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Attacks in London


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Anti-Protons and Protons = Boom.


Photon Torpedo's in Star Trek are based on this principle.


SM smiles to himself, "Guess what, Star Trek got it wrong. Anti-protons do combust when placed in contact with protons but they do not release the same amount of energy as anti-electrons do. Anti-electrons therefore explode whereas anti-protons crackle and burn."


Go ahead and look it up... and by the way Torpedoes in Star Trek use both anti-protons and anti-electrons in their warheads. The name of the Torpedo, (Photon/Quantum) is dictated by its type of targeting computer.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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The Early Photon Torps used AntiProtons. They Later ones= Kirks era used anti electons and by Picard they have developed Quantum using loads of stuff.
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true its not real and it MAYBE theoretical but its likely not going to be developed 4 another 2000 years

That long, eh? Shame, Star Trek will be proved wrong...


Actually, I think it already has been proved wrong. Weren't the Eugenic Wars in 1996?

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Yeah. And WW3 is within 25 years

I must have been hibernating or something back in 1996 to have missed an entire war.


25 years until a nuclear holocaust, eh? Meh, I've had a good run...

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I'm expecting it within 10. Terror attacks around the globe, loads of Nukes stolen from Russia, China and Libya.

As far as China goes, it's not the stolen nuclear weapons I'm worried about... moreover the ones still held by the government.

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I heard there was another attack at London. 3 blasts at london and 1 on bus and "bombs" are small. Luckily only one injured.


Warren station, Shepherds station and oval station. and one bus station.


Btw is it just me or are the British girls getting uglier ? :shock: Cant believe i'm watching cnn :shock:

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Yes there have been more attacks. The Police have arrested more people and hopefully they will be able to get the organisers finally/
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The attacks went wrong.


The devices used today in the second attempt to attack London were wired incorrectly: only the detonators exploded with a force similar to a small firework. One of the "suicide bombers", wearing the bomb in a backpack, didn't even receive injury from the detonation, instead ditching the backpack and running as it caught fire.


This was another terrorist attack, but thankfully it was rushed and poorly executed and equipped. Due to the huge feeling of defiance spread by the 7/7 bombins, instead of the intended feelings of fear and terror, the bombers decided more action was needed. Unfortunately for them, this was more of a practical joke than a terror attack. Some men were even strip-searched in the middle of the street.


The British media is split: the BBC, an educated and unbiased broadcast station, has reported the facts and openly admitted that this is nothing to worry about. ITV, a commercial mainstream channel, has been making people scared all day, using words like "nightmare bombings return" and "London's Burning" (just by chance, the title of one of their entertainment shows... funny, that). If you are a British citizen reading this, I urge you to switch off ITV and ignore the hype and fear. They're bowing to the terrorists: they're spreading the fear that is wanted. The BBC is the voice of reason that really stands up to the bombers.


Please, stay calm Britain!

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Britain Will Prevail. We have the Stiff Upper Lip. Muha we will be victorious. Bring Back Capital Punishment!!!!!

That's exactly what I think, along with the Cane in schools to beat senseless those rude, arrogant, self-obsessed little shits that consider themselves better than everyone else... if you don't know what I'm talking about, watch Catherine Tate, Thursday nights, BBC 2.

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Those Kids with problems don't need the EMA to come to school. I mean some of my friends got £200 for coming back to school after Christmas. Its not fair. Our government is spending so much money Abroad that they are piecemealing the Home Topics.
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Those Kids with problems don't need the EMA to come to school. I mean some of my friends got £200 for coming back to school after Christmas. Its not fair. Our government is spending so much money Abroad that they are piecemealing the Home Topics.

Exactly! We need a strong Conservative government that retracts from foreign policy, backs away from Europe and makes sure that respect in schools, treatment in hospitals and better all-round social conditions are enforced.

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It seems Al Qaeda is attempting to open up more fronts on the war on terror...

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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To all the Brits on this message board, my heart goes out to ya. That must have sucked beyond anything fathomable.


But there are a lot of misconceptions about the war against people like bin Laden that bother me.


For one, this has nothing to do with a "War Against the West." Believing in that paints a false dichotomy of freedom v. tyranny/civilized v. barbarism. These terrorists, while still fanatics with no justification for the violence of their deeds, in fact -do- hate us for our actions: our foreign policy actions. Bin Laden hates America because a: we fund and support dictatorships (the Shah in Iran, Saddam Hussein in the 80's, the Kuwaiti royal family, the SAUDI royal family, Egypt, etc) that oppress their (Muslim) people, b: we support Israel, and c: we have soldiers stationed in Mecca and Medina, the two most sacred of Muslim holy sites. Britain is considered a target because it is "complicit" in Iraq, and because a lot of its former Middle East foreign policy was in the same direction as America's (it was our partner in the military coup that placed the Shah in power in Iran, for example).


The other main grievance I have is the utter willingness people in my country have to give up their civil liberties in order to feel "safer." Thanks to those loonies in Congress renewing the Patriot Act, the government can break into our houses and perform unreasonable search and seizure on any public transportation without probable cause, and can wiretap our homes and spy on our emails, medical records, and credit records - all without a warrant or probable cause. It allows American citizens to be labled as "enemy combatants," and therefore they can be arrested and imprisoned for an indefinate time without even being charged with a crime. The Supreme Court only ruled recently that these people have a right to legal representation and trial. Somehow we're not "patriotic" enough if we disagree with the Bush administration's way of waging war; we're supposed to be docile and servile. :?


No offense to the British members of this board, but how can you live in such a -monitored- country and not feel invaded? I know that the motive behind the technology is deterrance - that people won't commit crimes because they know they're on camera. But does that mean every British citizen is a suspect? It sort of disturbs me with the lack of public outcry in England about privacy rights being trumped in favor of a criminal surveillance technology.


But that's just my 2 cents.

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You think we don't feel invaded??


Our Government is to introduce more CCTV camera's around the country, we may be FORCED, yes FORCED, to pay £300 to buy stupid ID cards and Biometric Passports. Blair is to introduce extra powers to the security forces similar to those in the States. Most Policemen will be given Firearms to patrol the streets and Plain clothes will all have the MP5 on their persons all the time.

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Always glad to be proven wrong, then. :)


Just makes me cringe to know that there are average British citizens at all who would welcome that kind of "reform." How popular/unpopular are those developments in your country?

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I wish that these changes will not be introduced however this government doesn't seem to care what the Average citizen thinks. Especially when they Tax the Socks off the Middle Class to pay for the Lower class and allowing the upper class to get richer by giving them loads of Rebates and less tax.
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How popular/unpopular are those developments in your country?


The ideas are pretty unpopular, but since when has that stopped politicians?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I just remember reading an article describing large white eye icons on double decker buses, advertising that you were being watched. Creeped me the hell out. 1984, anyone?
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