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Ship Ramming


Do you even think this will be an option?  

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  1. 1. Do you even think this will be an option?

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i dont know if this is possible but it would be a fun tactic. lets say ur left with 3 rebel blockade ships and 1 planet which has whats left of ur ground forces. the imperials jump out of hyperspace and u order your last ships to ram star destroyers and or transport ships. trying to take as many out as possible for the sake of ur ground forces. :cry:

"May the Schwartz be with you!" -Yogart
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Would be a good last minute tactic but I doubt it will be ingame for release but mayybe a patch if we bug enough ? Well I can imagine so many Rebel caps trying to ram into a Star Destroyer
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I don't think that ship "Raming" will ever be in there. Maybe Ship NAMING but we won't know till more features are released!!
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this wudnt b in the game cause it would b a waste of ship n 3 corvettes wudnt take out a single isd they wud bounce off the shields with ease




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Ship ramming could b a quite realistic feature, i mean what if the ships guns r destroyed nd the ship is on the verge of destruction the player could take a course of action 2 ram an enemy ship to try inflict sum major damage!! Plus it wud b cool 2 be able 2 do that!!!
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AHHH i see ship Ramming!!



I don't think so. Maybe if the ship is near destruction then it should be able to ram another nearby causing massive damage.

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As someone said they would build lots of ships and send every ship to ram into others or exploit it somehow. Well the option should apear when its 10-5% health left then the player could click on it then send it on a crash course and if things go right you'll cause major damage.
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for one, how can it be exploited?


Your paying resources for every ship you lose to replace it.


Its not like its "free damage"


And to the poster who said the Corvette would bounce off the shields..


Please just stop posting.


That is so rediculous. A little proton torpedo can go through the shields, but a huge ship with a reactor core that is like 100 torps, can't?



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Guest JediIgor
Ramming is a great idea. And it's a proven Star Wars tactic, in one of the NJO books they ram a Worldship with an Executor-class (worked wonders ;)). It would be a great idea if the battle is made more tactical.
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but then again you have to take in thier mass and then a damage amount on peretty much where they are hit. and about the only places you could hit is front,side,engines,and guns/unique items on ship like gravity wells on interceptors. and since there are going to be like 20+ ships on each side they would have to program so much in order to make that a sucess. not saying its a bad idea but there is alot of programming to be done.and it would make things less tatical really, who ever had the most,biggest ships and just ram them into the enemy, whoever had more wins. unless the ram opion is only available at about 5 - 10% of the ships health
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And to the poster who said the Corvette would bounce off the shields..


Please just stop posting.




that person has as much right to post here as you. don't bash other ppl for their opinions, a large portion of this forum was founded on opinions about EaW and its features. Anyways...Star Wars is Fiction, how the hell would anyone know what happens. it's a movie series ffs :s



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Exactly what Element said, Also this forum is suposed to be a friendly one unlike the ones at Gamespot and LEC which are badly moded sometimes. Mostly Gamespot :roll:. Anyways i'm tired going to sleep.


If you out of weapons just ram when you have 5-10% health left then hope for the best. If you hit both ships get damaged and other might gain 80% damage with its 20% damage and KABOOOOOM.


as I said good night.

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well if you dont take 5 seconds to put in a good word or even no word at all then your posts dont deserve any respect. and what must they do in order to have an opinion? correct grammar?spelling? no thinking about a subject and replying in a good manner, its talking about one of our favorite pastimes. star wars games. its just a game. no need to be rude or bashing over software
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Well I could see ship ramming in the game only if it was used when the ship has 10% or less health and all the escape pods gone (Even if they're not in there just pretend :P ). Well if weapons are gone try and repair it or ram it also ? Or just stick with 10% and less health ?
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this is to be used as a last resort when the ship is a lost cause as it would take to long to repair and there no crew on board.

ok but wot bout Self Destructing the ships when its near the opponent but that would need to only be a option at a 5-10% health situation as well cause it would b easy just to take a single ship in to the center of an enemy formation and destruct it damaging more than one Ship at a time and destroyin a majority of the enemy Starfighters.




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some one asked how this would be exploied?


I am playing with the rebels, and build only corellian corvettes, which are much cheaper and build faster then ISD, then send them to ram ISD... imps dont have a change to win...


I am playing imps, and rebels a massed a huge fleet, I am sending only carrack light cruisers to ram the mon calamary cruisers, then send the ISDs and TIEs to finish the job... rebels have no chance to win...


Am I clear? ramming in a strateji game is rediculous! meaningless, you can self destruct, but ramming should not be in the game

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ive played games with Self Destruct options in but i never actually lyked it cause i thought that it was pointless cause by the time that ive pressed the button to order destruct or the destruct is carried out the order the Ships been destroyed by the enemy so i dont see the Point of it cause unless the orders carryed out immediately theres collateral damage to your ships this meant that there would be damaging expecally if u have made a mistake and clicked the wrong button boom there goes at least half ur fleet if its in the Middle of the fleet that is




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Guest JediIgor
If the game features "capturing" ships then self-destruct it sometimes a far better choice than letting your ship fall into enemy hands! :wink:
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If the game features "capturing" ships then self-destruct it sometimes a far better choice than letting your ship fall into enemy hands! :wink:

it wont, capturing ships is not going to be in teh game read the interview!

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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