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How will EAW stack up as a RTS?


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I am curious as to how people think EAW will stack up against the competition, past and present in terms of pure RTS. This does not count it being Star Wars... how does it stand up as a RTS alone given what we know now? (I know we don't know everything yet, so don't even start on that)

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I think that it will stack up well. It will be the first time that I can recall that a game will not only allow you to have a real time battle in space, but you can land troops and have another real time battle on the surface of a planet. No game to date that I can think of has done this yet.


Then you have Company of Heroes with the awesome physics and Fully destructable environments.


BFME2 with its new War of the Ring mode and create-a-hero and such.


Warhammer Mark of Chaos with customization and large battles.


Supreme Commander and the list goes on and on. Truly it will be a great year for the RTS genre.

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This is one of the only games that can take out so much good stuff but still be a great RTS overall i think they did a good job



Good work developers


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Well, speaking of BFMEII, notice how they had the severely limited populations and the set bases in the first one? They realized how much that sucked and corrected it. Why would EAW go the opposite route especially since the should have learned from the previous mistake?


You also mention Warhammer MoC and it's large battles. How does the measily 20 pop cap compair to that?


And supreme commander... well, go to gamespy and read up on that while keeping the 10 unit limit and the small map to conquer an entire planet of EAW in mind.

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Yeah, overall I think Supreme Commander will be the better game. The only thing it lacks is a strategic mode and space combat as far as I can tell, if it had that I'd forget about EAW and look for Star Wars mods for Supreme Commander.

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Well, I think that the way they are approaching the game in SupCom is the way that RTS need to go so the "strategy" part of that name is true. The solar system level - galactic - planetary - continent - etc interactions are still evolving. EAW is a big step in the right direction when so many of the other SW RTS were headed in the wrong direction from Rebellion. It had the right idea, but just needed some updating, graphics, engine, etc-wise.


I don't think that this game would do very well if it wasn't Star Wars, though. We don't know all of the details on the way the game will play out though, so I hope that I am dead wrong.

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Rise of Legends or do you think Rise of Legends will be no match ? Magic vs Machine.

EAW, Company of Heroes, Rise of Legends.


Just checked out Supreme Commander and damn is it a killer game ;) Thinking of getting it now. The scale and such. THe navy units damn. Well COH and RoL still have a chance :)

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Well I think this image shows just how much of a rival it could be...




Just so you know, each of those blue blocks is a tank... Just imagine if those were Tie Crawlers... Now look at the huge walkers on the right, is it just me or are they ENORMOUS, heck they're probably bigger then an AT-AT... If you kept zooming out you would probably find a Naval ship that would completely blot out the screen... The scaling is Awesome!

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Is Supreme Commander out yet? I forgot about it....


As for EaW being a true RTS, I think it will. Yes, it will be missing the traditional resource gathering, but I think that's for the better. Plus, EaW is trying to tackle two very different battle types, and so far they both look good.

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Holy... I just went looking for pictures for Supreme Commander...


Okay, this is what those tanks look close up...



Zoom out a little bit...



Zoom out some more...



Zoom out one last time...



Oh its the end of the world as we know it... :twisted:

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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You forgot some good ones :P











Not tryin to show off or be a pain or anything :P These pictures came from a russian site ;)

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Man i really like those battleships and those huge wierd tank things are just plain cool imaginge what that nuke would look like up close

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Do we want to believe that because something has a history of bad games, they won't come through with a good one??? Look at Kotor! That game was awesome! LA can make good games and so can Petroglyph!


This game is going to beat out the competition. It should be close though...

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All KOTOR was a story with no challenge and there was no point in other characters just choose the 3 strongest and you win ever battle. Plus the game was to easy.

Kotor was an RPG, plain and simple. If you dont like that genre than... stay away :roll: . I thought it was one of the best games I ever played personally. It was fun to re play and learn everyones back story as well as the game had two different endings. Real fun! :D


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Eaw will be the rts of the meleninum i know its only been a few years but even before the mods it will be great and after the mods i have a feeling people will play this game for many years like rebellian but i would look out for company of heros and supreme comander and others to be contenders because they look great too

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