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The possible five questions for Delphi


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It's already wednesday and I haven't seen them, and if they're ready, remember to ask about the Pop Cap, so Delphi(as he said) reveals the "secrets of it"...When the topic is answered then it can be deleted.(Sorry if they are ready, but just want to know)
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Here is what we are looking at right now:


EDIT: I just re-worded the questions to sound better and use better english and be more clear


1) Can we place planets where we want to on the galatic map, as in making a new spot for them, or do we have to place them in empty slots that you have pre-placed? Would it also be possible to keep the planets hidden from the AI/Player so they dont rush to the place the first chance they get for any possible exploits? And can we also create our own new planets without replacing existing ones?


2) Will there be a mod list menu or a mod folder such as in Battlefield 1942?


3) We've heard that the population cap in space is 20, but that it will be hardly noticable. Could you tell us how much population cap a Death Star, Star Destroyer will take? And also will fighter squadrons count against this limit?


4) Delph-PG mentioned that you have anouther 50 models, why arent they in the game? Will they have any role in the collector's edition?


5)In the Nexus Q&A you said that speeders will go into a circling pattern and cannot land. Do speeders have a landing platform for them to reload on or anything of that nature? If no, than is it easier for enemy AA to shot these down? Along the same lines, how would you go about bringing rebel speeders to attack an enemy planet, how do you transfer them between worlds?


These are most likely our final five questions. Dont quote me because these could change within the next few hours and be re-worked.


Also were not going to turn this into anouther refresh your brower frenzy, so if you want to comment please make your reply longer than three sentences or I will delete them, thanks!


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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For future notice: The questions are decided upon in the Maw Installation, the moderators and administrators will post the questions in due time!

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hmm, the third could be a little more expresive in the way delphi mentions the secrets of the Pop Cap, cause' he said he would do it if we place a Pop Cap question, but we haveto be sure...
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For future notice: The questions are decided upon in the Maw Installation, the moderators and administrators will post the questions in due time!

Yes, Dorkhunter is correct. We are still finalizing these five questions, so things could change this is mostly for some small feedback on them.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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Add to question five: Can you bring Rebel snowspeeders to an enemy planet? How?

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Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!

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I think the 1st one is kinda obvious. I really think they will be in set places. I would really like to know the real truth on the Venator SD. In or not?

Welcome to the forums! Right now though the Venator is not the top priority but maybe if we have anouther q & a we will include a question about it.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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I honestly don't see whats so unimportant about the Venator. Why not ask the question now, or why not ask the question about the missing ships in general? The Venator, although probobly the most relevant, isn't the only ship that we think that has possibly been removed. I think it would be most wise to ask if it has been removed for possible placement in a future expansion. This question has been bugging a lot of people for a long time. Other than that, nice question list though! :wink:

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Regarding the ventor. Its been stated by Delphi its in the game before and double questioned an dhe confirmed it again.


They have stated there are units not announced yet. Lucasarts With Jump to lightspeed for galaxies for instance posted Too much information right away and took it down because SOE didnt want everything known. I would wager this is likely another situation like that.


Hardcore fans will know it exists but the average joe who will play wont til its out. To ask the quest a 3rd or 4th time to delphi imho would be to waste our limited Q&A slots when its been answered repeatedly already.


As far as i can see the 5 questions look good and none of them are obvious answers as you cant assume you know one way or the other.

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