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Tactics built into EAW? How do we deal w/them?


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Three I can think of right off the top of my head have to do with ISDs' Tie production, AT-ATs' Stormtrooper production and the Rebel's blockade running.


The ISD and AT-AT tactics are similar, just in different areas, space and land. Basically, you sit back and guard your ISD/AT-AT with all of your "point costing" units and produce ties/troopers and attack with them only. This will make the ISD/AT-AT able to attack (albeit very inefficiently) forever with little risk. Since the Rebels have to combat unlimited numbers of these cheap units with costly (in terms of battle slots and resources), they have no choice but to attack the heavily fortified enemy ISD/AT-AT, putting them at a disadvantage, especially if they are on the defending side of an attack (especially on ground) since the attacking troops can be reinforced from above. This basically makes any offensive (on the ground at least) a sure win for the Empire or in theory anyway. What would be a good counter to this tactic?


The other one involves the Rebel's blockade ability. Since the Empire can only station 10 units on the ground, the Rebels can bring 4 units, do damage and follow up quickly with another 4, rinse and repeat until the planet is Rebel controlled. This basically forces the Empire to keep reserve units in orbit to quickly retake or regarrison ground troops that are depleated this way. This opens up an oportunity for the Rebels to attack with a large number of fighters to take out any orbiting transports, ignoring the capital ships that are guarding them. In essence, this allows the Rebels to basically take the superior Imperial ships out of the equation in terms of defense. Since the troubles are due to unrealistic defending limits, this isn't valid and can only be referred to as a cheap tactic. How can this be countered?


Please add possible strange tactics like these that are exposed by the current "confirmed" game rules so that we can discuss tactics to minimize the threat to the gameplay that they pose.

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Remember that there is a timer for those abilities - still - you just have to hide in the corner and the timer will work for you.


Its also possible that this new spwaned units will be persistant so after battle you will have them.


So here is what I will do:


1. I will have 8-10 AT-ATs and before the battle is won I will wait not destroying the last enemy or structure. And I will just wait for the timer to change over and over again to spwan more storm tropers in the time of the battle when the AI can't build anything outside the map in the galactic mode.


2. After milking the AT-AT of many stormtroopers I win and get them after batte. Cool no ?


Or we may be wrong - we need Delphi to explain.

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shouldn't this be in the Military Academy section of the forums?


EDIT: Thanks Fosh but anyone who wants anymore Tactics should just lookaround this forum for ideas theres alot of them being Thrown around some good, some Bad.




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Well, the ISD doesn't seem to be alone in the TIE building department, just look at the video for the Victory Star Destroyer, Ties come out... then more ties come out... then even more ties come out...


Come ON!!!


The only way I can see this even approaching fair is if the Rebel ships can spawn fighters... Which they can't.

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This should be in the general discussion forum and the title should not be changed. This is a discussion on how the design of this game is taking away from its tactical and strategic elements. Can someone please move this back where it goes?


Again, this is not a general strategy topic, but one that is addressing the flaws that are immediately apparent, and how to deal with them.

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ok if this should be in there then the name has to be changed to say something like 'the Flaws in EaW what are they?'




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I bet that the AT-ATs and star destroyers produce the units slowly enough that the rebels would have plenty of time to go attack the AT-AT or Star Destroyer before more are made.


As for the rebel's abillity, who said the rebels can use the abillity more than once to a planet, or without waiting a certain space of time, or something else.


The Petroglyph people aren't blockheads.

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I bet that the AT-ATs and star destroyers produce the units slowly enough that the rebels would have plenty of time to go attack the AT-AT or Star Destroyer before more are made.


As for the rebel's abillity, who said the rebels can use the abillity more than once to a planet, or without waiting a certain space of time, or something else.


The Petroglyph people aren't blockheads.


Even if they produce the units slowly enough to make it take a long time to build them up to an effective force, the rebels being forced to leave their defensive position and going on the offensive against a baracaded free unit factory area doesn't make sense. If you are defending a planet with your measily 10 units and the enemy has 50 overhead waiting to fill any gaps you may make... your best bet is to hold a defensive position and cause as much loss for the attacker as possible. By forcing you to either waste your units fighting against free units or move out of your protective areas to attack an entrenched position, the game is effectively making Rebel defenses obsolete, when they really need them versus the Imperial heavy units.


As for the rebel's ability in space, we don't know for sure, but the unit timers have to do with tactical space or land mode and we haven't heard of any ability being restricted like this on galactic mode. I am thinking that the only restriction there will probably be the time it takes to get somewhere in hyperspace. This means that, since the galactic mode is real time, you probably will be able to take 4 units at a time and space dragging them to the target apart by about 10 seconds. Thus, after each battle, there will be only 10 seconds before another group shows up. Another possibility is that you have to select a group of 4 and use some kind of mission selection interface to send them to a planet, this could flag the planet for that type of mission and you have to wait for the units to transit there, attack and the game return to galactic mode before you can send more. If this last case is correct, then it may take long enough in between for the Imperials to attack the source of the unit barrage, making this tactic somewhat counterable. Until the Imperials get the Interdictor, this could be futile as well.

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Free unit factory?

It's not like those stormtroopers are anything more then cannonfodder..


Anyone played Starcraft? A marine can wipe out a zergling pretty much before it even can attack him, and he can do this all day long... through 2 zergling, 3, 4, 20, the marine is screwed. Same with the stormtroopers, if you have enough of them, you can cause enough damage as to make their expedature very valuable by forcing the limited defenders to take losses to free units, or to force them to attack your entrenched attack force, putting their defenses out of the equation.


The biggest problem is that there is not enough information on the relative effectiveness of the units vs each other, and we don't even really know if there is a limit to how many stormtroopers can be made by a single AT-AT, we know there is a limit to how often you can create them, but not how many times you can do that in a mission.

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Anyone played Starcraft? A marine can wipe out a zergling pretty much before it even can attack him, and he can do this all day long... through 2 zergling, 3, 4, 20, the marine is screwed. Same with the stormtroopers, if you have enough of them, you can cause enough damage as to make their expedature very valuable by forcing the limited defenders to take losses to free units, or to force them to attack your entrenched attack force, putting their defenses out of the equation.


uhm actually its the other way around 1 zergling> 1 marine


50 marines>200 zergling lol... unless if you attack from everywhere. terrain is always in favor of ranged attackers. well nearly always.

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The biggest problem is that there is not enough information on the relative effectiveness of the units vs each other, and we don't even really know if there is a limit to how many stormtroopers can be made by a single AT-AT, we know there is a limit to how often you can create them, but not how many times you can do that in a mission.


As said earlier, those who have played the demonstration of it had stated that only two units would be in an AT-AT, but that it would be made with them already intact, which, considering it's a transport, does make sense. :)

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Right, but that demonstration was how long ago? Who knows what the true story is now. I wish we could get forewarning of what the demo will have available. For example, will we be able to play the galactic mode with a time limit or with only 4 planets or something? Or will we be able to build up to a level 2 space station but no higher. Those kinds of things.


I am worried that the demo may be too chopped up to provide us with an accurate picture of how the retail game will be as most people assume it will.

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