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Questions about foiling missions?


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Could someone please clarify how foiling and capturing foiled units on missions works with special attention to these questions?


Detection Rating determines weather or not a regiment or squadron foils a mission. Does it also determine weather or not it captures/kills any enemy Special Forces on that mission?


If one unit foils a mission, do other units on that system affect weather or not the foiled enemy unit is captured?


Would it be useful to pair a general with high espionage with a commander with high combat (or vice versa) so that one would enhance the chance of foiling enemy missions, and the other enhance the chance of capturing enemy special forces?


Do Special Forces or characters without a command position contribute to a system’s ability to foil enemy missions?

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Detection Rating: this only determines if a mission if foiled. Combat rating determines if the enemy unit is captured/killed.


Question 2: If a unit foils a mission other charaters will generally affect whether or not the foiled unit is captured/destroyed. Again, this is based on combat rating. Also, the more troops there are at a location the greater the chance enemy units will be foiled/captured/ destroyed.


Question 3: It really doesn't matter. It is best to place a high leadership general with 10-12 troops with the highest detection rating. This will greatly increase your chances of capturing and foiling enemys. The only other way to increase this chance is to place a Jedi on the same planet.


Special Forces: Unless they are on an espionage mission, no.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Detection Rating: this only determines if a mission if foiled. Combat rating determines if the enemy unit is captured/killed.


But regiments and squadrons dont have combat ratings. Could you clarify?


Thanks you for your answers, but a few of them confuse me. When you say combat ratings affect weather or not a unit captures, I assume you mean personel, because they use that on abduction missions, but you also, say thay can't foil/capture.


Am I missing an obvious point here?

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As far as I can tell, regiment's combat attributes have no effect the outcome of missions either against them or on a system/fleet they are based. Your chances of destroying an alliance army regiment are no differant to destroying a Mon Calamari regiment; only the detection attribute has any effect on the outcome of the mission. The Defense Strength is a factor who's only concern in game play is in combat against other regiments.


This is true of fighter squadrons. They have detection ratings as well. This is why it's virtually immpossible to sabotage anything in a large fleet, because with all those squadrons the combined detection rating goes off the meter...

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