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yea while i agree that this aint important : I would like to say that the nebulon B firg has only got 2 turbolasers, its usual weapon compliment consist of only lasers. (turbolasers are the ones that put dents in cap ships ;)
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Ummm...I want you all to notice that it says batteries not single cannons/guns. This is very important as a battery could be 2-any # imaginable. Also remember that Neb Bs are Escort types...they arent built to stand in the Battle L.ine
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um, the point is being missed here. Neb's dont have any turbolasers. I had noticed that as well. The number of batteries (and guns per) isn't really that meaningful. The first is a bit. But neb's having turbolasers is a relatively small deviation from canon compared to others that found their way into the game.


EDIT: I was wrong here, some sources do have the Neb as having Turbolasers. I had always thought them to have only lasers. My apologizies

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Point isn't being missed.


Nebulon-B's does have turbolasers, standard equipment being 12.


But like Havok mentioned, it says batteries, not guns.


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:shock: i am seeing double!!!

but really does it matter??? we need to wait to complain till we se how these issues obviously tied to ballence work! if petro thinks that the neb.B needs two turbo lasers then it must need two turbo lasers!

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hehe i didn't read that but ok it does say that they are batteries ' 2 laser cannon batteries' and it has '2 turbolaser batteries' as well. so it doesn't name exactly how many guns its got it just says how many batteries it's got.




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