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Search funtion and repeat topics


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I think we need to add something to the rules informing people of the search function and a warning not to create repeat topics. This has happened at least three times just today. Also how long of a period should there be before someone can create a topic about an already existing topic?


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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Yea it is a catch 22. You want them to not make new topics, but at the same time not revive old ones.


I say the limit should be 2 months. If you can't find a thread made with in the last 2 months on that topic you can make your own. If there is one made in that 2 month period it should be able to be revived.

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I'd have to agree. In practice it would be nice if people always used the related thread from moths ago, but it rarely works so nicely. 2 months though seems like an adequate amount of time to deal with repeats and revivals.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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This "2 monthes" rule is stupid. Are we going to tell that "If a topic is older than 2monthes so you must create a new one ? "

I don't think it's a very intelligent way ;)


But I completely agree with popcorn, people should use the search function each time it's possible. We don't care if the topic is older than 2 monthes, all's right if the topic is still related ;)

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Yeah I think 2 months may be a little too much time. I think that the rule should be you can create a new topic if the old topic is reasonably out of date, the discussion was over, and/or your topic is reasonably different from the original.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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Guest JediIgor
The longer someone's reply to an older topic is, the more justification they have for reviving it. If someone replies with a one-liner to a 3 month topic, that's plenty justification for a warning. If someone replies to an old topic with several paragraphs of text indicating an actual discussion, I think that should be fine. As always, we should judge it on a case-by-case basis and tell people to use the Search function to look for previously answered questions.
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