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Spores (PC game)


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Well you start of as a bacteria then you grow up from that into any creaute you want to create, even teddy bears or ants or whatever. Once your far enough you'll have tribes then cities. The good part is you can create how the buildings and vehicles look like last time I checked. You can also exlpore the solar system or if you want the whole flippin GALAXY :o Amazing stuff. Also you can abduct any creature and put it on another planet or moon and if they're not suited for it then, SPLAT. :P You can also create colonies on other planets and moons and kill other races.


fully customizable stuff which is nice.



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  • 3 weeks later...
people not interested ? lol. You can try and create a Star Wars life here rofl. Just make it more Star Wars like lol. :lol: Hope that caught interest. If not then well you can create anything you would like and travel the whole Galaxy :shock: Blow up planets out of existance and every single life form on that planet unless it can live in space.
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  • 2 months later...

So anybody going to buy this game ? If so what will you create or try to create ? Ya well someone got me interested in this game again so i'm mass posting and spores is such a great game or should be.


I'll try and create humanoid tanks and create strong organisms that can defend themselves.

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Bah!!! I've been following this game since it was announced at the last GDC!!!


The concept sounds intresting, and since it is a Will Wright game there is a good chance it can pull off what it says it will. I just want to go around it the flying saucer and drop my enemies onto planets without atmospheres, though blowing up planets sounds just as fun.

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I have a feeling that you control only one organism everytime one mates then creates an offspring then you control the offspring then evolve that created many species of the same thing. Of course they die but thats not what I mean. The cells from it might infect another specie and would evolve that it effected causing a whole new breed you never wanted.
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  • 5 months later...

What the hell was I talking about above  ???




Well its been a long time since I last talked about Spores so I want to recap on whats possible or could be.

- Will we be able to create new planets from scratch or use what planets there is?

- Able to design your military vehicles?

- I know its possible to create more cities elsewhere.

- Able to start from a cell to a complex life form.

- Grow your city the way you want.


Well hopefully none of you guys would attack me right?  ;D I might be wrong but seeing as we're in the PFF  :P If not i'll still be a defencive type so watch out  8)



- More information - http://www.gamingsteve.com/archives/2005/03/pictures_of_wil.php

- Screenshot forum - http://www.gamingsteve.com/blab/index.php?topic=211.0

Edited by Ghostly_Substance
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- Able to design your military vehicles?

Yeah you can, in the video it showed the guy playing customizing that plane thingy. It looked kindof like in the begining where he put that spike thing on the microbe, put on different parts for different uses.

"For every TIE fighter you shoot down, a thousand more rise to take its place"

-Baron Fel


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Thought so. You can customize anything  ;D Well lets hope I can create anything I want without any limits. Btw I wonder how it would work out if you destroy a certain players planet(s) then it gets updated then does it just stay gone or come back?  ???
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The race would be gone, so its dead.  Also, I'm gonna buy this game right when it hits the shelves and start breeding a planet of sentient Acklays.  Then build a UFO and blow it up. (after abducting all the creatures from it first....and creating horrific crossbread experiments! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! [/O'Malley voice]




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There needs to be a Star Wars modding group for this game....A group that only strives to produce the best quality Star Wars creatures and buildings!! We shall call it........*shot*




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I have been folllowing this game for ages as well

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






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  • 6 months later...
The game seems HUGE, maybe too huge in fact. How fast will time go by? Do play an "era" for a limited time or can you just decide to skip a few hundred years or so? Cause it would take forever to get all the way from like the tiny mircorganisms to a huge galaxy of space traveling people. It sounds would take up A LOT of memory if it actually does what it claims to do.
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erm, the game seems overrated already, it looks neat but not that much fun. And you have to factor in  re-playability. which will probably be good since you can start over with a whole new life form and whatnot but would it be that much differnt?
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Well if you have many gamers then yes and if you don't like what other people created you just bookmark the ones you do and burn those you hate  ;D Man I really want to conquer as much as I can in this game  :P over-hyped, yes maybe by the kids who have been told to like it such with Halo 2 and some anime such as Naruto and Bleach, it maybe good but overhyped oh and I don't overhype Gundam I talk about it too much. Anywho this is a Spore topic so you create what the hell you want and let it loose to live or die (depending on what you made) so whats so bad about that?
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  • 5 weeks later...

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