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The way the GD forum is going?

Grand Admiral Thrawn 889

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i'm sorry to have to post this but i dont think that i like the way these forums are just turning into a place where people can state there hatred of how the game going and what is going into the game and this disappoints me as these forums have been positive for the months that i have been a member here. but it has been turning more and more into a bash the game forum and why is this not this in forums or why dont they follow the OT discussion.




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I'm waiting for Delphi's or Mike's replys before I start cleaning the GD forum.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Stop makeing duplicates topics like this one because i will delete them.


People make pesimistic topics because they don't know enough about the game.


As soon as Delphi will be here - things will clear up.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Its not just this forum it is every forum.


We can't just have happy all the time, you have to be able to question games sometimes. Maybe if they see enough of us our upset some changes will be made.


If you can't handle a bit of negativity then maybe forums aren't cut out for you.

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I agree, these forums are to discuss and talk about the game.

If LA does something bad to it (in our eyes) we talk about that in the same way we talk about the positive things.


Our oppinions just aren't always positive.

If yourse is then I suggest building a shrine to worship but not discuss. :wink:

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The key factor is to be constructive. Just by posting 'this game will suck' with no reasons why deserves to be deleted. Everyone has their views but its how you deliver that view can be a worry.



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The key factor is to be constructive. Just by posting 'this game will suck' with no reasons why deserves to be deleted. Everyone has their views but its how you deliver that view can be a worry.




Saying that this game will be awesome isn't frowned upon as far as I know so if you ask me a non-constructive post every now and then isn't a bad thing.

Sometimes you say things just because you want to say it, not because it's helpfull just because you feel like it.

If you ask me that's part of human behavior.

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I think that the negativity has been accompanied sufficiently by why "this game will suck" reasons. We blew up about the revelation about the false advertising that EAW had and the truth about the intended timeline, and we were justified due to being mislead. This is another such instance, when we have screenshots of a unit and then hear that it has been taken out. The biggest issue (asside from the deception) alot of people, including me, have with this removal is the view that LEC is making room for a clone wars expansion. Seeing as the prequels are fresher and there are clone wars cartoons on, etc. it is apparent that LEC is doing these things to maximize their profits without reguard for the cohesivenes of the game.


If an expansion is truely planned, then it should be in the direction after the Battle of Yavin as far as the game goes. Making an expansion for the clone wars doesn't make timeline sense with the way EAW is designed, but the only other explanation is milking the cash cow for LEC.


The constant selling out of the heart and intent of the Star Wars universe for extra money has sickened me from Episode I all the way up to the present continuation of that philosophy. I think that as fans of Star Wars we have every right to object to what it looks like is going on. If we can be proven wrong, then so be it, but we haven't gotten such an explanation as of yet.

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