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The Music of War


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Music can be a powerful tool when you're trying to focus on something, especially video games. John Williams' music does wonders for Star Wars, and adds to the emotion of the films, as well as the games. So when you're going to battle in Empire at War, which theme do you want to hear the most? Which theme gets your blood pumping, your heart racing, and makes you tell yourself that you can't loose; that no matter what, you have to pull through for the glory of the Empire, or for the survival of the Rebellion?


For me, it's all about the Imperial March. I think of it like an engine; pushing your Imperial forces forward towards inevitable victory. To me, nothing beats the glory and the power embodied in this theme, and all of it's varients that JW has created throughout the films. (Duel of the fates is a close second.)


So, what music would you like to hear the most when playing Empire at War? I am curious to see what you guys know of Star Wars music, as well as what your tastes are. This subject is far too broad for a poll, so just type out what you would like to hear when you play Empire at War in the near future, and why you think it is a good motivator. If you prefer to listen to your own music, please type down what you are into as well. Thanks for participating! :D

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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All I need is good music in the background to play since without music its just..........dull.


- Ingame music if good I will leave on

- If music is bad I would switch to any music I like on that day


Recently my Civ 4 game is extremly picky at what runs in the background so I dont listen to any music at all in Civ 4 except for ingame music (Cant run MSN). Silent Hunter 3 I had Russian music in German with Trance in the playlist.


Also depends on the mood the game releases which will make me add music in or not. Also has to have a music player ;)

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i have to agree about the Imperial MArch and the CAntina song they're classic, my favourite between them is the powerful Imperial March it just gives a sense of Evil coming your way.




I Support the Resistance!

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It would be wonderful to make a replay with Wagner, just like Apocalypse Now :D


Or ... the last and final battle with duel of the fates, launching all my ships to eliminate the last Rebels ... Wonderful ... ;)

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I will probably play as the Rebels, so Imperial March is out of question. That said I'll choose A Hero Falls. (I hope that was the name, I'm not sure. Anyway, its that music that plays in the Anakin vs. Kenobi fight in Episode III)


Thats one of my favorites too! You were close on the name, it's actually called Battle of the Heroes, but A Hero Falls was the music video it was featured in. Very powerful, very emotional song pitting brother against brother in a fight to the "death". :wink:


the winner of this post might get a special present from my personal library... so keep it up! :wink:

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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Anakins Betrayal would be a pretty good song for osme of the battles. That music was so perfect with the scenes of the jedi being executed in episode 3.


The Asteroid Field would of course be another great one.


Fight With the Tie Fighters would be good for space. here they come too would be good.

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lol I like a lot. actually star wars music is my favorite music, with a few other stuff.


I like the music in Kotor 1 very much. especially if anyone knows, the music in the last duel with Malak, whether in the battle or while moving(if you know you understand!) lol, and especially the last piece of music in the video where the republic breaks through the sith defences. but alas I can't play this music at any time since winamp will just give me a BUZZZZZZZZZZZzz sound(help please if you can, it would be much appreciated :) )


now for the list lol:

from episode I:

duel of fates

qui gon's noble end

droid invasion and the appreance of darth maul, the lol

high council meeting and quigon's funeral, the lol

plus I like a bit the first half of Flag Parade

from episode II:

I only like the small part of anakin in that speeder bike, where its a duel of the fates thing

and at the end with the clones boarding the acclamators march music

from episode III:

revenge of the sith(first track lasts like 7 minutes, really cool for space combat, I like hearing it in BF2 in space)

battle of the heroes

anakin vs obi wan

anakins betrayal

anakin's dark deeds

enter lord vader

a small part of grevious speaks to lord sidious

from episode 4:

just the Here they come (when 4 fighters attack the falcon)

from episode 5:

imperial march

the asteroid field

attacking a star destroyer

from episode 6:

the part where emperor arrives at the death star

The battle of endor 1,2,3

the forest battle


now there is also this part which is played in episode II when the jedi have stopped fighting and dooku is about to tell the droids to attack, and then yoda arrives with the carriers(lol forgot their name) thats pretty nice too


and I have got a few stuff from republic commando :P

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lol I like a lot. actually star wars music is my favorite music, with a few other stuff.


I like the music in Kotor 1 very much. especially if anyone knows, the music in the last duel with Malak, whether in the battle or while moving(if you know you understand!) lol, and especially the last piece of music in the video where the republic breaks through the sith defences. but alas I can't play this music at any time since winamp will just give me a BUZZZZZZZZZZZzz sound(help please if you can, it would be much appreciated :) )


now for the list lol:

from episode I:

duel of fates

qui gon's noble end

droid invasion and the appreance of darth maul, the lol

high council meeting and quigon's funeral, the lol

plus I like a bit the first half of Flag Parade

from episode II:

I only like the small part of anakin in that speeder bike, where its a duel of the fates thing

and at the end with the clones boarding the acclamators march music

from episode III:

revenge of the sith(first track lasts like 7 minutes, really cool for space combat, I like hearing it in BF2 in space)

battle of the heroes

anakin vs obi wan

anakins betrayal

anakin's dark deeds

enter lord vader

a small part of grevious speaks to lord sidious

from episode 4:

just the Here they come (when 4 fighters attack the falcon)

from episode 5:

imperial march

the asteroid field

attacking a star destroyer

from episode 6:

the part where emperor arrives at the death star

The battle of endor 1,2,3

the forest battle


now there is also this part which is played in episode II when the jedi have stopped fighting and dooku is about to tell the droids to attack, and then yoda arrives with the carriers(lol forgot their name) thats pretty nice too


and I have got a few stuff from republic commando :P


Wow! *starts clapping* You know your stuff man! Im impressed! These are ALL of my favorites as well, I just didn't think anyone would know what I was talking about! Come to think of it The Asteroid Field would be an exellent battle theme for EAW. When you said the KOTOR music at the end, that brought back memories. Maybe one more duel with Malak.... Good thing I created a save right before It starts!


"The apprentice has learned his final lesson." :twisted::twisted:


EDIT: The Dark Side ending is the most kick ass ending ever, in any game, out of all time!!!!

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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lol malak looks like an overgrown baby. he was more of a butcher than a serious guy. or at least he seemed like that. :D


lol so what did I win? here! *hands over a prize for music* lol for listening to the same music like me! yay! wow that has never happened before. so uhm what do you want for Christmas gift? :D:P


edit: :twisted: i have made a save just before I make a force jump and malak is toast for both the light and the dark side(btw kotor's one endings were both kinda lame, especially for the light side. I got kind of confused though with kotor II when Kreia and others tell you about what happened to revan and malak. it seems like the dark side, since kreia said that revan went to the "real" sith empire. so maybe revan awaits there at the Star Forge with the army. oh well, go figure.)

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