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yeah the Einstien Quote is really Old but everyone had known for years that WW3 was being fought against Terrorists. WW4 is just going to be started in the Far East and it will come down to the Job of Britian to Slap them down (As we Keep! doing with the German's) [no offense to any German's on here but look at the out comes of the FIrst and Second World WArs.]




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nah but someone should point out to the masses that even though most polls done during the election time was against bush! he Still WON! how is that possible!




I Support the Resistance!

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Ghostly i dont know you'd do well locking it and throwing it in the Slag heap before it continues on! but anyway fair enough but if it must be against BUSH then it Should be Against Blair as well!




I Support the Resistance!

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*shrugs* Doesn't strike me as anti-American as much as anti-Right Wing. Unless somehow the two can't be identified without the other? Makes me sick to think that anytime someone points out how ludicrous the American Right Wing is, he gets automatically labeled as an "anti-American." It's almost McCarthyist.


And *ducks flaming projectiles* I think that Bush cheated just as much in the second election. When the CEO of the company that supplied all of Iowa's electronic voting machines (Diebold) raises over $600,000 for the Bush/Cheyney campaign and pledges his support to "do anything I can to deliver Iowa to Bush," I get a wee bit suspicious. When Republican Party officials do everything in their power to keep disenfranchised hundreds of black ex-felons (blacks statistically tend to vote Democrat), and do everything to deceive black communities about election specifics (giving the wrong date or time of the election, telling them that they cannot vote if they have unpaid parking tickets, etc), I get a wee bit suspicious. When an Iowa town of around 600 people reports over 1000 votes for Bush, I get a wee bit suspicious. Rinse repeat.

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"Vote early, vote often"

Quoting my Dad from his Chicago days. Voting fraud is common, and occurs on both sides. I don't know how much of an effect it had on the election, how much of it is intentional (couple in Ohio accidentally voted twice [once in booths, once through mail] on a school bond that failed by one vote, though it turned out one voted yes and the other voted no) but I can say I that neither major party directly coordinated any type of voter fraud.


And I don't think Diebold did anything illegal, though I don't like the company at all, and their CEO is complete irresponsable idiot for saying that quote.


Lastly, I don't support Bush, though I felt him [at the time] compared to Kerry was the lesser of two evils (though I'm fairly certain I was wrong in thinking that).

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Both sides have their share of dirty tricks...


Well I voted for Kerry, and if you want someone to blame for having Bush in office... The ignorant and frightened Religious Right. Of course we all know that Bush wouldn't have been relected if we'd known what was going to happen in the next year.


Truthfully Bush's performance immediately after 9-11 was quite good with a couple exceptions (Most of the mistakes echo of the Civil Rights screw ups that happened in WWII and we don't stick FDR's head on a pike).

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How about this, one of my parents went to vote during the last election and had a person grab the voting paper out of my parent's hand when the paper was just about to enter the box. My parent then asked what was going on and the guy started to be all rude and cussed under his breath.


If this happened to me I would have grabbed a baseball bat and hit him whereever I can yell out, "RIGGING THE VOTE"


And thats how ladies and gentleman you get rigged votes ;)

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wel it could only have happened in America because it was all phone votes in other countries but i agree i would have been yelling RIGGING at the top of my Voice and gone for another ballot Paper.




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People who attempt to influence voters at booths like that are just ___holes. Where serious corruption occurs is people taking advantage of the ungodly amount of dead/missing/unable to vote/etc names that are registerable.


See this for a list of 'tactics' (some of which are admittedly outdated and extreme, but it should give you an idea how many false votes are possible).

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