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My demo project (Will you desire to buy this ?! Be real)


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NOTE: This document is in a file with my CV at Ubisoft human resources for Game Design. My goal was to get enough atention to make them call me for sure at the interviews ... let's hope so.





The Game Concept






Seraphim is a new game based on the successful platform of Prince of Persia II. The game brings for the first time into the virtual field of battle the real theological vision about the fight between the forces of good and evil.


The clash between them is now much more intense, profound and easier to follow thus penetrating more into the gamer’s mind who is anyway generally accustomed to the biblical history.


The storyline develops around confusing biblical events like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, the flee into Egypt, the fall of Jerusalem in 60 AD and continues true modern times and the birth of Antichrist up until the end of the world and the final battle in the valley of Armageddon. These events were never fully explained and leave the door open to many interpretations, and since they are filled with a mystical atmosphere and intense combat we use them into the game’s developing plot. A keen understanding of the Bible is what gives to this new adventure-role playing game the true sense of reality and keeps it out of major contradictions with the general accepted religious view.


The player fights in two universes in the same time : the human universe and the spiritual one. This dimensions overlap in many aspects to provide us with a new double vision about the world in which we live. The player receives a new set of cool expanding angelic powers as he walks true new intense confrontations in the game, being a neutral that seeks to follow his own interests by keeping himself away from the main battle between Lucifer and God.


The game is guaranteed to increase the gamer’s normal level of adrenaline rush when playing, to make him see the real struggle between good and evil and give him a new goal, a new sense of duty that will reflect even upon his real persona. He will play to rediscover himself, rebuild his spirituality and find answers to many religious questions that will lure him even deeper into the game, mission after mission.




As I mentioned before this new game concept tries to use existing tools and sets of codes, the engine included, from the Prince of Persia II game. The goal here is to cut down on the developing time, lower the production costs and still provide a new game that will rival PoP2’s success. The name Seraphim has been chosen because there is already a game named Archangel on the market from 2003. Still this old game is very different from the new story and does not require any license agreements. To understand more clearly the game’s vision we should see it from the Constantine movie perspective but this time we offer a much more real and profound scenario. The Constantine movie opened a door that was not fully exploited even by the movie itself.




You start the game by looking with admiration at the introduction cinematic that explains to a virtual audience the story of a fallen angel that has chosen to be a human after falling in love with a beautiful woman in one of his missions when he had human form on Earth. (*The Bible really mentions this events – still he never becomes a demon like many others before him cause he still truly loves God). You see the beautiful lands of Egypt and almost sense the happiness that surrounds the angel as he plays with his son and sends his wife to the house. But as you take control over your character suddenly the drama brakes loose. You find yourself in the time of Moses and Ramses and see your son as a he is killed by God’s angel of death in the last plague sent over Egypt. Then Lucifer tries to lure you into his army and since you refuse him he kidnaps your wife and laughs at your fate.


You are desperate and wonder the land in horror as Egypt is at it’s braking point and all sorts of evil stuff begins to let loose. The one who comes in your help is the Archangel Michael. As an old friend he guides you to another neutral fallen angel who will teach you how to become again what you once were. Now you learn about the existence of the 7 tablets of creation that were God’s first creations even before the angels or the universe. These tablets are made from Gods own essence and hold immense divine power that can change the balance of power in the universe and win final judgment.


Lucifer wants them to, so a race starts between you and him to see who will get them all. The first tablets that you get enable you to travel true time and get to specific locations and events in the human history. Lucifer will send against you his human warriors and strange beasts that you initially fight with material weapons but as your power increases you are able to fight into the spiritual realm directly with the daemons that control this humans and the daemon created beasts.


You can now walk true walls or on the walls, jump over building to another (Matrix style) and even fly with your angel wings that show up in special moments. Also you develop new spiritual powers that can push, choke, penetrate, persuade, kill and even send demons strait to the hell’s flames by opening the ground under them when they are defeated.

Your spiritual weapons are mystical blades that extend from your angelic matter and come in different forms depending upon your skill level.


