn't be difficult at all.


Personally, I've always hoped for a Privateer like game based on Star Wars, but that's another story.


I'd love to see a WC mod for EaW.  The only problem would be the fact that travel in WC uses jump drives, and most fighters don't have that capability.  Just something to think about.

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We've considered that, (Epytron has joined the team, yay!) and I think there may be a solution to the problem. In some of the books, it is mentioned that they use Bussard scoops to collect hydrogen, thus replenishing the fuel, and that these scopes can be closed to reduce drag(some fighters were reported as moving at 3000 kps, and larger craft even faster than that). This could help explain away the high-speed entry of craft into battle. That, or we could arrange it so there is no possibility of reenforcement(more realistic to have all the craft in combat from the start, from a logical standpoint)


(by the way, you didn't miss anything with the snes version of WC1, the Sega CD version was much better.)

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Right now I am gathering Resources to get started on the ships we dont have already, as I have discussed with Manic about.  On that note, anyone willing to help out, just give me or Manic a hollar, and we will see what we can do, we could use texture artists as well as more modelers, I dont want all the pressure on my shoulders, as I would pop...


Manic, I completely agree with not having reinforments, as you would fly your whole fleet in, not just a carrier or two with a cruiser here and there, you would send everything, transports included.  Also, I have been trying to get in touch with you on MSN to show you something and ask you about it as well, but I figured why not show it off.


Ok my thought is if we do hero units, do different ships, like the one I am about to show off.  I know the Concordia was its own class, if Im not mistaken, if I am, please let me know.  Anyway, I was thinking of doing my own Hero Unit for the mod, with its own model, kinda like Home One.  Here is what I have done so far, keep in mind, the model is still very much a WIP, but its the basic shape I want.  I present to you the Renegade Carrier.







Edit: as to not double post, here is the updated Renegade Class Fleet Carrier.  Manic and I were discussing the topic earlier tonight, and for the campain mode, rather then following through the WC sagas from 1-4 and up, we will be making our own, most likely based around this ship.  When she's destroyed, its going to be awsome, as soon as we get all the files and stuff organized.  Anyway, the ship will carry 60 sqaudrons of 4 fighters, and carries 8 laser batteries and 4 missile batteries.  Here are the updates shots of her, tell me what you think... Also, I have all the files now from the old Invasion mod for STArmada, so we have all the confederation ships from WC3 and up, generally.  Anyway, here you go for screens.





Edited by Epytron_Omega
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Minor correction to Epytron's post... it's going to carry 60 fighters, squadron breakdown as follows:

5 bombers (in the wc1 era, likely it will carry raptors in the bombers place)

5 interceptors (wc1 era hornets)

5 general purpose fighter (wc1 era rapiers)

Of course, this loadout will likely change in the future.


Also, we have planned a population requirement for stations(there will not be a requirement for skirmishes):

Space Patrol(level 1): minimal fighter cover, just enough to keep the space lanes safe from pirates.(civilian craft) 0 population cost.

Light Installation(Level 2) Thinking Perry Naval Base style. slightly better loadout of fighters(low-end military fighters, 2 light 2 medium), better weaponry. 10 population cost.

Medium Installation(Level 3) Something along the lines of the WC2-era base. Heavier weapons loadout, much better fighter loadout(3 light, 3 medium, 2 heavy/bombers) 20 population cost.

Heavy Installation (level 4) Blackmane(?). about the same weapons loadout as the medium, heavier armor though. great loadout for defense(3 light, 3 medium, 3 heavy/bombers, and 1 corvette.) 2 hangars. 40 population.

SuperHeavy Installation (Level 5) Ella. Huge compliment of weaponry (likely double the number of turrets), very heavy armor, and a healthy defence fleet. (3 medium, 3 heavy/bombers, 3 space superiority fighters, 2 corvettes, and a destroyer.) 80 population cost.


This scheme will limit the number of super-bases you have floating around the system, and force the player to make strategic decisions on where to place them.

Edited by Manic
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here is a minor update for you all.  The Renegade has be classed as a Fleet Carrier in the Post WCP era, or thats what I am working on the textures to be, and she will have ships from the series prior to her being built... Also, I have a pic of the text that I planted in the Master Text .dat file, so tell me what you think of her text, and when I get a pic, of her skin.





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