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Stargate SG-1


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ghosty convinced me to start an SG-1 topic 8)

if you wish to know anything about sg-1 post here or just post info or w/e else you want, i will do my best to answer your questions accurately.


Well for starters, list your favorite race and why you like them and also alil info about them if you can ^^


As for me, i like the Goa-Uld. The goa uld leaders think themselves to be gods, hence the name Ra, Anubis, and Osiris. Their sarcophagus can regenerate them aswell. The guards with the bird lookin hawk helmets are pretty tight aswell, cant remem their name though. The Jafaa wear the cobra helmets. They follow their god (faction leader) and do their best to fight for them and protect them. Goa uld have alwlays been warring states, so there are many faction leaders. Anubis is/was the msot powerful of them all, even had a galactic doomsday device in his hands. The Goa uld banished him though....cuz he commited crimes that were so horrific that even the goa uld wouldn't speak of it. The goa uld fear the Asgard the most cuz they are so technologically inferior compared to Asgard ships. The goa uld also think the humans to be weak, their arrogance is their weakness, which is the main reason Anubis and the other System Lords have failed so far to defeat Earth. They dare not attack while the Tokra and Asgard are allied with Earth ^_^



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i've seen the movie but forgot everything except the gate.


I seen 2 episodes now.

Epsiode I seen was were Earth humans visit another planet with humans and they send a machine to the other human race were they see a human male and female. The female runs off and gets the military and the stargate team goes through the gate, the guy talks with the stargate team and then the military comes in and quarantines 3 out of 4 stargaters. Teal'c I think is his name (the black person) gets injured and blind then the other humans keep on asking the stargaters questions and wont accept the truth (Arrogance these days). later on they get saved and including the human male.


They start on a Egyption planet and a beam starts a timeloops. The colonel (Mcyver star) and Teal'c are the only ones who remember and they are stuck on a timeloop and start learning how to stop the timeloop by learning the language. The colonel gets ticked off and starts juggling and so does Teal'c and they find it very interesting and before they did that Colonel got extremely ticked off so they started golfing into the Stargate and doing crazy stuff. They went back with full knowledge of whats goign to happen and the person who started this mess for his wife on that egyption planet (deserted) and ended the loop and well thats it.



Now who are the allies and how did they meet.

Second Russia has a Stargate ? :shock: USA-Russia campaign now :shock::lol:

Third, what the hell is this thing, http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y292/GhostlyPolovnik/011.jpg




The goa uld also think the humans to be weak, their arrogance is their weakness, which is the main reason Anubis and the other System Lords have failed so far to defeat Earth. They dare
not attack while the Tokra and Asgard are allied with Earth ^_^


rofl, and thats how most evil groups fail in their missions in shows and movies and games.

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Thats Anubis's Mothership.


2 Epsidoes, thats just a drop in the bucket, there are something like over 200 Stargate SG-1s, the Stargate Feature Film, and a spinoff called Atlantis...


Keep watching, they're excellent... and they mock everything you can think of, including star wars.

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hey one more thing rofl, I laughed at how O'Neil and Teal'c get ticked off, its just funny. Teal'c got ticked off at the temp meter getting put in his mouth every time in the loop rofl. Teal'c keep on getting hit by the door ? rofl, and he just loses it.


Anubis's mother ship ? Ah damn, must be dangerous and those graphics seem to be Half-life 2ish. 2 episodes a drop in the bucket ? well that may be so since I just caught it on my space network and I dont know the time since i'm trying to find the flipping scedhule(yes i have a problem with spelling that word for a year now). Mock everything ? Even anime such as Pokemon or Gundam ? If so this'll be funny to see how they mock that. Well then thanks for telling me and possibly Element who I asked about that ship what it was and he didn't know.


there we go now I know when to watch it. One appeared and not on the list, hmm must a been 10 pm (eastern time).


sorry gotta note this to myself for easy access.

-Thursdays at 10 pm new episodes

-1 pm 8 pm for old stargates (weekdays)




also the stargate game which sounds very promising to play while the wait for EAW


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yea, that game allows you to do coop campiangs online 8)


i had no idea that was anubis's mothership, i didn't think he could posses such technology to even rival the asgard :s

for awhile i thought it might be Asgard made, until i jsut now saw that lil pyramid on top.


but then again in some episodes anubis has some pretty freaky shit that the other goa-uld don't have :wink:

like the device made of spikes that he sticks in your head, then downloads all that information into a computer, even if you don't tell a damn thing :S


i guess anubis is in that game, on that gameoplay video it showed him, but i think years after the way he looks currently, cuz hell...it was skull :\


and then it says something like ' An ancient evil will arise' or somethin of that sort :s


i think Anubis is the only Ancient evil to come back out of exile and torment the galaxy, so it would make sense that was him 8)


The russians loaned their Stargate to USA, kinda like in a cooperative loan deal for the greater good of Earth. cuz anubis found some way of destroying earth using America's old stargate, so they had to fly it to outerspace and then it blew up :\



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Well that ship sure is huge and is sure on 2 planets in pictures, one looks like endor and the other is earth.

When it comes to this game i'm a tad bit smarter.


-4 player coop campaign (online)

-different people to go on missions

-30 player deathmatch (This'll be interesting

-You command your squad of 3 people (counting you as the 4th)

-Each 'squad' has their own skill


gameplay will be high, or so the designer says so online coop shall be interesting. They also mentioned you'll have a 'sqaud' every second. Also something taken from Battlefield 2 Republic Commando is the 20 second revive to revive one of your 'squad' member. Half-life 2 graphics will boost this game up.


What i'm lookin for:

-Go anywhere anytime.

-golf through the gate and getting interupted.

-No pushy AI telling you what to do and how to do it.

