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Is Lucasarts Hindering EAW?


Is Lucasarts Hindering the Creativity/Potential of EAW?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Lucasarts Hindering the Creativity/Potential of EAW?

    • No, I like the Broadside and no moddability/support
    • Yes, Let Petroglyph Do Their Job

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Am I the only one that is getting the impression that Lucasarts is holding Petroglyph back from making EAW the best it can possibly be? It seems that they are "putting a restraining bolt" on Petroglyph and, as a result of that, EAW. Here are the things I've noticed that Lucas has done that is against the best interest of EAW:


- Low system requirements so they can sell more games and make

more money...At the cost of less innovation, low pop caps, less

detail, smaller game

- Questionable moddability support so they can make more money

with expansions...At the cost of losing the respect of their most

dedicated fans and the EAW community.

- Unit/timeline issues because they don't care and just want

money...At the cost of offending us with such units as

the "Broadside".

- Qusetionable after-launch support because it costs them money...At

the cost of spitting on their new customers.

- Gamespot multiplayer because it is cheap...At the cost of shortening

the game's lifetime so they can make more money on their next



- Did I miss anything? Probably, there's lots more....


The sad thing is, If they just gave Petroglyph more slack and let them direct the building of their own game, I bet none of these issues would exist. I have no doubt that Petroglyph could make EAW the best RTS of all time (just look at C&C), but will they be able to do so with Lucasarts jerking their leash? Don't get me wrong, I have VERY HIGH HOPES for EAW. I just wish that Lucasarts would recognize Petroglyph's talent and let them be in charge of the game's design to a larger extent (stay out of the way and watch as they make the best RTS yet) :wink:

"Wipe them out...All of them"
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I totally agree with you. This is exactly what happened to the Star Wars Battlefront series. LucasArts rushed the hell out of Pandemic to get those games out with the DVD releases, and in turn we're left with buggy games with little or no support whatosever. They're great games, but the could have been so much better!


I am not a huge mod fan myself, but sure I download 1 or 2 from time to time, and I can understand that people are upset over this. LucasArts is just turning into another EA wanna-be, to sell more mediocre titiles and get more cheap cash. I find it very disrespectful to the die-hard Star Wars fans out there like myself who know that LucasArts can do better. (a.k.a. KOTOR as i mention in every other post :wink: )


What exactly are the pop. cap limits? I've been hearing around 20, but can someone confirm? This DEFINATELY needs to be fixed. Star Wars is all about huge battles, and restricting this aspect is not a wise idea, and is not very true to the Star Wars universe.


With Gamespy, that was not a wise descision at all. They have no idea what they're doing and how to please the community. Only now since the game has come out have the Battlefront 2 leaderboards been updated, and we're still waiting for our first patch. That is sad. Now it seems that they will be limited in the multiplayer aspect of this game as well. This is very dissapointing.


Overall, I still can't wait any longer for this game. This is a dream come true for me to finally be able to command a fleet of Star Destroyers, (kinda geeky, but it's true) and I am really looking forward to this opportounity. But it sounds like LucasArts is limiting Petroglyph form their full potential, and this is very dissapointing.

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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Dude, if you can't post a fair pole, don't post one at all!


Low system requirements so they can sell more games and make

more money...At the cost of less innovation, low pop caps, less

detail, smaller game


-Low pop cap: EW have been told that the pop cap will barley be noticeable by Delphi

-Lees details: Just the fact that there is space battles in this says there is going to be plenty of detail, not to mention 44+ planets.

-Smaller game: 44 ground maps and 44 space maps is hardly small, not to mention i saw that the requirements for the game will between 2-5 GB of hard-drive space.


Questionable moddability support so they can make more money

with expansions...At the cost of losing the respect of their most

dedicated fans and the EAW community.

-All that was said was that you will not be able to mod it on release, not that they will not offer much if any support.

- But of coarse they want to be able to make expansions, it is a good way of keeping games alive.

-As for respect, i highly doubt anyone will loose respect for the game just because it will not be moldable at Launce, and if they are then they never really supported the game at first.


- Unit/timeline issues because they don't care and just want

money...At the cost of offending us with such units as

the "Broadside".

-Ok, how is anyone offended by the broadside being in the game, ever head of creativity???

-and if you dont like the time line and the units, don't even bother with the game, not everything has been released about the game yet because they want people to be hyped when they open the box for the first time and see the game guide with a list of all the available units and be like" WOW SWEET!!!"


