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Happy New Years http://eteamz.com/sites/kulit/images/drunk.gif from the fan base ;) We wish you the best of 2006 and same with family and friends ;)


Indeed EAW will own2006 years' games :twisted:

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Wishing Petroglyph a happy new year and good luck against its competitors (As for which RTS will rock 2006, I think its a dead heat between EAW and Supreme Commander [i think thats what its called])

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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If by "happy" you mean the Empire crushing the pitiful Rebellion into oblivion and spreading peace and order once more throughout the galaxy, then yes:


Happy New Year! :twisted::twisted:

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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I think its a dead heat between EAW and Supreme Commander.

Agreed! I have an old design buddy who works on Supreme Commander. No doubt in my mind it is going to be a great game.


Your lack of faith is disturbing - :twisted: loll - EAW will rule for years to come crushing all other RTS games (don't forget the expansions and EAW II - I hope).


Think just about this - I still play Rebellion! And I play it not because it’s a SW RTS game - I play it because it is a lot of fun and opens almost unlimited possibilities to conquer the galaxy.


It's the feeling and the taste of that 8 years old game with crappy graphics that makes me play it.


And I'm not the only one who still plays SWR.


Now imagine EAW that is based on the same concepts, made by the best RTS developers and has even more, much more stuff&fun than SWR - You guys have no clue and I really mean it - about how much EAW will rock the RTS community and the game community in general.


It will go very far and near the top RTS ever - beyond your wildest expectations. Just remember then - what I said now - and I fully knew this from early 2005 ;)


Btw Delphi-PG - it will be a good thing to make a topic in which to write the story of the "making of EAW" with lots of cool and fun moments and to tell us the fans if we helped somehow the making of EAW. Did we manage to positively influence a bit the development? Give us a general example. Thanks I hope to see all of you posting soon since now you have more time :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Think just about this - I still play Rebellion! And I play it not because it’s a SW RTS game - I play it because it is a lot of fun and opens almost unlimited possibilities to conquer the galaxy.


It's always cool when a game can capture you for that long. You know you got your moneys worth. Heck, I still play Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge. I consider it to be one of the best/quickest online RTS games to date. I also feel the unit design is still some of the best in years.


But when EAW ships, you'll find me playing online with the fans. I can't get enough of the multiplayer in our game. Especially space!


Game Designer/Community Rep


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RA2 was a great game.




Delphi kinda random but were u on the C&C renegade project.... I loved that game immensely... one of my all time favs


new sig btw; you deleted the good 1 :(

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sorry i cant stand the C&C Revenge! it's really bad for normal play the weapons are terrible and the Gameplay was Crap. but now i'm sorry i cant go online when it ships and join in the fun of playing it.




I Support the Resistance!

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i love what is happening with EaW delphi and i do think that EaW will be one of the best rts's of all time (star craft will always be my favorite though :wink: )

oh and happy new year!/exploit holiday-know what would make it better? the EaW demo!-/exploit holiday

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