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Battlefield 2

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Well Battlefield 2 Demo and full game is out and an expansion pack is coming out. For those of you who haven't played any Battlefield game its like Star wars Battlefront but slightly futuristic real world timeline.


You fight in Iraq or in China since EA is biased about fighting on American soil. You can command multiple squads or just command a squad. You can voice chat to your squad or commander. You fight to capture the flag or protect it.

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  • 1 month later...

Well battlefield 2 full game is out for any slow people. There is also a new expansion pack coming out later this year.




Battlefield 2: Special Forces.

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  • 1 month later...

What class do you use most??? If I had to pick one (again), I'd go for the Medic rifle. Also the Spec Op. gun is a strong choice given it's improvements and the classes versitility. But don't get me wrong, I love my PKM!!! So very evil in those tight streets at Strike on Kirkland.


As I said I got the PKM for the Support class, very evil gun. Go prone and that thing eats infantry alive. Extreme range snipers and tanks are it's foil though. The shotgun fpr the Anit-tank is a slight improvement over the SMG. Good for up close stuff, but I swear the SMG has better range. I use the AT missile for everything anyways, infantry included. The Jackhammer is a huge improvement over the standard engineer shotty. G3 is a very good assault rifle, it adds a good degree of added fire power and is slightly more accurate than the AKs used by MEC and China. But some prefer the slightly better accuracy the USMC assault rifle provides, though the accuracy is due to the controled burst fire vs. the normal full auto people enjoy doing. I can't comment on the sniper rifle, because I simply can't hit anything with the sniper rifles. But the sniper rifle is a .50 cal., so that leads one to believe it is very powerful. The Medic's rifle (SA-88?) is far better than any of the standard medic rifles, though it suffers the same probelm as the G3 does against the USMC counterpart. The M-16 burst has people thinking it is more accurate than the alternate medic rifle, but its not. The Spec. Ops. guns is very nice. It is extremely accurate at mid-long ranges and is fairly powerful. I prefer the sights on the M4 carbine, but the alternate's sights aren't bad.


Look for Identitystolen for a goodtime!!! :D I'm trying to get my medic and engineering badge at the moment. I'm a decent heli pilot. I can fly like the devil and evade about anything, but I have lots of trouble hovering. Despite this, I prefer the gunners position and prefer the troop transports to the attack helis. I'm also good with armor, be it a main battle tank or a LAV. I pride myself on be able to knock down heli's with the main cannon on the battle tanks. I mainly play as Spec ops or Anti-tank. I prefer Spec ops on city maps and AT on large maps. I've gotten good with the AT missle and have knocked down 3 helis and lots-o-ground vehicles with it. But as I said, I'm trying to get my engineer and medic badge, so lately I play as those. Don't ask me to fly a jet, I can't do it. I've also got a microphone so I can talk to people while playing. Its a real life saver when flying the heli since it doesn't hinder your flying and you can communicate a lot more things quicker.

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  • 1 year later...

is it just me or is sniping useless in BF2............ You have to hit them like 10 times to kill them


Ya I found that out also......but if you headshot they're gone and if you have an unlocked weapon and skill bye bye they go.

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My main problem with BF2 is there is no "real" singleplayer. A plot and an acutal idea behind the game would be nice. even the xbox version had a plot and story that was decent. And is it possible to mess with the single player games? like make the number of bots more than 16 and use more than the 7 maps that they give you?
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you can get mods that increase the number of bots on the map but not the size of the map. as for more map... make your own or get the boaster/expansion packs


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Thats what made 1942 a masterpiece almost but it turned into a crappy milkcow series which now I don't like since everything I knew 1942 is not all screwed up like Black and White into Black and White 2 -.-


As for the maps you have to either make one or download them......

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  • 2 weeks later...
im not sure if you can in SP but in MP when you start a game or die and you can change your class there should be a button that looks like two arrows over the gun in the corner of the class the unlock is for.


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  • 4 months later...

let's breath some life back into here


I recently started playing again, I haven't played BF2 for like months. And ERGH, it's hard all over again. Some people are just too good at that game

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