- Qusetionable after-launch support because it costs them money...At

the cost of spitting on their new customers.

-petroglyph has already said hey will be working on all aspects of the game as long as they possibly can and will be adding patches if they have to the day after launch.


- Gamespot multiplayer because it is cheap...At the cost of shortening

the game's lifetime so they can make more money on their next


-Don't know much about gamespot multiplayer, but this game is going to have anything but a short life span.


The sad thing is, If they just gave Petroglyph more slack and let them direct the building of their own game, I bet none of these issues would exist.

-And neither would the game.

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I in a way agree with Lucasarts limiting Petroglyph since having more stuff in the game would just give it less of a quality. You have to properly balance a game to make it good which Lucas and Petroglyph are doing. You know the 50+ Units Petro came up with but got denied of using? We would have had another floppy game instead of the game we know now. Units have more roles (or so we were told). Look at Katarn, he can shoot and throw grenades. Vader can force push and crush.


The only thing that ticks me off is the Gamespy issue. If theres direct IP I would accept it but if not then stick with singleplayer.


Oh you want a good EA Counterpart ? I know one and its Bandai US. They had this Gundam Game and they changed the music to some stupid crap, close combat sucked and the amazing part is I aced all the missions. Dont want to hear about Gundam? Ok then Ghost in the Shell for PSP. I heard the mission quality sucked crap. Bandai US isn't even sending out the best games from Japan of any series and they're turning the good quality into crappy quality. Laggy multiplayer for PS2.


Edit: This game will live as long as this game can be played (no cd wearing out) and also for Bandai US they're going more arcade style now but the story based games are more fun. Multiplayer for story mode games was my skirmish mode.

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Phantom- You have just made one of the most intelligent posts I've seen in a while....I agree with you 100% on everything you said. Take Call of Duty for instance. No one complained when the first Call of Duty came out and when fans got an expansion pack in United Offensive, they got multiplayer with vehicles and many other features. Yes I know theres been an uproar about COD2 and its lack of United Offensive features. Expansion packs can be a very good thing is the point I'm making in regards to the timeline issue. As I recall there have been few Star Wars games in the past that have covered Episodes IV through VI. Tie Fighter and X-Wing are still some of the greatest Star Wars titles to be released and they covered specific segments of the saga.
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Lucasarts are hindering Petroglyph. Look at the game. We were initially told ages ago that the SSD was in the game. I beleive that this was fact. Then it was removed so we had a period of "damage limitation", now they have removed the Venator as there are too many Star Destroyers in the game. Unless suddenly the entire structure of the game changes they will have alienated the main players of Star Wars. You mentioned X-wing. That is the exact period of this game. Look. They don't have many of the units associated with the period. TIE Advanceds and Interceptors were in this period. I admit that they don't come into the game till near the end but still they are there.


The ISD models seem to be more Deuces than Impstars so it looks as if this was meant to be a later period than we are being told. In the initial releases we are told that there will be 50+ planets that has been changed to 44. I think that the reason the game was pushed back was because LucasArts actually changed the entire constraints of the game so Petroglyph had to edit the unit list and the Planets. Maybe even recode vast swathes of scripts.


We were told that this would be the most "polished" game released. Its starting to look a lot like a BFII wannabe but in more detail.

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the Venators not been romove i thought it was just a s c r e w up by the editor for the site. they cant remnove something that they have advertised as being in the game. but yeah i agree that LA are limiting Petroglyph but not in that much of a bad way i agree with Quality over Quantity.




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sheesh, time to come in and rain hell on the naysayers :twisted::twisted:


compare this game with the others eh?


it has 88 MAPS! that is very ambitious at first, and a huge leap along with others



if they pull this off well then they have probably have revolutionized the genre. Star wars is probably one of the largest universes arund, so creating that sense of immersement in other universes isnt that far off.


moddability? as long as they give us the tools and follow through shortly after launch or even 6 months after launch, i expect it to be worth the wait


also, you guys had treated the planets like OH SWEET 44 PLANETS YAY!!

but now your like, 44 plannets...bah, lucasarts is crushing the creativity...


and other little things like pop cap and such


make your miond and decide, dont try to sway us with whining

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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I agree with the thread creator except on one point... the Broadside is a Petroglyph abomination. I like these guys, and I know they want to put their mark on the Star Wars legacy, but I would prefer it wasn't a skid mark.


