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I am glad about the pop cap. It means that you don't have to face a massive fleet all at once. If you make a number of Strong fleet structures that are really well balanc4ed then your structure can defend against large fleets. By limiting the size of fleets engaging each other it means that you can maintain fleet structures even if the enemy have a lot of reserves.
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Actually, since you can research upgrades, there are more units than the basic amount.(ex. in AoE, you research stuff like veteran musketeers, and some upgraded units have differant skins and weapons.) Also, I'm sure modders will be able to add more units or even change the pop cap.(If not, mess around with how much each unit counts)

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




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I am glad about the pop cap. It means that you don't have to face a massive fleet all at once. If you make a number of Strong fleet structures that are really well balanc4ed then your structure can defend against large fleets. By limiting the size of fleets engaging each other it means that you can maintain fleet structures even if the enemy have a lot of reserves.


Exactly. Withing the pop cap limit, you have to optimise the fleet structure, instead of just grabbing tons of cash and building gigantic fleets and not really using any tactics.

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There is a real difference between tactics and strategy.


War is fought on the time, battles on the instant.


A fleet commander require more tactics than strategy (see Pellaeon in Zhan's trilogy), whereas a warrior like Thrawn has better strategy than tactics (even see his failed clone project in the following bilogy)


It is correct that heroes on one side can turn the tide of battle IF used correctly, but they are not as numerous in a battle that you think they can be: Veers and Ackbar for example are strictly Capital ship commanders and to not feel like descending on the ground, but are killers in space. Vader and Han can do both but are not really the strongest in each battlefield (the Emperor is, compared to Vader, and they do not fly in Cap ships so they lack decent firepower). So tactics is not really present (though it is always required unless you want a catastrophe).


But they are a perfect reminiscence of Rebellion! Their unique ability make they powerful, but neither ubiquitous or invulnerable! (ubiquity is the ability to be in several places at once) so the planning in order to use them is of paramount importance, and require strategy!


Unlike WC III, they are not a one-man-army and the galaxy is huge! They do not win war nor battle. Even more heroes would not change this statement because each hero balance the other out, so they are as unique and even more, it would make the number of units grow!


So the more heroes there is, the more strategic and fun the game becomes. (IMHO)

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Veers is a General (well, Colonel around this time), so I would assume he'd be near his troops.


Perhaps you were thinking of Captain Piett?


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Sorry i'm ashamed :oops: I was of course thinking about Piett, not Veers (somehow I was picturing him with the helm of AT-AT crew anyway...).


Veers is of course a plain Land hero, the opposite of Piett (one is a general (Veers), the other is a commodore or a commander, which belong to Imperial Army and Navy respectively)

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The limited number of units in EaW (and the large number of heroes) is indeed a very disturbing sign.


20 units is a lot per side. More numbers does not make a better game; actually it means less game-play and tactics because you're going to have more overlap in unit designs and powers.


Honestly, as an old school RTS gamer, I would rather see fewer units that employ more tactics and strategies. It just makes for better game-play in my mind.


people want a endor fleet,dreads,caracks,neb 2s,assault frigate,lancers,tie defenders,and other cool units


instead you push a pop cap on us, 45 planets,make up units, and unrealistic damage.

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ohhhhh... bold....


Actually I feel like you: I want to see a Big Battle...


A? Yes, A, because when you've enjoyed one, nearly all the job is done. What would come next would only be slight differences... And not on a widescreen with highlight, it would be a TERRIBLE mess anyway... well at least there are cinematic camera style, but then you don't control anything, so nothing cool would happen, no special attacks, only plain turbolasers...


When you start from bottom, you can only go up... So I say 'Yes to 44 planets!' At least they cannot cut that number down (See how you felt when they reduced it?)


I don't really get 'make-up units' and 'unrealistic damages'


At any rate, all 'people' want can easily be implemented by a mod, what cannot is: innate balance that only experienced devs have, and fun producing (hey cool is not a whole fun after all)


Entertainment does not come from chain-making, does it? See SWG for that! Personally, I'm entertained when I create, I twinkle with, I make up something! Just looking for strategies, for recreating is not my cup of tea. Now I'd like to know what entertain you most (unless you only have to post ONLY on that matter, you should refrain because it would be off-topic)

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i think the low pop cap is a good idea, it was implemented very well in warhammer 40K:dawn of war, (at least in my opinion) as it prevented massive tank rushes. thats why i'm not so keen on the C&C games anymore. there isnt a population cap that prevents seeing a massive horde of armor rolling across the battlefield in the C&C games.



as for base building ground control proved that basebuilding is not a nessecity in RTS.


but this is just my opinion and i could be way off base...:P

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The pop cap of Dawn of War is a good example. It is not too high, and also not to low because you can even build big armies.

