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Changing MUSIC files


Ok, now here's the "big" question:  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Ok, now here's the "big" question:

    • Do you listen to the original tracks,
    • Or disable the music, and play other music in Winamp, Sonique instead?

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:!: Hello to all! Nice to be back again! I had terribly lot work to do in the past few months, but I'll will sure have more time for Rebellion in summer...


Greetings to the webmasters, JediIgor, Jahled, Poodles, Elvis, The Mask, Trejiuvanat, vakundok, and all other dudes that i've forgot to mention this time!

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:arrow: I suppose, many of you guys already changed to external players, because of the low quality tracks embended in the game. The only problem is, that you don't get action music then. So you won't hear the various in game musics, like the track played when you almost won the game, or the fleet attack theme, and so on....
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:!: I've changed all the music files on the CD, so I have now high quality action music during the game...

:arrow: Wonder how? You have to replace the files MDATA.300 - MDATA.315

These files are the track for the game. They are all in WAV format, with these settings: Signed, 16 bit, mono, 11025 Hz

I have replaced them with the following quality settings: Signed, 16 bit, mono, 44100 Hz

I had to chose mono, because the wave files were too big, and didn't fit on the CD.

My Rebellion version is 512 MB on CD, so you have room for 170 MB for additional data. The MDATA music files are 22,7 MB. So you have about 200 megs space for new music files. 200 against 22! I think we should use this space :twisted: ...

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:?: What should we put on the CD instead? Of course you can't raise the quality of the old tracks to 44khz. So i suggest u use your own files. I took MP3 files, and converted it in GoldWave to WAVs...

What did I use? Well I can't write nothing illegal in a public forum.....


...but I have the Original SW soundtrack on audio CD...



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:!: But I had a problem: There are 2 tracks, I could not define. I never heard them in the game. They are tracks for the reb and the imp side:

MDATA.304 (reb)

MDATA.312 (imp)

Please somebody check them out too :!:

Any ideas :?:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This wouldn't be a problem, if Hastings would finally send me his patch he modified for me to change the movies and music in the TC. Then you can put whatever music and movies you like on your hdd and it'll play these instead of the original ones. :D


-Hastings, if you read this: I'm talking about the modifications I asked of you in that last email.


So far I exchanged the music in the cockpit with the metal-version of the Imperial march from Force Commander. A bummer, that this one could not be used in the TC.




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I replaced the music files with mp3 files from the Original Soundtrack. I tried to get the same scores, that in the game, just with more quality. Plus I added some extra minutes to them. (I mixed the tracks with Goldwave)

:arrow: So let me say, I think I have the right tracks for a TC. I worked on it for a long time, to get those scores together (because the track in the game were already mixed).

But I still don't know where to find MDATA.304 and MDATA.312 in the game...

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  • 5 weeks later...

:arrow: Here is the game's complete track list:

MDATA300 - Shuttle, main menu

MDATA301 - tension 1.

MDATA302 - tension 2.

MDATA303 - tension 3.

MDATA304 - UNKNOWN! (something for the rebels)

MDATA305 - Rebel music (looks good for the rebels...)

MDATA306 - Rebel music (looks very good for the rebels...)

MDATA307 - Space battle event for rebels

MDATA308 - Rebels winning battle

MDATA309 - Rebels losing battle

MDATA310 - Imperial music (looks good for the imperials...)

MDATA311 - Imperial music (looks very good for the imperials...)

MDATA312 - UNKNOWN! (something for the imperials)

MDATA313 - Space battle event for imperials

MDATA314 - Imperials winning battle

MDATA315 - Imperials losing battle

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Woo! Guys, excellent stuff. Ok, behalf of all the blanks of deadwood floating around the swrebellion site, how the hell can we access that excellent list Lord_La_Forge and replace stuff with our own stuff?


Replies in basic dweeb 'I'm a plank, but it ain't my fault,' language please...


More hate mail to Jahled for daring to admit he actually may know very little about PCs (but may not be alone...) can be submitted by clicking HERE...



...this is why.... :?

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:arrow: I already replaced the music files, as you can read in the last posts. I mainly used the OST. I just added a few new tracks for it...


:arrow: If anyone interested, I'll post the complete soundtrack matching too:

I experimented with the movies original soundtrack, and now I know where to find the music heard in Rebellion. Like this:


MDATA300 - Shuttle, main menu - ROTJ soundtrack, CD2, track 5.: Battle of Endor 1. (first few minutes of it)


MDATA311 - Imperial music (looks very good for the imperials...) - ROTJ soundtrack, CD1, track 8. - The Emperor Arrives... (only the first few minutes)




:idea: please check out my card poll in the cards forum too

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