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Death star flank(Rebel)


do you think it will work?  

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  1. 1. do you think it will work?

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Purpose: to destroy the death star

First send a sizeable army towards a key rebel world once your attempts to destroy the construction of the death star have failed or other events prevented such a strike. Try to lure the imperials to will send the newlky constructed death star . Make sure you have about 60% of all your fleets nearby at another world for an easy hyperspace jump when the rest of your ground/space are at the attacked worlds. when your ships in the attacked world are engaging the imperials you send the nearby 60% of your fleet to attack the death star in a surprise attack and since the imprerials are already engaged, they cannoit defend thier star.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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It could work, but it depends on those vessels your opponent leaves on DS defense duty. What you may find is you get those outer rim worlds, only to allow them to complete their DS. Once they have it, you lose a great tactical advantage.


Might just be better off drawing the star destroyers away so you have the chance to get rid of their DS, but still, my prority would be to get rid of that weapon they spent all their money on, as opposed to a few measely worlds.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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The 2 tactics could work. What I'd do would be a lot like what Darkmark said: go for the expensive unit. The Rebels, if fighting a large Imperial force, would concentrate on attacking the units directly in front of the Death Star. This would make it so the Death Star wouldn't be able to fire on the Rebel capital ships. Instead of fighting larger ships like Star Destroyers and Dreadnaughts, the Rebels would concentrate on anti starfighter ships like Lancer Frigates and Neb-Bs. From there, the Rebel fighters could make an attack on the Death Star by simply out running the Imperial ships. If the Rebel fighters succeeded in destroying the Death Star, they can then hit the Imperial Capital ship's rear flank.


The only flaw I can think of is that the Rebel capital ships would have to concentrate fire on small ships at first and hold off all TIEs untill the fighters could complete their mission.

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  • 2 weeks later...
the tactics could work but why wait till its built why not just hit it in the Shipyards when its in construction Brett Tosti has already said that you have that option




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Actually, can the death star fire its primary gun against capital ship? If so, how often (in game time) during (tactical) space combat?


The answer will have a huge impact on how to deal with the death star


If the death star does have this capability, the imperial can then concentrate on building a lot of fighter squadrons to defend against rebel fighter attack run. It doesn't need to care at all about the damage capital ships could do against it. The DS can deal with capital ships on it own considering that one shot from the primary gun destroys anything it hits.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Probably, but remember that the first death star's reload time was very slow, and if the rebels were attempting an assault on the death star, and it became an all out battle with capitol ships everywhere, the death star probably wouldn't fire on the enemy capitol ships for fear of destroying it's own.[/img]
[c=FFA500-A020F0]Jedi Master Bryl[/c]
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The Reason the DS took so long was because of the increadible levels of Radiation produced in the first superlaser's power source. The Second Death Star had a much more significantly sized reactor to power it producing less radiation.
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yeah but using the laser on a lower power setting means that it wud take less energy and produce less radiation per shot




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This is the tactic the rebels used in Return of the Jedi. Two fleets were used, one as a diversion and another to attack the Death Star directly. It worked in the movies because the good guys always win, will it work in game though is another matter. The Imperial player would need to be really stupid to leave the Death Star undefended. You've sent 60% of your forces to attack a world, fine, whats the loss of one world, compared to the loss of such a superweapon? Frankly, I'd lose one planet, but keep my DS with a sizeable portion of my navy. Combined they can retake the world by force.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The Tactic could work, but only if the Imp player was thinking from the Imperial point of view. If you used the Imperial PoV, then yes, you would send the nearest fleet to crush the rebels, but my take on it is if you were building a Death Star I would instead use a different fleet, that may be far away but does not lower your defenses.

-Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord Of the Rings

-Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

General George Patton Jr

-Cool game being made a high school student, I recommend checking it out. 


Matt Castle



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Does anyone know how rebel attacks on the Death Star will be conducted? Will it be a direct attack like against an ISD's ion cannons, or will it be a special attack ala Rebellion that can be performed when the rebels have X number of fighters more than the imperials?