I have played DoW a lot and I'm glad about the pop cap in EaW. It would be funny to fight bigger battles, sure, but it would also be very chaotic.


Let's see how it will work in the Game :).



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i thought the DOW pop cap was a perfect example due the fact that it makes you choose whats best for the said scenario, instead of having a horde of land raiders storming your base.


hopefully this sort of thinking will ring true in EAW. i hope this way of thinking will be the way of the future for RTS games as it will encourage a new way of thinking up tactics and strategies.

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The limited number of units in EaW (and the large number of heroes) is indeed a very disturbing sign.


20 units is a lot per side. More numbers does not make a better game; actually it means less game-play and tactics because you're going to have more overlap in unit designs and powers.


Honestly, as an old school RTS gamer, I would rather see fewer units that employ more tactics and strategies. It just makes for better game-play in my mind.


people want a endor fleet,dreads,caracks,neb 2s,assault frigate,lancers,tie defenders,and other cool units


instead you push a pop cap on us, 45 planets,make up units, and unrealistic damage.


unrealistic damage!! The damage is excelent with body flying out, debies hitting othere ships ect.

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Look at WArcraft 3 for example, each side only had about 20 units or less, so the amount of units avalible should not impact the strategy.



WarCraft 3 did not have strategy. That's the brutal and unadulterated truth. WC3 was nothing but a glorified hero fest, with not enough role-playing to be an RPG and nowhere near enough strategy to qualify as an RTS.


The limited number of units in EaW (and the large number of heroes) is indeed a very disturbing sign. Which is why I thank heaven for mods that will have more units in them. And let's hope we can modify the base-building so that its more, shall we say, "classic."


Amen to that! I hate WarCraft 3!!!!


it has severe economic problems and I have yet to get an army over 20, and when I finally do get an army of 20 all them get killed by my freind's gay elf lady on tiger than zaps them all with meteors or something.


And no walls!!!!!!! WTF is that about?! it works for games like Rise of Nations but not for WarCraft 3!!!!!

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back on topic....


Nothing should be said yet about the tactical value of EAW because no one has played a demo or anything.


Unfortunantly the title of "RTS" is misleading for most RTS games. Most RTS games are throwing units at each other resulting in a huge slugfest. In most RTS games you CAN strategize but if is MORE EFFICIENT to just build a huge army of powerfull guys and tear apart the enemy.


I also seem to disagree with the more units less stragizing issue. While it is true that tactics are easier for smaller numbers of units, Commanding a large nuber of units is more urgent and requires you to make decisions faster. For Example take a game like HomeWorld. HomWorld is one of the few RTS games that actually requires "real time stratagey". Reguardless of the fact the population count for that game is HUGE.


(I have neven maxed out of population in that game, heck I don't even know if there is a max population in that game.)

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LoL anyone who just wants to Throw mass units at each other should just grow up. that may work in most games but sometimes you need to use tactics not just the sort of mass strength that Empire used.




I Support the Resistance!

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wow O_O this is the first time i have ever agreed woth beowolf!

homeworld=teh awesome :D

people need to stop complaining about pop caps and heroes! :x

if you have 20 planets but only 7-8 heroes it is not as if they will be in all places at once!

and the pop cap- if petro thinks it is good than it is good!

(if they r wrong then [/i]that is why we have modders) :wink:

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you cant really expect them 2 mod a bigger Pop cap i think what ever they think is right at the Dev's should stay and people should get used 2 it !




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Having less to choose from is good since you wouldn't need 9 type of units for every combat but 3. Then you can plan with the 3 for land and 3 for space (example). Battlegrounds had Troopers, Mech, artillery vehicles, aircraft, boating. All I needed most of the time was AT-AA and AT-ATs. Maybe some troopers for those annoying bugs attackin my AT-AT. Having more would just distract me from my objective. Cant forget about Long Range artillery for those fortresses and turrets ;)


Attackign with mass units, have a plan :P

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yes but massed units sometimes doesn't work! it may work 80% of the time but the other 20% can rack up pretty fast as the Empire once found out! because the more units you have the more of a Target Rich Environment you have for your enemies if they are good enough!




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Dont forget about TKing since the ones in the far back would accidently hit one another. Well to bad we dont have snipers or from what we know of. Recruitable ones I mean :P
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well they have said that they have special recuitable units from certain Planets that can perform Assassination attempts. which may mean snipers!




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