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Modding tool for EAW

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When could we get a tool to create units or planets for EAW ? I feel like modding something into this game and not replacing anything. Is it to early to send out a tool or is it going to come out in the full game and when I dont feel like modding a unit or planet into the game ?


Sorry have a great desire to mod something since this game is almost perfect for what I want to mod into this game.


edit: Well I would like to add a ship and a mecha from a known anime and possibly make random ships (if things work out well for me with modding in this game) and possibly mod a planet into the game if its easy enough.


all the files will be text so easy modding but you need tools to make units look how they look.


If this is the wrong thread for this then delete this topic and pm me about it.

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Same, I'd like the ability for people too add their own models in game without replacing any of the game's existing ones, but it's a bit of a longshot. Plus, I'm not modeller, so even if they did I'd still have to wait for those people who can to release the models I'd want.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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