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Realistically - what heroes do you expect to see?


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By realistically, I mean no Jorus C'Boath, no Thrawn, no Mara Jade, etc. Only people that you would expect to see in the Episode III-IV era. Here are those whom I would expect:


Galactic Empire:


Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, (maybe) Grand Moff Tarkin, Admiral Ozzel, (maybe) Captain Piett, Admiral Motti, General Tagge, (maybe) General Veers, (maybe) Captain Needa


Rebel Alliance:


Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis, General Dodonna, Wedge Antilles, (maybe after you conquer Tatooine) Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Bail Organa, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi

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I dont think this game will have as many heroes as Rebellion but i dont see why EUI heroes cant be included. The game goes from a bit before IV and all the way up to the EU i believe, correct me if im wrong. (Id like to see Thrawn)
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mhh maybe we will have some heros who fight in the battels. Luke, obiwan Darth vader aso. the other Heros are only planetary governeurs or special units for espionage or sabotage, research and so on.


like this


Repel side:

Hero: Lando Calrisian

Bonuses: +10% Produktivitit

+20% Trade incoming (Traderoutes)

Ability: Research of Ground & Space Struktures

story: Lando calrisian was ..... (a small story about the person like in SW Repellion.)


Hero: Han Solo

Bonus: 50 % travel speed (travel faster)

Smuggler (espionage or sapotage units will found difficulter by the empire)


Empire Side:


Bonus: 20% Produktivity (Faster Ship building)

10% Research (Faster researching on this planet)

Ability: Research of new Ships & components

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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In one fo the recent screenshots I saw Niles Ferrier sp?, if he's in there expect a lot of heros, perhaps as many as are in Star Wars Rebellion.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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mhh maybe we will have some heros who fight in the battels. Luke, obiwan Darth vader aso.


Obi-Wan and Darth Vader have been confirmed, and i would be willing to bet that Luke will be available i also like your idea of special forces units like in rebellion. Noghri Death commandos, etc.

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Guest JediIgor
Darth Vader is definitely in, you can see him fighting in some of the movies and screenshots ;). The Emperor on the other hand may not, since he is such a huge wuss as we saw in Episode III.
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how is he a wuss. He had a grand vision that took him 19 years to have come full circle. he was playing ani the whole time, and so he had to act like he was going to be killed, to prove that the jedi were the enemies of the republic.
Like a fat kid playing dodge ball, im out
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This is going offtopic, but I think Mace Windu was actually going to destroy Sidious, and would have, if it wasn't for Anakin. In my eyes, Mace was maybe the greatest lightsaber duelist of the saga, it was Force Powers that he lacked. Sidious could only have defeated him without the other Jedi Masters, but with them around to give Mace a head start, Mace would have won. But still, I think Sidious wouldn't have been so easily defeated if Anakin hadn't been around. So, Sidious was indeed in cotrol of what was happening, but he needed Anakin to kill Mace.
Go Leafs go!
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Guest JediIgor
how is he a wuss. He had a grand vision that took him 19 years to have come full circle. he was playing ani the whole time, and so he had to act like he was going to be killed, to prove that the jedi were the enemies of the republic.


Okay, if he is such a big badass why would he run away from Yoda when they are fighting? There was noone to deceive in that battle, but he kept running away and usnig Force Throw on Yoda ;). So I think he's a huge wuss. Of course that could change by Episode IV, but even in Episode VI he uses his force lightning on poor defenseless Luke!

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Would you be calling him a wuss to his face if he were real? And why would he act like a wuss? He is the most powerful thing in the universe next to the force itself.


PS-Why did Mace have a purple lightsaber?

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You're welcome Vader.


Now here's my list of realistically-could-be-in-heroes:


The Imperials:


Darth Vader

Grand Moff Tarkin


Im out of ideas on the Imperial side, and it's not like they really need lots of heroes or anything.


The Alliance:



Luke Skywalker

Han Solo

General Riekan

Admiral Ackbar


If they're all in, im happy.

Go Leafs go!
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Grand Moff Tarkin


I dont think so, he died on the first death star during the battle of yavin. Doesn't this game come in just after that? Or maybe im thinking too Rebellion. ANyways Vader, Emporer and some generals and admirals.

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dont think so, he died on the first death star during the battle of yavin. Doesn't this game come in just after that?


Actually, EaW starts just before episode IV. So Tarkin would be verymuch alive.

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dont think so, he died on the first death star during the battle of yavin. Doesn't this game come in just after that?


Actually, EaW starts just before episode IV. So Tarkin would be verymuch alive.


YAY i was right 4 once!!!! wOOt!

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well in the us purple is considered a ....gay color so.....ya...

but anyway i thought the game took place just before a new hope so we could save tarkin from the rebel scum :lol: -yay-


Yes purple is gay and i apologize im thinking of swr.

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Would you be calling him a wuss to his face if he were real? And why would he act like a wuss? He is the most powerful thing in the universe next to the force itself.


PS-Why did Mace have a purple lightsaber?


If he were real, I'd be kissing his wrinkled rear for command of my own Star Destroyer and I bet everyone else on the forums would as well. And this is coming from someone who will more or less only play the rebel side.

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I only expect to see maybe 5-10 characters per side.

Palpatine, Vader, Thrawn, Fett, Garindan, Ozzel, Piett and Tarkin

Obiwan, Senator Organa, Mon Mothma, Yoda(maybe...Prob. not), Luke, Chewbacca, Leia and Han

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