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The Community: The Eyes and Ears


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we have to remember they are answerable to LA and if LA say they don't want something in the game


I know. I don't think these things are Petroglyph's fault. Sorry if that was the impression I left. Reading into Delphi's post about how much he is worried about issues with gamespy, and he sent several emails worried about connectivity issues...indicates that at least Delphi has concerns for Gamespy also.


btw the timeline is final they're not going to add anything at this stage no matter how much you whine or rant for the SSD or B-wing if you take notice these things are being modded in by LoW and will be available in due course from Fosh And his Cohorts at the LoW Modding centre.


Correct. I wasn't saying they should add it now, but rather: If they really felt it important what the fans think, they would have listened (asked) from the get go. Most fans I think would prefer through ROTJ and were expecting it based on comments like "You get to reply all your favorite battles!" I think most fan's favorite battles came after Yavin.


yeah for more information PM FOshjedi2004 (or Something like) that for the link to the Legacy of War mods official site


Making a game modable shouldn't mean its ok to not make it right the first time and leave the rest of the work in the hands of others. Name one game that was poorly received (based on its shipped version) that was made good by mods?


but yeah but the way that Delphi's been hinting they are going to bring out a expansion if they do that the SSD and B-wing would surely be on the top of the list.


Is that decision based on what fans want or on money? (Though please note I don't think one ship makes or breaks a game. I'm neither obsessed with SSD's or Bwings. But most people would prefer the game to go through ROTJ and it therefore should have been designed that way, if fan opinions matter so much)


I want to use gamespy.I think the few vocal on this forum counts as the 'fans".


I am generalizing of course. I don't expect "everybody" to dislike gamespy. But I think any polling would should that people would prefer not to have it. Though, a poll at this point would get 50 people on this forum saying "I love gamespy!" to make it look like they are in full support of EAW. Taking before the game was made, the poll would have been close to unanimous against using gamespy. And that is why they waited so late in development to tell us this. Now all that can be said is "Well, its too late to fix it" or "Well...I don't think gamespy is THAT bad...."


problem is alot of people tend to whine or rant rather then voice a concern.


This is nether a whine or a rant. I'm just saying that fans should speak their mind rather than trying to be nice (And that doesn't mean FLAME in an unintelligent manner). Saying "Aw well....it will still be a great game" everytime some new disappointing news comes out is not being a responsible fan. By not doing that, we give the impression that taking 2-3 months to return a 10 question FAQ that we as a community worked hard to put together, is no big deal. And that we don't actually care what the game is, what the timeline is, etc.


PS: Demo in January now?

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man i was so sure about buying this game when i was reading the empire.net forums then my friend introduced me to this site and now iam angry :S, oh they will prolly release a demo after the game has been released...actually about 2 months after it has been released we will get a demo.
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hey about time for the happy patrol!


time to cheer up the masses by this!!!


EAW cannot fufill all promises, but never fear! just because modding isnt available right out of the bbox there will prolly be mod tools not far down the road!

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Taking before the game was made, the poll would have been close to unanimous against using gamespy. And that is why they waited so late in development to tell us this


I think your opinion might be right and it might be wrong as i know sevral who like gamespy and sevral who dont its to hard to really say.


This is nether a whine or a rant.


I am sorry i did not mean the OP was ranting or whining i was meaning alot of others tend to post those type of threads.

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Making a game modable shouldn't mean its ok to not make it right the first time and leave the rest of the work in the hands of others. Name one game that was poorly received (based on its shipped version) that was made good by mods?


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

POS when Troika released it, patched it twice and it was no better

Unofficial patches fixed everything the official ones did, week before the official ones came out too.

Troika went under, and Activision didn't wanna touch it

the fans picked up were the companties left off, and VtM: Bloodlines has never been better.

Granted, most of the work does was to optomise a really shockingly bad version of the Source engine.

But the game was very poorly received, and sold very few copies (because word of the bad stuff, gets around faster than the good) but the fans made it playable, so the superb story, action, NPC interaction and everything that makes an RPG (especially Bloodlines) could be used by the player.


EAW better be modable, sooner rather than later

I'm paying for classic Star Wars, the RTS i (and many others) have been waiting for. I want it all, from epIV to VI, and if only mods can provide that right away, then mods i shall have!

If Petroglyph get the go-ahead from LA to make expansions packs to add what the mods have already provived, i'll weigh the two, and who ever does the better job, gets my support.

Truth be told, the mods are free, and have a serious advantage

the only way an official expansion could compete, is if it blows the mods totally out of the water and in to orbit.

So do your jobs and do them well Petroglyph, and money ye shall have :)

(Or rather, LucasArts will steal all your money... publishers SUCK!)



thank you for your time :P

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
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Lol, infinite: I stand corrected, VtM is a good example. Boy I hope EAW is better than that initial release though. :)


And there is the reality that VtM had a smaller budget and a more niche target audience. Which will generally factor into the quality of a game.


But, a game "shouldn't" be left to mods to fix. It should be made right the first time, and then mods "supplement it".

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