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Realistically - what heroes do you expect to see?


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The Emperor on the other hand may not, since he is such a huge wuss as we saw in Episode III.


Oh come on....

The Emperor moves the galaxy... He is the main plot character in Star Wars universe and he would do anything to get accomplish his goals (even act pathetic so that anikin saves him and turn to to the dark side). Not everithing is in fight and lightsaber... Power of the mind excedes the known limits of the body... :twisted:

I am that which grips the heart in fright,

hearkens night,

and slices the light.

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If Emperor did not start his quest for power there would not be the Naboo-Trade Federation conlict and Amidalas ship would not be forced to land on Tatooine and the jedi woul never (and not even then :) ) foun Anikin... So please....Emperor started all those thing in soll purpose to destroy the jedi and bring the New Order (he sounds like a communist) :D:twisted::twisted:

I am that which grips the heart in fright,

hearkens night,

and slices the light.

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Anakin was born from the force, come on, somebody would have found him anyway. Palpatine didn't intetionally make Anakin found, it was a coincidence. If you say Sidious was the main character, then somebody could as well say that Yoda was the main character. The whole saga rotates around Anakin, his training as a Jedi, his falling to the dark side, and the restoration of his glory.
Go Leafs go!
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We have no proof that "some one would have found him" eventually. If the Jedi were at the top of their "scouting report" game, they would have practically found Anakin soon after his umbilical cord was cut, ideally. But the Jedi were getting sloppy, and Palpatine, along with the power of the Dark Side was able to take control of the situation.


As far as Palpatine being the main character, I won't say that. But you'd be hard-pressed to convince me that he wasn't the main driver of the movie's plot. In comparison to him, everyone else in the Pre-Trilogy, even Anakin, were merely static characters that just re-acted to whatever else he devised.

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I have to agree with The Relentless on this one. Anakin was the one who fulfilled the prophecy and braught order to the universe. Was he in every movie? Yes. Did we see his development from boy, to jedi, to sith? Yes. Anakin Skywalker is the main character of the entire saga, no doubt about it.
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From the first movie (phantom menace) Emperor Palpatine is acting and ploting to destroy the Republic... He initiated the whole thing... Oh yeah, Anikin would be found....on the planet Tatooine...in the middle of no-where....in the outer Rim...where is no Jedi presence...Yea, he woul be found, NJET... :twisted:

I am that which grips the heart in fright,

hearkens night,

and slices the light.

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It would be cool if it was like SWR like 30 characters for each side that you can recruiit. Actually it would be nice to be able to play SWR right now but i cant since the damn LEC store has pushed back the ship date till the 20th! By the time i get it ill be back in flipping school! Honestly, what would take so long to release a game thats like 7 years old? And btw Anakin, main guy of the whole saga, no arguments about that. Later
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Oh well, i suppose its a possibility... :roll: Lol!


If they reprogram the whole game maybe they could include ground combat so itll be like an old version of EaW.

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Going back to the purple light saber thing. It was because Samuel L. Jackson's favorite color was purple.


I dont think the Emperor should be a hero. Not because is a wus, though he is not really a fighter more a planner, but because he is us empire faction playing people. We are in charge of the empire, thus the emperor. What would he do for us. His special power was to devide the old Republic. To be honest, I dont want him, his leadership in the Civil war leads to the Empires down fall. The prequels showed how smart he could be but he got dumb with age. Stupid death star with a vent that could blow the whole thing up, god!!!!! This guy wiped out the Jedi come on.

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The heroes which were included in the Alpha shown at the Games Convention:





- Emperor Palpatine (!)

- Dart Vader

- Mara Jade

- Maximillian Veers (comes in an AT-AT)

- Boba Fett



The Accuser (SD)

TIE Advanced X1 (Vader I think)

Slave 1 (Boba Fett)





Kyle Katarn

Obi Wan Kenobi

Han & Chewie



Moldy Crow (Kyle Katarn)

Millenium Falcon (Han & Chewie)

Red Squadorn (Luke, Wedge, etc. )

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F*** ME!!!


I WANT THIS GAME NOW!!!! I'm Gonna come and steal a copy!!!



YES!!! Finally a game with Mara jade and Boba Fett as Playable characters!!!

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Awesome, there a probably a lot moe characters in there too, more of the well known ones. This games gonna rock! I feel the same way you do fosh, i want the damn game right f-ing now :evil: !!!
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