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Yuuzhan Vong Hunter Droids?

Grand Admiral Thrawn 889

Do you think the YVH droids are use fully in tactics?  

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  1. 1. Do you think the YVH droids are use fully in tactics?

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do you think that it would b cool if you could get something like the YVH droids in the game coz theres loadsa streatergies that can be used with them with their lantanuim armour they gd droids in small numbers and there useful in large numbers and they can b modified 4 other uses




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Yes, I must admit a little more information would be appreciated. For a start what are YVH droids?


You might also consider that it's unlikely they'll be in the game at all, but lets hear how they can be useful and what kind of tactics you predict (if they do turn up in game) they will be capable of doing.

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Lando Calrissian set up Tendrando Arms during the YV crisis. They're first droid, the Yuzhaan Vong Hunter, was prototyped during an assasination attempt on President Fey'la. The Attempt was foiled and the droid went on mass production in time for the assault by General Antilles on Borleais. The second incarnation of this was the YVI, a MSE droid equipped with the YVH sensors. These MSE droids allowed the Alliance to begin a sensor sweep of the alliance rooting out thousands of YV spies and sympethisers.


The YVH droids were reprogrammed in the post YV era to be battle droids and defenders. The Solo's and Skywalkers both have Tendrando Arms Battle Droids on their ships as an extra defense.

Jade Shadow's droid NANA was reprogrammed as a Nana for their young child Ben. Han's droid is equipped with all the technology and Armor which made these droids so popular with the Defense forces during the conflict.

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Actually the Empire tested extensively with Droid Fighters and Battle Droids to try and recreate the soldiers from the Clone Wars. EG the Dark Trooper and the War Droids like the War Droids which were remotely controlled.
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True the YVH Droids are a bit ahead of the Time but if you can go to what ever time that you want you should be able to build them.


A tactic that can be used with the YVH droids is Orbital Drops on enemy planets from high altitudes. on to enemy bases.




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the Vong Dont have to be in the game for Tendrando Arms to Develop A Self Healing Vicious BodyGuard/Battle Droid they are modified after war for example the 'Bugcrunchers' or 'Nanna' or BD-8 or the countless other variations of the Droids but all have the 1 thing in common they are Designed 4 the visious perpose of Killing and are good at it so they should be in the game but come in quite late in the galaxy and come from an unknown source all you can do is Order more of the Droids from the source Tendrando Arms.




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bugCrunchers wasnt just hans name for them Leia turns round and says that we had to call the something and that was what the variation of the model was called




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Dark Troopers werent robots, they were specially picked soldiers trained in the use of the force. They were basically supertroops. And the War Driods/ Remote TIEs didnt really come about until the Empire began to take extensive losses and they found themselves facing concerns with manpower.
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Dark troopers were Troops who had a little control of the force who were given augmented armor to strengthen them and allow them to survive bad conditions and give them the ability to survive in hostile situations.
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Dark troopers were Troops who had a little control of the force who were given augmented armor to strengthen them and allow them to survive bad conditions and give them the ability to survive in hostile situations.


They still werent robots though :P

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I'm not sure but I think in Dark Forces the Phase I darktroopers were droids.

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As a veteran of the Clone Wars, Rom Mohc saw firsthand both the limitations and the advantages of battle droid infantry. When he rose to power as a general in the Imperial military, he masterminded the dark trooper project, which would result in an advanced battle droid meant to serve as a "super stormtrooper."

This ambitious project was developed in stages, as concept droids proved the feasibility of Mohc's designs. The Phase One dark trooper had an unfinished appearance, with an exposed metal skeleton cast of hardened phrik, a durable alloy mined primarily from the Gromas moons. The trooper was a towering humanoid, armed with a razor-edged carving blade and arm-mounted blast shield. Its programming was primitive, and its drive to attack was relentless.


The Phase Two trooper was much more refined, bearing a gunmetal gray armored exterior reminiscent of stormtrooper uniforms. Equipped with a repulsorlift pack and maneuvering jets, this massive automated soldier was extremely agile, and typically armed with a powerful plasma shell assault cannon and long-range explosive rockets.


The final and most powerful model was the Phase Three dark trooper. Only one was known to exist, in the personal employ of General Mohc. A towering goliath with broad armored shoulders, this dark trooper could operate independently or be used as an armored powersuit. Connected to its massive arms were a deadly cluster of firing tubes which dispensed a seemingly endless supply of seeker rockets.


The dark troopers were first unleashed shortly after the Battle of Yavin, on the unsuspecting Alliance installation of Tak Base. The Empire launched the droids via hyperspace capsules, in a fashion similar to the distribution of deep space probe droids. The inhuman soldiers tore through all resistance, and devastated the Rebel outpost on the planet Talay. Investigating this disturbing new assault was Alliance mercenary Kyle Katarn. He uncovered the secret dark trooper project, and traced it back to its source, the immense production facility aboard the Arc Hammer, General Mohc's flagship.


Katarn infiltrated the Arc Hammer and sabotaged the titanic vessel. The Emperor was so infuriated by the loss of the Arc Hammer, and the incredible investment in the dark trooper project, that all research into stormtrooper battle droids ended with Mohc's death.


Here is the SW databank entry for Dark Troopers.

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Vong aren't in this game,so I dont think Vong hunter droids will be either :P

bothans werent in battlegrounds but there were bothan spies. or wus that a reasearch? my mind is fuzzy now.


Just to clear up what I meant. The Vong hunter droids were made for one reason: to fight the Vong (duh). If there are no Vong, there is no point for there to be droids that specialize in fighting them.

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yeah but there may be droids like the YVH droids and they are adapted to the different roles that they play on different Tasks for example Nanna bens bodyguard is and adapted YVH and so is 8d8 Han and Leias Falcon Defense droid and the BugCrunchers that they take to the dark nest are modified YVH's so there are other uses for the droids part from killing VOng




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But their development was triggered by the Vong invasion. If there are no vong then there would be no YVH Droids. If the game was post vong they'd certainly be in there, but it isn't therefore they aren't.


As far as combat droids goes we may see some but they were primarily used by the Empire not the Alliance.

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