When you finally find all the seven tablets of creation and defeat all the Lucifer’s attempts to get them or lure you onto his side with promises of glory and life for your wife and son, you go into the valley of Armageddon were the shrine of Abel once was. Here you place the 7 tablets onto the shrine and they immediately start to orbit it. The army of Lucifer gathers before you and he takes the form of a huge dragon like creature with many heads as many demons merge with him to increase his power (*real biblical accounts about the beast). He speaks to you thru these different voices trying again to lure you to his side. He is even showing you proof that your wife has stopped to fully love you long ago in the past and he points out that God never cares because he killed your beloved son. All that your struggled for now seems in your eyes pointless and you start to use the power of the tablets because of the rage and hate that’s being boxed inside you as Lucifer speaks his cursed lies. Your angelic form grows into a titanic angel and deforms your holy aura into the dark flames of the demons. With a final exclamation of joy Lucifer enjoys the moment and keeps persuading you to do it.

Now the game let’s you finally chose:

1. Join Lucifer – and still after the battle end up into hell.

2. Fight Lucifer and the Armies of God to keep the power for your self– and still end up into the black emptiness of loneliness.

3. And …

… You discover that you still have faith, still love God and you embrace what you are and destroy the tablets as you reply to Lucifer. Then in the valley the angel armies of God uncloaks and show’s it self into a spectacle of light contrasting with the armies of darkness. Archangel Michael your old friend puts his hand on your shoulder, comforting you and approveing your choice. He ends with these words: “Again we find ourself fighting along side each other Ismael (*your name) may God watch over us !â€

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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  • 3 weeks later...

You would have to make sure that the dialogue wouldn't go to hell like it does in so many other games these days - games that otherwise would have a ton of merit, but just come off as insulting to the intelligent mind. Look at the Legacy of Kain line of games (particularly the first Soul Reaver, and Legacy of Kain: Defiance - for the dialogue to those games, go to www.nosgoth.net); wonderful and rich dialogue augmenting dark and entertaining histories.


Not to toot my own horn or anything like that, but I'm a pretty decent writer. My weakness is that my story-telling leaves something to be desired, but with an already-determined storyline having been conceived by you (especially with how dramatic and Biblical it would be!), I could give you something cool, dialogue-wise, if you would be interested and if the position hasn't already been taken.

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Sounds great, i love bible twists, after all its the greatest book ever written and has the most stories and room for interpretation. Game sounds cool.
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Oops, didn't log me in, for some reason. "Guest" was me, just in case there was any confusion.


:arrow: Yes I could use some help in this demo project - I never refused a helping hand - but for now we will have to wait since this is a demo and has not been seen by a Lead Designer yet. I will also move it in a couple of days in the Maw and probably let it out later this month.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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If you need anyone to look over the writing and act the "editor" I don't mind having a look when it's ready. Often it's more important to have multiple eyes screen what's written, and I have to edit for all the stuff I write anyway so I'm somewhat used to it. Not really an issue now, but when it comes to that point I don't mind assisting.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Well its an interesting concept, but I don't feel qualified to review or approve it Cain. I haven't played any of the games which use that engine so I don't know how it would look or play out.

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It's a fasinating game concept man. U've got a solid game foundation, and it wouldn't be a problem conciveing story ideas, since like vader89 said, it's the greatest book ever written.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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nice idea, a good biblical twist on the whole good vs evil. speaking of bible games i saw one in the newspaper today, about an RTS about the rapture/apocolypse based on the left behind series.
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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mean you the old Prince of persia two or the news twos? Sand of time or how its name were?

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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:arrow: Loll - Yes the last one :) I also know they are working on a new one at Montreal now ... so who knows :) maybe they will decide to ship two new different games on the same platform ... I wish ;)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Cain, do you mean that there will be 2 NEW POP games in the near future?? Or games with the same Genre of Ancient Civilisations.


:arrow: No Fosh - this Seraphim is just a demo ideea nobody is makeing it now :) Ubisoft from Canada is makeing a new PoP ;)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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  • 4 months later...
Sorry to bring this up from the dead but just wanted to say that Prince of Persia made a 2 sided game that you are trying to do. It may or may not effect you but they took one part of your idea so your second idea is the bible part.
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