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A requestr for permission to use artwork.


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I want to ask for permission to use artwork from cards posted in the card section of this web site by the following people:


Encyclopedia portrait of AT-ST Regiment by Michel Des Cotes – Mynock


Build, Fleet and Tactical pictures of Scout Troopers by Nemesis.


Encyclopedia portrait of SBG by EW.


Encyclopedia portrait of TIE Advanced by ???.


I am preparing a conversion. There are a lot of cards in it with artwork derived from images I’ve found elsewhere on the web, but the images from the above cards were too perfect to pass up. If you made any of the above, please say yay or nay on on my use of them. If you didn’t, but know that they are taken from directly from a public domain source, please say so as well, because I may not be able to get in touch with any of the people stated above and that would make me feel better.


Thank you.

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Are these guys still around ? Haven't seen them in the one and a half years, that I'm lurking around here.


Could you provide links to the cards you mean, or at least write the number of the pages that they're on ? Going through all of the cards-db takes a lot of time, but I think I could recognize a cardpic taken from a 'public' picture. 8)




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They are all from the expanded universe selection.


Encyclopedia Portrait from at-st reg - 4.rtc on page 1 from the rtc section. (The Build, Fleet and Tac pictures are original and not derived from the portrait)


Build, Fleet and Tac pictures from the imp biker scout reg.rtc on page 6 from the rtc section. (I just used the Imperial commando portrait)


Encyclopedia Portrait from shield backup generator.rdc on page 2 from the rdc section. (I was not happy with the Build, Fleet and Tac pictures from this in card, so I made new ones, but they are derived from the portrait).


Encyclopedia Portrait from tie advanced x1 - 2.rfc on page 7 from the rfc section. (I’ve cut out the TIE and reapplied it to a more complete background, and used the cut out as a base for Build, Fleet and Tac pictures).


Aside from these, I have so far made three new types of regiments with new artwork derived from in game BMPs and other public domain images. Also three SpecForces and I intend to make about thirty characters. I hope members of the swrebellion.com community will be interested in playing the first version when all the artwork is done and send me feedback on fine tuning the balance of all the adjusted stats

Edited by Hutton
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As far as I know EW has been out of the community for quite some time. I used to have his e-mail address, but have long since lost it. Mylock and Talon "Nemisis" Karde have also not been around for quite a while although Nemesis was the last one I saw in the forums. Evaders99 may know how to get a hold of them, I'd at least ask him.-Grand Moff Conway
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They are all from the expanded universe selection.


Encyclopedia Portrait from at-st reg - 4.rtc on page 1 from the rtc section. (The Build, Fleet and Tac pictures are original and not derived from the portrait)


Build, Fleet and Tac pictures from the imp biker scout reg.rtc on page 6 from the rtc section. (I just used the Imperial commando portrait)


Encyclopedia Portrait from shield backup generator.rdc on page 2 from the rdc section. (I was not happy with the Build, Fleet and Tac pictures from this in card, so I made new ones, but they are derived from the portrait).


Encyclopedia Portrait from tie advanced x1 - 2.rfc on page 7 from the rfc section. (I’ve cut out the TIE and reapplied it to a more complete background, and used the cut out as a base for Build, Fleet and Tac pictures).



-AT-ST, the background is the landing platform on Endor from ROTJ, but I don't recognize the source of the AT-ST.


-Biker scouts, could be the SWMA model at various angles. The AT-PT I recognize from another picture, but it's the background I don't know.


-shield gen, dunno.


-Tie Adv, looks like an SWMA model to me.


sorry that I can't help you more.




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What is it exactly you plan to do with the cards? I must add, it is very nice of you, asking permissions. But except Talon 'Nemesis' Karrde, there is no one of the makers arround here.


I'd say, go ahead, use them. For the common good ofcourse :twisted:

What do others think?

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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