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[Empire] using the Interdictor

Grand Admiral Thrawn 889

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Thrawn Sadly from what Delphi has said and the Chat it is unlikely that we can do the Thrawn Pinser :(:cry: I really wanted to do that. What a tactic to use against his own forces :P
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Thrawn Sadly from what Delphi has said and the Chat it is unlikely that we can do the Thrawn Pinser :(:cry: I really wanted to do that. What a tactic to use against his own forces :P


What is the thawn pinser?


Time to do some damage.

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You use the gravity cone of an interdictor cruiser to pull slow heavy starships, which normally could be outpaced, out of hyperspace almost directy on top of the enemy. Thrawn used Victory I's and II's in the tactic as well as dreadnaughts.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Well, you may be able to pull attacking fleets out of Hyperspace. In one of the Movies it showed that you could put a fleet anywhere in a large circle around a controlled planet.
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yeah true but i like FOsh would love to be able to do the Thrawn Pincer! this tactic rocks!


Delphi! look here add this!




I Support the Resistance!

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There... no more double posts.


Anyway, the Thrawn pincer would only work if the Interdictor projected a gravity cone like it does in the books. I'm betting they haven't made it that way.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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they have to its the way that the Gravity well projector wworkks it projects a cone out to catch enemy ships if it didnt project a cone the interdictor becomes in danger of being destroyed to easily.

but you cant have the enemy fleet affected but not your own it cant work that way cause thats an unfair advantage.


Delphi can you confirm this or is it a secret or is it not going to happen this way.




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I'd have to agree with Sabu because they have said that we will not be able to combine tactical and galactic maps.


One another note, does anyone out there have an inkling of how you could project something that would have the same effects of gravity? Wind creates a force on Earth, I can't see that. Could it have something to do with using some sort of "black mass" in space? (totally theoretical here.)

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Wind doesnt generate gravity on earth earth's gravity is created by the Magnetic field generated by the iron core of the planet. then the sheer mass of say an Asteroid also created gravity so we could work on similar princples.




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Please don't think that i'm an idiot. I know wind does not create gravity. I was just pointing out that wind is a type of invisible force (to our eyes anyway). And my question was really just inquiring as to the possiblility of projecting a "gravity well" to pull something out of hyperspace.


And how will we get to hyperspace anyway? I know this is sci-fi, but i've also noticed that many sci-fi topics actually come to be. Just look at military weaponry and computer systems and you'll see examples of what ideas have come from movies.


Now live a few dozen centuries in the future and try to explain how this will some day be possible. I'd come live another life to travel from planet to planet and engage in come interstellar war for the freedom of oppressed intelligent life. Oh YEAH!

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Well, there is a theory that if you could manipulate light in the right way, you could basically bend the universe so that any two points were next to each other for an instant. I cant remember exactly how the theory was supposed to work.


Its actually closer to teleportation than hyperspace, but anyway...

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Boo Star Trek! Yey Star Wars!


All this science is hurting my brain! Why do we care? As long as you can, why do we need to know why we can?

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Hyperspace is an alternate reality were time moves slower but everthing else still moves at the same pace, but you have to reach light speed before you jump into this alternate reality.


example: You drive you car at 75m/h for 75 miles and reach your destionation in 1 hour. In an alternate reality were time moves at half the pace but all other values remain the same then you drive your car at 75m/h for 75 miles and reach your destionation in 30 minutes.


though might help.

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I think you should be able to choose where you retreat to. That adds more strategy to the game.

Protecting the world from those who have an IQ higher than 30! Huzzah!


Trust me...I'm a professional.


Some other members and I are trying to be superheroes and save the forums. But we can't do it on our own. We need your help! Join us!



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