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Grd. Adml Thrawn 889


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Is it just me or does this guy seem to be overstepping his boundries? :? He seems to have it in his head that he is now the moderator of the five questions discussion, but did anyone actually make him that? He seems to have appointed himself to the task. His four question poll also shouldnt even exist since those four are decided upon by us already, right? All it's leading to is a discussion about what should be changed about the four and not a fifth question. Now it has even gone off-topic into a demo rant. Seeing as we already agreed upon the four questions, im going to lock the topic until we decide upon a fifth here in the maw. If anyone disagrees you can unlock it, but I dont think it is really leading anywhere. Besides we have until wednesday, and most people voted to agree so I think its purpose has been served.


:arrow: Also, if we decide to change any of the four here, I think it is well justified seeing as we are the mods and admins.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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As long as you give them ample reason as to why it's being locked that's fine. Last time I saw the poll the majority agreed that the questions were decent, which is what we decided yesterday, so there should be enough reason that the poll has served its purpose..


Also yes, I felt that way about Thrawn yesterday, which is why I was so quick to shut him down today. Last thing we need is another discussion like that about the 5th one.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Yes I agree that he is going over his atributes .... not to mention that we need to edit that questions again :(

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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