Is there no one left that has any respect for the original vision of Star Wars? We know Lucas doesn't, but does that mean we all have to who*e out ourselves too?

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:arrow: ok the broadside isn't that big a deal IT IS ONE FREAKIN UNIT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! but ya when a big sponsor works with a little company terrible terrible things happen,i do think LA is holding back theoriginal release of the game they probably will have all the stuff we r missing in an expansion. also i can't see them letting mod stuff out till after the expansion is released do they can make money
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I'm gonna start a revolution by voting no. I don't think they are hendering anything at all. Compared to EA's hendering on Westwood, LA is doing way better! The broadside isnt that big of a deal and I dont really see why you would get "offended" I mean maybe upset but not offended thats a strong word.


Who said no moddability/support? We dont know that! It may take them two weeks or more to release tools but until then you cannot jump to conclusions.


Too many people are expecting perfection with this game, I think from what i've seen so far its gonna be great.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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I'm gonna start a revolution by voting no. I don't think they are hendering anything at all. Compared to EA's hendering on Westwood, LA is doing way better! The broadside isnt that big of a deal and I dont really see why you would get "offended" I mean maybe upset but not offended thats a strong word.


Who said no moddability/support? We dont know that! It may take them two weeks or more to release tools but until then you cannot jump to conclusions.


Too many people are expecting perfection with this game, I think from what i've seen so far its gonna be great.


popcorn did, and refrain from the sticks, as long as he stated the reasons, no whacky whack is allowed.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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I agree lucasarts are hindering the game. SSD's and Interceptors should be in the game and lucasarts should not make producers and developers remove models and such that they spent time on, getting the fans phyched up on just for some "expansion" or release date. The system requirements I think should be made that you can choose how much to have (low, medium, super good)and the pop should be based on your system(you choose again) for multiplayer, pop will be a set amount for all.

The broadside isn't much of a deal, I agree, but they should've kept some other units like the venator.

WHO VOTED NO?????!!!!!


http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




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I'm gonna start a revolution by voting no. I don't think they are hendering anything at all. Compared to EA's hendering on Westwood, LA is doing way better! The broadside isnt that big of a deal and I dont really see why you would get "offended" I mean maybe upset but not offended thats a strong word.


Who said no moddability/support? We dont know that! It may take them two weeks or more to release tools but until then you cannot jump to conclusions.


Too many people are expecting perfection with this game, I think from what i've seen so far its gonna be great.


He voted no...point and angry hoots I fell coming...

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Dude, if you can't post a fair pole, don't post one at all!


Low system requirements so they can sell more games and make

more money...At the cost of less innovation, low pop caps, less

detail, smaller game


-Low pop cap: EW have been told that the pop cap will barley be noticeable by Delphi

-Lees details: Just the fact that there is space battles in this says there is going to be plenty of detail, not to mention 44+ planets.

-Smaller game: 44 ground maps and 44 space maps is hardly small, not to mention i saw that the requirements for the game will between 2-5 GB of hard-drive space.


Questionable moddability support so they can make more money

with expansions...At the cost of losing the respect of their most

dedicated fans and the EAW community.

-All that was said was that you will not be able to mod it on release, not that they will not offer much if any support.

- But of coarse they want to be able to make expansions, it is a good way of keeping games alive.

-As for respect, i highly doubt anyone will loose respect for the game just because it will not be moldable at Launce, and if they are then they never really supported the game at first.


- Unit/timeline issues because they don't care and just want

money...At the cost of offending us with such units as

the "Broadside".

-Ok, how is anyone offended by the broadside being in the game, ever head of creativity???

-and if you dont like the time line and the units, don't even bother with the game, not everything has been released about the game yet because they want people to be hyped when they open the box for the first time and see the game guide with a list of all the available units and be like" WOW SWEET!!!"


- Qusetionable after-launch support because it costs them money...At

the cost of spitting on their new customers.

-petroglyph has already said hey will be working on all aspects of the game as long as they possibly can and will be adding patches if they have to the day after launch.


- Gamespot multiplayer because it is cheap...At the cost of shortening

the game's lifetime so they can make more money on their next


-Don't know much about gamespot multiplayer, but this game is going to have anything but a short life span.


The sad thing is, If they just gave Petroglyph more slack and let them direct the building of their own game, I bet none of these issues would exist.

-And neither would the game.


I agree with you, but I feel they are somewhat hindering it. We shall see when the demo, and then the full game, comes out.

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