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Attacks in London


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I wnat to say to all the englishmans around here all my condoleances and sorrow for the attack they suffered.


I come from a land were this sorts of thigns usualy happened and I know what they feel now.


May GOD watch over the souls of your lost ones. :cry:

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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WHAT, stupid people, I thought Europe was safe and I was gonna go their this summer for vacation if I had the chance but didn't. Damn this sucks.


I feel sorry for the lost souls since they did nothing wrong to die. May god bless all those 33 souls lost :(


They shoulda kept the battlefield stuck in middle east instead of bringing it this far.

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Not 33... 37, and rising.


It was a nightmare, but thanks to the wonderful British resolve, the transport network is partially back to operational status and by this time tomorrow London will be working again as normal.


Tony Blair was close to tears earlier giving a speech about the attacks. I think he sums up the feeling of inevitable shock that is reverberating around Britain today.


Thanks for the support.

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on msn they said 33 so i'm going with what i'm hearing instead of assuming or people will get ticked off but they still do anyways so I dont know how to answer things anymore.


Sorry lack of words.


Hope they dont attack Slovakia since I know lots of people there, even family members. If Slovakia gets attacked i'll be extremely depressed.

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I find myself almost lost for words about it.


I was planning to be at King's Cross tomorrow morning heading home for a week. Does make you think the difference a day makes, and about all those people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Especially those who won't make it home.


I really feel for you Tyranus, being so close to the events. I'm glad to hear you and all your family are safe.


It's the kind of event you would never wish on anybody.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I really feel for you Tyranus, being so close to the events. I'm glad to hear you and all your family are safe.

Thanks. Your feelings are appreciated.

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:arrow: I also want to add my support for the enghlish people.



:arrow: Still the guilt with the bomings stay not only with the terorists but with Tony Blair's past actions and with the police lack of vision.



:arrow: My opinion is that they should have lured them all in Afganistan (terrorists and possible ones) in a simulated offensive (in the past of course) keep them there for a year or two and then wipe them out on the hole frontline.



:arrow: This all war on terror is very fishy to me and poorly conducted. To me it is counterproductive. Insted of destroing terorist it is produceing more of them.


:arrow: But this is my opinion .... the terrorist have no justification for what they are doing they are not warriors but simple criminals.

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They cant find Bin Laden because he doesn't excist hes a puppet/CGI. They "found" Sadam but not Laden. Thats weird aint it.


When the next bomb blows up hope it aint North America or Europe or Asia but in the middle east. Dont want more casualties.

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Thank you every1 in this post!! I speak on behalf of many Brits wen i say we'll get the f****rs hu did this 2 us!!! Thanks for ur support!! I was devestated wen i heard it on the news!! Many thanks to all!!

Don't worry. I know for a fact that those searching for the enemies of this tragedy will not stop until they succeed... mostly because I live with one of them.

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I must thank you very much for all your kind words. I was heading towards London and was nearly stuck in Wales due to all Trains being stopped heading to Urban Areas with all stations going to Red Alert!!!


Bye the Way we will never get the F***ers as that utter muppet Blair has just laid down a gauntlet to the Terrorists by saying that they cannot hurt us. Pride cometh before a Fall!!!

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Bye the Way we will never get the F***ers as that utter muppet Blair has just laid down a gauntlet to the Terrorists by saying that they cannot hurt us. Pride cometh before a Fall!!!

I can't say much, but you're quite wrong. MI5 have some very promising leads including one that could result in some arrests very, very soon.

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Where did you hear about that??? I haven't heard of any major leads!!!

...and you won't, either, until it's officially released to the press.

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Are you in the Media or the Police???

I'm in neither (well, actually, I am in the media, but that's not where I got the information from and I won't be leaking it, either). My husband works "actively" for the government... if you catch my drift. If you do, don't shout it out.

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So he's MI5 or MI6 eh?


Eh well!


Well the Death Toll is rapidly rising with loads more being found in the Kings Cross Station.

Indeed. However, considering this was the big terrorist attack on our nation's capital city involving four seperate explosive devices, we could have suffered much more. Thanks to the emergency services, the tragic number has been kept lower than it could have been. If this is all the terrorists can do to us, we have little to worry about... those responsible are the ones who should be worrying.

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So the Em. Services like the police are gettin somewhere


The investigation is proceeding well. Whether the details are officially released or kept secret until some results are achieved is yet to be decided. But all I can say is that one or two promising leads are being followed up at the present moment.

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If I wasn't mature i would sell this lead to a newspaper like the Sun or The Daily Star.

I haven't given you any information they'd be interested in. I'm just a guy on a website... imagine how many people are "claiming" to know stuff all over the world!? Besides, if you did and it got out of hand, you'd be found and arrested (if you're British, which you're probably not).

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its hopeless.

these terrorists arent fighting what we did. they are fighting what we ARE. the western way of life and it just boggles my mind how they think they can succeed in this. as people said earlier this will only strengthen our attacks and morale.Wat i think is also bad though is that they give islam a bad name. Although i am no muslim, i can assure you it condones these terrorist actvitis. I heard my uncle pray about bless the victims and protect us from islam and it just opened up my eyes how distorted terrorists can change the truth. My heart goes out to the families lost or wounded by these attacks.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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