This makes a huuuuuge difference on any tactic that will be employed against this superweapon. If it is like rebellion, the imperial player can have all of his fighters running around in circles leading the rebel fighters on a wild goose chase around the imperial capital ships getting them picked off one by one. Although I will probably be playing the Empire mostly, this is an extremely gamey tactic and one that should not be necessary.


Who knows, maybe that is the only way to do it if the Death Star is a distant item not really part of the space battle. We do know however, that we really can't know until we get a few very specific questions answered.


1. Can the Death Star fire on rebel capital ships with the Superlaser?(Either to begin with, or as an upgrade signifying the Death Star II)

2. How does a rebel commander initiate an attack on the Death Star with fighters to destroy the core and how does an imperial player try to protect against this?

3. Is the Death Star an entity in the space battle or an actual modelled station that can be attacked conventionally by capital ships, turbolaser to turbolaser?

4. Can single ships be sent away into hyperspace or does the entire fleet need to go at the same time?

5. Can the Death Star bombard the planet with turbolaser fire not just destroying it with the superlaser?


Feel free to add any questions you can think of that would impact the rebel and imperial players' strategem with regard to the Death Star.

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Also another thing that could potentially destroy this tactic at the outset: do we even know if we can do anything in the galactic view while a space battle is going on? If it is a situation where once a battle is joined in space it has to be completed one way or another before the regular control is restored then there is no way to bring reinforcements like you described.


On the other hand, if you can go between the galactic map and the space battle.. what is to stop another space battle from going on? And for that matter, what is to stop 3 space battles and 5 ground battles going on at once? For multiplayer this isn't so bad since the other player has to pay attention to one thing at a time like you do, but against the AI.... ouch.


I thought they mentioned something about the galactic map being real-time, but what does that mean? It was also mentioned that once the space battle has been "resolved" then you can conduct the ground assault with the remaining fleet. This makes me think that the battles are going to be linear in terms of occurence. You move a fleet in galactic mode, when it gets there, galactic mode freezes and the players are put into the space battle. Once that is over, if the attacker wins he THEN gets the option to assault the ground. If he chooses to do so, then the game is shifted to the surface of the planet. Once that is over with, the trailer video suggests that the defender can attack the space fleet with what remains on the surface (although it did seem to be just rebel transports fleeing the blockade to me).


This seems to be a good way to conduct the order of events but I think there are a couple of things that could affect the way the battles operate. Can you lead the defenders far enough away as to get your transports close enough to the planet to launch the assault while the space battle is going on? If so, can the ground battle be affected by the space battle above (cap ships from both sides maneuvering in close to the planet to offer supportive surface barrages)? This might not be a possibility, but the mechanics of how a surface installed ion cannon can affect the space battle has yet to be fully explained, nor the cap surface attacks for that matter. It could be a valid tactic to drop a strike force quickly to take out the ion cannon to help out the space battle. The necessity of doing this would be determined by the power of an ion cannon though.


Someone may have understood the answer to some of these issues better, and if so, please share that with us. There are so many unanswered details that are critical to all aspects of how this game will be played that it makes the mind hurt.

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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  • 1 month later...

i dont think you could fire a surface based ion cannon during a fleet battle it would be to inaccurate and would probably hit your own ships.


Same as the deathstar firing on capitol ships, would it be accurate enough to hit only rebel ships while there were imperial ships swarming around them?


I think if you can fire the death star on capitol ship there should be a certain amount of distance between both fleets to be sure cause you wouldnt want to risk hitting your own ships. same with ion cannons i guess but the death star is in a better position to make an accurate shot.

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The original Death Star did not have a scalable reactor and took a Day to recharge its Superlaser. The Second had a Scalable Reactor and also a targeting system to enable it to destroy ships within minutes of already firing.
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  • 1 month later...
yeah they have said you cant fire at Capital ships and it would work if you hit enough Planets the Empire would risk losing every planet it has if it didnt try and make a strike at your forces.




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