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Attacks in London


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mhh every one sayd here. they should concentrade their forces and crush the terrorism in afganistand and in the other lands.


i must say it was a bad thing was happened in london and in new york. Many people lost people who they loves. but i think the crushing of the teroorism force would not be the solution of the problem. This will only strenghend the terrorism forces. What would you say if an other land comes into your country and kill some people and say "Hi People sorry but we have only killed Terrorism". You wouldn´s say "Oh its ok." The thing was everybody would they and think will be "Dammed xyz they came into ourer country bomb the citys and kill people. And all what they say is Sry but we had only destroyed terrors buildings and kill terrorissm people." and so would more people join the forces.


someone of yours would say this can only think a people in with country there was no any terroris actions. this would be true but i would say nothing mutch about this thema because my nation had not so a white jacked with they want.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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As an englishman i say thanks 4 the support n as a HUMAN Being i have to say that i argee that crushin them isnt the answer just ignoring them n sayin 'oww look a bomb lets go help' n just make it look lyk it hasnt affect us that wot we did in the blitz n we can do it again we survived a couple of years of bombing we can survive through the terrorist attacks!




May BRITON LIVE STRONG N SURVIVE til every1 else has blown themselves to bits






I Support the Resistance!

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As an englishman i say thanks 4 the support n as a HUMAN Being i have to say that i argee that crushin them isnt the answer just ignoring them n sayin 'oww look a bomb lets go help' n just make it look lyk it hasnt affect us that wot we did in the blitz n we can do it again we survived a couple of years of bombing we can survive through the terrorist attacks!




May BRITON LIVE STRONG N SURVIVE til every1 else has blown themselves to bits



You put across a... 'convincing' argument, apart from one thing: those responsible for these attacks will be hunted down like petty dogs and destroyed by the might of the British security forces.

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Comeon, we weren't even able to find the culprits of Black Friday or many of the Attacks on places in London.


To Prove I'm British. Well Why else would I support Wycombe Wanderers??? For heavens sake they're utter Crap!!!!

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Comeon, we weren't even able to find the culprits of Black Friday or many of the Attacks on places in London.


To Prove I'm British. Well Why else would I support Wycombe Wanderers??? For heavens sake they're utter Crap!!!!

There's no doubt of your Britishness, Fosh. However, your lack of faith in the modern day security forces and secret service is unfounded. The British government has some of the most up-to-date systems for tracking and processing possible "villains" or terrorists. They will be caught, it's only a matter of time.

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Our Police force???



What Bloody Police force. You mean the one which is so bogged down by paperwork that they can no longer go on the Beat in my county!!!!

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Fosh: I'm not talking about the Police, who are in quite a state these days thanks to New Labour (more commonly known as "Lies 'R Us" headed by Tory Flair... oops, I mean, Tony Blair). There are other security forces available that don't have so much regulation these days... some the government can't even alter...


Some CCTV cameras don't work, and are dummy cameras like some speed camera devices to make people slow down/act lawful in case of the chance of actual recording. However, many do work, and the reels from Thursday's tragic attacks are being examined: the film footage from all affected Underground Stations is under review, as are the CCTV devices around the route of the doomed bus. But, if it is confirmed that we're dealing with suicide bombers, then pictures of them blowing themselves up may only be so useful...

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The Images from the Bus itself are missing as that camera wasn't working!!!

Never believe what you read in the press: I should know, I work in the news for goodness sake! But my husband cannot confirm or deny your statement about the bus camera.


However, exterior CCTV camera footage from the route of the bus is being examined to detail exactly who was on the bus at what time. Alongside witness statements and the say-so of the bus survivors, they can paint a pretty accurate picture.

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was a thought.

A very good and valid point. It's one of the first things security services made moves towards.


Ever thought of a job in the government...?

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I want to be an Engineer so prob. will end up working for the Gov. when we enter the space Race under Rich. Branson's Arms

Chief Engineer Fosh of the Virgin Space Ship "Enterprise"?


Seriously, no joke, the first starship Branson is going to launch is called the VSS "Enterprise"!

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theyve made a lot of arrest 2 day as the bus woz a suicide Bomber n they traced the rest throu him


That explains why my husband is late AGAIN home from work...

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LOL :lol:


I am amazed that I could be the Chief Engineer.


I canna do it captain, I dunna have the power!!

As long as you know your matter from your anti-matter, and you remember that wearing a red shirt means you'll be killed in the first ten minutes... you'll be fine!

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So does Anti-protons + protons = boom or was it Anti-electrons + electrons = boom?


PS. I know the answer being the Science nut which I am.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Anti-Protons and Protons = Boom.


Photon Torpedo's in Star Trek are based on this principle.

Indeed. That's why Quantum Torpedoes, the much more powerful warheads, are so brilliant: they detonate matter and anti-matter! Instead of just "Boom!" you get "Ka-Boom!"

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