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Hit and run ?

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I would love to have Hit and Run. Lots and lots of fighters taking out loads of Imp Strongholds while capital ships defend hyp. points.
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Guest JediIgor
But then they'll have to do something that it's not easily exploitable. In Rebellion they made it that going hyperspace takes a while (and in that time you're vulnerable) as well as your ships being completely uncontrollable while they retreat to a different planet.
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yes but goin 2 lightspeed should never have been made 2 take that long

n it shouldnt have so as this game isnt related 2 Rebellion in anyway they should have sped it up




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Guest JediIgor
Makes sense to me.. they need time to warm up the hyperdrives and get away from the gravity pull of the planets -- remember TESB? The Millennium Falcon can't "jump to lightspeed" right away, nor do the escaping ships from Hoth.
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yeah but thats not a problem for them when they attack a convey because the convey is generally hit at a Deep Space Relay n since most Conveys are automated they couldnt leave immediately give u a bit of time to hit n if its escorted by something big then u just bug out after destroying a part of the convey.




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yeah but thats not a problem for them when they attack a convey because the convey is generally hit at a Deep Space Relay n since most Conveys are automated they couldnt leave immediately give u a bit of time to hit n if its escorted by something big then u just bug out after destroying a part of the convey.


convoys in deep space? so you mean cargo ships DONT have hyperdrives?well, then they have to travel for years or centuries to go from one place to another, right?

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i never said that they didnt have hyperdrive in Deep space as in a Navigation hyper point where a ship comes out to change headings if theres an obstical in the course. and the point that the Ships couldnt deviate from there course i was saying that the ships where mainly automated by the imps in the early days cause it was thought that the duty was degrading and subhuman.




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To try and crush the Rebellion. Does anyone remember Derra IV???


There was a Rebel Convoy and the Imps managed to take out a massive shipment of supplies to Hoth meaning that the Rebels didn't have the proper conversion kits for speeders and were unable to fully contruct heat keeping things like they have on Csilla in the Force Heretic: Refugee book.

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i'd forgot about Derra IV but the Rebels hit Imp Conveys as a way of resource gathering so it isnt pointless for the tactic to be used but you can also hit a space base and then run as well just damaging it and drawing away forces from other targets its a war of attrition Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squad use the Tactic on Bacta Conveys in THE BACTA WAR book




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The Rebels only captured convoy's which they needed goods from. Usually they would just blow them out of space as a way to take out much needed resources in Fleet and Planetary development.
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yeah and it caused them to strech the imp navy more because they then had to defend the conveys as well as the ubiqitory bases and other military holdings




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To return to the topic of hit and run, yes I would love to be able to do so. Those are definitely worthwhile tactics. Especially in areas that are too far for your forces to invade and keep in your control. Unfortunately, AI are usually not very good at this. We'll see.

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but again who said that the tactic was for the AI id use it cand monitor it to the bug out point but if you have a a cruiser for support in a nr by system that can deal wid anything that could be a problem not that the game could predict the next target or the use of the tactic and if it can it must b cause one of the dev team has read this and then every1 shud no i thought it up




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Until we get more info on the game, ANY tactics people come up with will be mostly common sense RTS strategy. They're the only ones we can guarantee will hold true even when it's released.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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As true as that may be Darmark, please keep in mind that we all know it's speculation. This is a place to get out ideas. Once we have all the details about units and capabilities, real stratagy's will be discussed.

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Sorry, should have quoted. It was in response to Havok's


Dont take credit for a common sense idea.


I'm all for the discussion of strategy, so sorry if I sounded negative.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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  • 2 weeks later...
true thats why these forums were made so that we can discuss tactics that might work against the AI and other ppl hu dont use these forums!




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