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Empire At War: Nexus (Modding Hub)


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Hello PFF,


In case you have forgotten me, my name is Bryant Malaski, Co-leader of Star Wars: Imperial Assault 2 and creator of Empire at War: Nexus. Now I bet you are wondering what exactly EaW: Nexus is right? Well the Nexus is a place for EaW mods to come together and help each other. Say Imperial Assault 2 has something they can't get coded, then they can post it on the Nexus for all of the other mod teams to see, and offer there insite or even code it for them. This will also apply to art and the like. Mods can all post news at the Nexus as well, making it the one stop you need for all the latest EaW modding news. There is a forum to discuss all the mods and EaW modding in general. Tutorials will be offered when Nexus staff write some, and code will also be available once EaW is released to help up and coming modders. Any mod can be part of the Nexus, but we do not offer hosting right now. The site is not fully up and running right now, but the important stuff is, it will be a great place for the whole EaW community once everything is. Basically Nexus is just a big site of EaW modders and anyone wanting help and suggestions for future modding should come to Nexus, we are here to help the community.


Home page: http://eawnexus.gamingsource.net/


Forums: http://eawnexus.gamingsource.net/forums/index.php


Please register at the forums to help the community grow and feel free to browse around the main site as well. For More information check the FAQ on the website.


Current Affiliated Mods:

Imperial Assault 2

Legacy of War

Starship Troopers: The First ISW

Project Mars Destination

Star Wars: The Sith War



We are very excited about this site and hope you all will share our enthusiasm!

Empire At War: Nexus

Your One Site for All your EaW modding needs!


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Hello PFF,

Please register at the forums to help the community grow and feel free to browse around the main site as well. For More information check the FAQ on the website.


Hi Bryant - we in thw PFF are curently working on such a moding organization but we have a different vision on how things should be run since we did it 2 times before for different games (SWR and RTW).


Anyway if you guys will like our system - it should be up in max one month - we will always be open for a mergeing or any type of cooperation.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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