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Lucasarts Q&A With David Silverstein


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Will there be a unit/population cap?

Yes, there are pop caps, and they are a part of the strategic and tactical elements of gameplay. Galactic mode has a large pop cap that you can increase based on the strength of your space stations and how many planets you have under your control. In space combat, the pop cap is a set to 20 and cannot be increased.



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I suppose Petro knows what they are doing with putting a pop. cap. of 20 since they are playtesting the game.But IMO that seems quite low. What I am wondering is if the pop cap was set low for stragety or to make it available to low-end computers to make more money. Im leaning to the latter but I hope I am wrong. I say it should be an option where you choose the pop. cap. for space.
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We got to remember that the Pop Cap depends on how many planets you have, the normal Pop Cap is 20, and let's say that each planet, adds 5, there are +43 planets in the game, and you have control of 20, then it should be 100, plus 20, it would be 120, also, there might be a Limit Pop Cap, but we know that 20 osn't all, you just have to take over planets, and build stations.


This is just expeculation, also I'm talking about the Galactic mode, in that mode, there will be a lot of hudge battles, in skirmish the Pop Cap also increase by the reinforcements points you have, so the Pop Cap CAN be a lot bigger. :)


Edit: I said this in another topic, but it fits here :wink:

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EJM your speaking of the total pop.cap. of the game. There can only be 20 units in one space battle. What this means is even if you have lets say 2/3 of all the planets you can only bring in up to 20 units into any space battle. At least this is how I am interpriting it since it just mentioned space battles and that the pop. cannot be increased.
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I have asked for some clarifications in the questions I posted on that thread. I think what will happen is you will have to move a good sized force in pieces around a potential target and send them in 20 by 20 until it is yours.


I wonder if the defending space station will count as 1 (or more) units? I can see winning a space battle as very difficult if a level 5 space station is present and doesn't count toward the 20 limit....

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Well from what they've said buildings don't count toward the pop cap, nor do fixed defenses like Golan DF.9 Anti-Infantry Batteries, P-Tower Anti-Armor Batteries, or Fixed Anti-Aircraft Batteries. So It can be a pretty fair bet that a the Stations won't count toward the Population Cap.

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Uh, this could get ugly. I think the Rebel starfighter advantage will be a big balance hole, because I don't think that they will model the Imperial starship advantage accurately. A Mon Cal should not be able to go toe-to-toe with an ISD.

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Is this only for multiplayer? Or is it also for the single player campaigns? Cause Delphi said that you could have up to 3 fleets at a planet at a time. I'm confused.

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