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Questions Answered (Round 2)


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Hola Guys!


Sorry for the delay, just got back from our holiday party. :twisted: As promised, here are the questions for this week.


Have a Happy Holidays guys!


1) Can we place planets where we want to on the galactic map, as in making a new spot for them, or do we have to place them in empty slots that you have pre-placed?


Delphi – Yes, modders will have the ability to add new planets to the galaxy at any location via XML.

Would it also be possible to keep the planets hidden from the AI/Player so they don’t rush to the place the first chance they get for any possible exploits? And can we also create our own new planets without replacing existing ones?


Delphi – Yes


2) Will there be a mod list menu or a mod folder such as in Battlefield 1942?


Delphi – We currently have a section in our game that allows the players to switch between official and custom maps/galactic conquest scenarios. We’re also looking into ways to setup a unique “MODâ€


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Well it's about what I expected when it comes to pop cap. 20 slots for each side to have units in active combat operations, no real cap on fleet size though, it's just that you can only have a portion of your fleet engaged if its larger then 20 pop cap points.


Another question that should be asked however is if embarked ground units count against pop cap. Do those AT-AT barges, Sentinel Class, and Lambda Class Shuttles take up space. I doubt that they'd normaly take up space because you usually wouldn't have them in a combat situation anyway.

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very nice Q&A. Well it was everything I was expecting. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year ;) Now I just hope I don't get owned by the AI when the demo or full game comes out :P



So we can add any planets we created anywhere and hide them? Interesting :P So i'm guessing that other planets will be hidden also (official ones). Pop cap shouldn't hurt since after all we did see a huge battle at E3.

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I think that only military units use the battle pop cap.


Awesome questions&answers


Only Rebel fighter squadrons use pop cap slots in space tactical. When in play, they take up 1 slot per squadron.


Exactly what i wanted to hear, a counter to the "superior" Rebel fighters. About the planets, how would you do it? Would you have to put in coordinates or would you have an editor map that you could just drag and click the planet to its place.

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LOL that pop cap does worry about me, i mean 6 ISD? i had hoped for atlest 10 or so with suport ships around 10-15.


oh well i expect the first mod by the end of week 1 will be a pop cap one :)


I truly love how modders can add in more planets, we can get a on more now for much larger games.

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Thank you Delphi :) Enjoy your vacantion :)


LoW can now add our 40+ planets easily.


We always knew that ;) Btw we need a good EAW editor (XML) that will enable us to mod the galaxy and add or remove stuff or change the stats - all this in an easy way to avoid CTDs. Something with Import/Export etc.

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Thanks for the info Delphi. Could you clarify this part? :


"As I’ve stated before, this is hardly noticeable due to the fact that you can pull from your reinforcements at any time."


Does this mean that a fleet can be as big as your galactic pop cap allows? You just drag the whole thing to the enemy planet and then pull 20 points worth at a time into the battle, filling up as ships get lost?

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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Thanks for the info Delphi. Could you clarify this part? :


"As I’ve stated before, this is hardly noticeable due to the fact that you can pull from your reinforcements at any time."


Does this mean that a fleet can be as big as your galactic pop cap allows? You just drag the whole thing to the enemy planet and then pull 20 points worth at a time into the battle, filling up as ships get lost?


based on a review from yesterday it was Stated 3 Fleets can be placed per planet. so with that info you technically have 60 Pop Cap For ships per planet if you hve the galactic population to handle it.

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Thanks for the info Delphi. Could you clarify this part? :


"As I’ve stated before, this is hardly noticeable due to the fact that you can pull from your reinforcements at any time."


Does this mean that a fleet can be as big as your galactic pop cap allows? You just drag the whole thing to the enemy planet and then pull 20 points worth at a time into the battle, filling up as ships get lost?


based on a review from yesterday it was Stated 3 Fleets can be placed per planet. so with that info you technically have 60 Pop Cap For ships per planet if you hve the galactic population to handle it.


However, that is assuming that a fleet can only have 20 pop units... While this is a reasonable assumption, it might not actually be correct.


The recent FAQ says while there is a 20 pop cap in space, you can call in reinforcements during the battle. I'm not sure about how hyperspace in EAW works, but in the SW universe ships have different travel speeds. Which means fleets have different travel speeds. Seeing as how movement is 'drag and drop' and the game is supposed to be real time, I think coordinating three fleets to arrive at a system at the same time might be hard. So it's also reasonable to assume that a fleet can have a much larger amount of ships and the three fleet spots would be there for when you want to completely seperate fleets... Like for when you have one fleet which is only stopping by and plans to be moved and another which is a permanent garrison.

Emotion, yet peace.

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im just hoping for a well balanced game like emperor battle for dune. Delphi if you read this.... definately one of my favorite rts's.





lookin good delphi sorry that i doubted you guys a little. Merry Christmas to.


new sig btw; you deleted the good 1 :(

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im glad we got this pop cap nonsense sorted out, since what i conclude from the answer is there are onl 20 pop cap available ON the map! so if you were runnin low, then you could call in a nearby secondary fleet to bring in the extra manpower!


i really needed this, all the doubt in here has really suffocated the hopes people have for this game.


Merry Christmas you guys, Enjoy your break! since you deserve it

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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that sounds fine on the pop cap situation this perfectly allows you to send in your scout fleet find out whats there and the gradually reinforce as you need too. You have to bear in mind that an all out slugging fest would just be boring so 30+ ships in the battle would just get insainly daft and quite difficult to have adequate tactics other than all attack that ship boom ok next one etc. having around 6+ isd's or mon cals would give the game a better tactical feel in my opinion.
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I betting that what they mean with the you can call in reinforcements during the battle is that you can bring in as big a fleet as you want IE; 80 Star Destroyers but you can only bring enough into the battle itself to equal 20 or less pop caps. If the amount of pops go down you can call in another Star Destroyer and continue to fight
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Means that you can have a massive number of fighters for the rebels to take dowen some of the enemy main ships then add a few capital ships as your fighters are slowly being defeated.
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I betting that what they mean with the you can call in reinforcements during the battle is that you can bring in as big a fleet as you want IE; 80 Star Destroyers but you can only bring enough into the battle itself to equal 20 or less pop caps. If the amount of pops go down you can call in another Star Destroyer and continue to fight


Exactly! that what i was hoping for! (in a way, i'm more than capable of keeping a reserve without the need for pop caps on battles, but this is good enough, and solves performance issues) the battles won't be over in 30 seconds, these will be real struggles :D

like the re-enforcement points on the ground battles, this will greatly enhance the length of the fights


and the first mod out will be one reducing the amount of pop points cap ships use, betcha :)

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