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hi, i am new to these forums.


i dont believe this game will come out sooner than EaW, for the simple reason that their lack of adding details about the game to their site. i mean the last update they gave us is that the finished the human weapons..

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Welcome to the forums :) Glad to see you here


Hmm ya homepages tend to not update that much unless they're willing to and this is just any other game producer holding back information so they can "suprise" gamers before or during the game is released. We all know that :)


Hmm well even if its not released before EAW its still good it better be added with more gameplay and suprises. I find games these days rushed and downgraded such as MU Online which is a massive online game with graphics downgraded. Well

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Well the Kor Soldiers or whatever they're called will take a while to finish as you have to factor in the fact that they're invincible.
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lol yea, those assassins are crazy, although...the tokra have a weapon that detects them and destroys them :)


and trust me, once a kor assasin is revealed, you dont wanna look at it very long...they pretty ugly/scary :s



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Hmm well even if its not released before EAW its still good it better be added with more gameplay and suprises. I find games these days rushed and downgraded such as MU Online which is a massive online game with graphics downgraded. Well


your right, they are starting to become more interested in money rather than quality (EA).

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Don't forget Bandai with their half "rear" jobs and sending only crappy games over here. Well some are good its just American Bandai sends over the worst sellers or whatever.


EA is bad also but some of their games are good such as Spores, Sims 2, Battlefield 2. Their weak point is gameplay and AI and also half "rear" jobs.


I really hope that StarGate game is as good as its boasting right now, 4 player coop and 30 player deathmatch. If it sucks then i'm surely going to be ticked off as with other people. Well couldn't watch Stargate since it was friday and the weekend. Tomorrow should be 2 episodes I could watch.

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sci fi friday was not showing stargate episodes on friday, they showed some gay ass movies instead :(


i hope EA get their act together so that Total Club Manager 2006 is pretty decent. Football Manager 2006 series needs a rival for a change ^_^



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mhh Stargate i think i have seen all episodes.


the Stargate atlantis its from my view the same as the normal serie. Some things from the episodes where in Statrgate SG 1 too or in a different view. i must wait to see the end of the first part of atlantis. RTL 2 send some older SG1 episodes instead the last episodes from Atlantis.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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EA is bad also but some of their games are good such as Spores, Sims 2, Battlefield 2. Their weak point is gameplay and AI and also half "rear" jobs.


i just hope they dont deface RA3 with that crap. i mean the first two were nice, but now... they going to half "rear" this game as well.

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Finally watching more Stargate, even if its old.

Reason I mentioned Bandai was because of a game Gundam they make but they make it crappy (Graphics and somewhat in a gameplay wise). Rushed. If I get Stargate whos willing to play coop ? RA3 ? ah it rings a bell, only heard of it tho.


Well this Stargate is weird. Summary so far

Teal'c and his 2 races are at USA base and then they try finding some base on another planet. The older person finds out theres more then 6 ( 8 ) people and a women with a child heading somewhere and was a struggle. They all meet a monk. Thats it so far since its halfway in the episode. Hmm. weird. Ok its very weird and somewhat pointless but something to watch.

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yea then they go to this planet that the goa uld fear the msot, cuz they allways seem to die when they show up there :s


i know the episode you speak of....the goa uld were searching for the harsesus or w/e it's called, a person born of two goa uld....so that it now knows all the secrets of the goa uld.


the monk is very wise ^^



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Guest JediIgor

The reason Anubis is so powerful is actually simple, very simple.. just watch the last episode of Stargate SG-1 (Moebius) and you'll find out (the one from the last season) ;). Daniel was very surprised too.


By the way, I don't think Atlantis is a spinoff, I was under the impression that they were parallel since events from SG-1 (they found a ZPM) coincided with Atlantis (now they can gate to Atlantis with the ZPM.. etc).

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O wow a magic crystal skull.....That reminds me of Indiana Jones :P Well now I know what you mean about those micro machines being an enemy and feared enemy. So many of them and very dangerous :shock:
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Oh, well I just read one of their novels... The First Ammendment and I found that it was okay but not great. Sort of like the first couple Star Wars novels, disappointing.


I also found out that they may open up for novel submissions later this year, and I think I might give it a go.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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The reason Anubis is so powerful is actually simple, very simple.. just watch the last episode of Stargate SG-1 (Moebius) and you'll find out (the one from the last season) ;). Daniel was very surprised too.


By the way, I don't think Atlantis is a spinoff, I was under the impression that they were parallel since events from SG-1 (they found a ZPM) coincided with Atlantis (now they can gate to Atlantis with the ZPM.. etc).


i don't think i have seen this episode, why is anubis so powerful? :o



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Lol, Element spolied one part of it for me that a Stargate gets destroyed in an attempt to escape from the blast that would destroy most of the replicators. Damn those things are annoying.you would need a damn railgun to destroy those. Damn. A box full of grenades and rocket launchers. Well I just saw that episode but with machine guns saving Thore.


Now if I see them in the game i'll waste my ammo on those crazy things.

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nah that one stargate didn't blow up to destroy the replicators, they had to send their stargate into hyperspace before anubis could make it explode or sumthin like that :s


in one episode, they use anubis's doomsday device to reverse it's frequency so that it would only kill the replicators and not the planets in every known galaxy. maybe that's what you got mixed up with ^^


also, in that episode, daniel jackson was able to get in the replicator's heads and make them do stuff they didn't want him to do. which is he made them stop for a few minutes before he got attacked by a replicator and was forced to lose concentration. when he made them stop allover the galaxy, it gave them time to reprogram that device to use the frequency that destroy's replicators only.


since all rep's are on a network type connection with eachother, jackson was able to control every single rep 8)



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