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Favourite Star Wars Quote


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Palpatine- "In time, he will come to you"


Vader- "He will come to me?"


Palpatine-"I have forseen it..."


(quality) ;)


My version:


Palpatine-"In time, he will come to you."


Vader-"No he won't."


Palpatine-"What do you mean!?"


Vader-"He's a wuss..."




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'you did that black hole thing again didnt you?' -cant be asked to look in Union to find the name.

'scrounge mode activated' -Emtrey.

'we now have the ultimate power in the universe i suggest we use it!' - Random Moff

'Commander! tear this ship apart until you find those plans! if you find any passengers i want them alive!' Darth Vader.

'Are you an angel?' -Annie




I Support the Resistance!

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"The great Darth Vader was a sick man in an iron mask!"  -Reborn Emperor Palpatine


Plus the great dialogue from A New Hope (not totally accurate of course) :


Luke "The Princess?  She's here?!?"

Han  "Princess?  What's going on here?"

Luke "She's the one in the message.  We've gotta help her."

Han  "Now don't get any funny ideas.  The old man wants us to wait right here."

Luke "But he didn't know she was here.  (to 3p0) see if you can find a way to the detention level."

Han  "I'm not going anywhere!"

Luke "They're gonna execute her!  Look a few minutes ago you didn't want to sit here and now you just want to stay?"

Han  "Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind."

Luke "But they're gonna kill her!"

Han  "Better her than me!"


Ahhh if only had knew what he'd said at that point in time.  ;)

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"The great Darth Vader was a sick man in an iron mask!"  -Reborn Emperor Palpatine


Plus the great dialogue from A New Hope (not totally accurate of course) :


Luke "The Princess?  She's here?!?"

Han  "Princess?  What's going on here?"

Luke "She's the one in the message.  We've gotta help her."

Han  "Now don't get any funny ideas.  The old man wants us to wait right here."

Luke "But he didn't know she was here.  (to 3p0) see if you can find a way to the detention level."

Han  "I'm not going anywhere!"

Luke "They're gonna execute her!  Look a few minutes ago you didn't want to sit here and now you just want to stay?"

Han  "Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind."

Luke "But they're gonna kill her!"

Han  "Better her than me!"


Ahhh if only had knew what he'd said at that point in time.   ;)


I know! I KNOW!!!!


Luke "She's worth a reward"

Han "What kind of reward?"

Luke "Riches beyond your explination"

Han *In Excited Tone*"Where's This Princess?"


Han is always in for the money... ::)

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"The great Darth Vader was a sick man in an iron mask!"  -Reborn Emperor Palpatine


Plus the great dialogue from A New Hope (not totally accurate of course) :


Luke "The Princess?  She's here?!?"

Han  "Princess?  What's going on here?"

Luke "She's the one in the message.  We've gotta help her."

Han  "Now don't get any funny ideas.  The old man wants us to wait right here."

Luke "But he didn't know she was here.  (to 3p0) see if you can find a way to the detention level."

Han  "I'm not going anywhere!"

Luke "They're gonna execute her!  Look a few minutes ago you didn't want to sit here and now you just want to stay?"

Han  "Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind."

Luke "But they're gonna kill her!"

Han  "Better her than me!"


Ahhh if only had knew what he'd said at that point in time.  ;)


OK I'll finish a bit of the dialogue:


Luke "She's rich"

Chewie growling

Han  "Rich?"

Luke "Mmmhmmmm.  Rich, powerful.  If you rescued her the reward would be..."

Han  "What?"

Luke "More well than you can imagine!"

Han  "I don't know I can imagine a lot."

Luke "You'll get it"

Han  "I'd better!"

Luke "You will!"

Han  "OK kid.  What's your plan?"

Luke "Uh threepio, hand me those binders will you?  OK I'm going to put these on you..."

Chewie growling angrily

Luke "Uh Han, you... you put these on him."

Han  "Don't worry Chewie I think I know what he means."



"You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view."  -Obi-Wan Kenobi

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  • 11 months later...



Mace windu's scream in ROTS, hilarious. The lamest yet funniest scream I have ever heard.

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