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I'm pretty sure there will be some research needed b4 u can just go out and build an imperial star destroyer, just to make things interesting. however, there has been some comformation that ships like mon cal crusiers require u to have mon calamari. perhaps u would have to get the kuat system b4 u can build imp stars. plus u might find it strategic to have more victory star destroyers, as u could probably build more, and cover more area if the need arises in the game.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Maybe you have to have Kuat AND Fondor to make SSDs?? and for ISDs you have to have either and Hold Coruscant and have enough credits!!! Remember in the Video he said that ISDs were an expensive unit and any losses were expensive losses.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Strange, this can't be a complete list. There is a lot of equipment shown in Episode III thats missing, not to mention the Z-95 (Which along with the Y-wing should be the Rebels only fighters at game start), AT-PT, Super Star Destroyer, Dreadnaughts, who knows what else.


Of course if they aren't in there we could probably mod them in. 8)

Actually since the opening video or something shows the Rebels stealing plans for the X-Wing, they should be able to produce them soon enough, but you are right, it will be mostly Y-Wings and Z-95s (if they are in game) at the start.

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It would be nice if some of those were still in circulation. I mean, there must have been 10's of thousands of them left over from after the clone wars. Surely the new ties wouldn't have taken over entirely. Same would go for venerators and acclamaters

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Some still will be in circulation it's obvious. You can't suddenly make 100000 SDs. There will still be a few thousand Clone war ships in the Fleet. For heaven Sake the GB defense fleet's capital ship is the HMS Victory. An 18th-19th Century warship.
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Welcome to the Forum :lol:, I hope you enjoy your Stay. The SSD was introduced just before Yavin. The Executor belonged initially to Admiral Griff who was ordered to blockade the YAvin System after Vader was rediscovered in his TIE.

The Game Starts a few years before Yavin so there is a chance that there will be SSDs and other EU Ships like the Liberator and Dauntless. Maybe the Eclipse will be there but as yet don't hold your hopes up.

dude, what are you talkin about, i quote this "The {Executor}first of four Super-class Star Destroyers in service before the Battle Of Hoth, the Executor was Darth Vader's command ship while he hunted down thee main Rebel Alliance base. The Executor was built at the starsihp yards of Fondor after being designed by Lira Wessex, designer of teh Imperial Star Destoyer. Upoin its completion, the ship was presented to Lord Vader as a headquarters shop for his quest to find teh Rebel Alliane's commnand base."

so where did u find your info

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Will the game allow to build couple of ion canons or there will only be one ion canon in the Planet? Does any one know if space stations can be capture without destroying all of their defences?

(sorry if this has been asked before)

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The SSD info came from many different sources. The Original Vader Death Squadron lost 3 ISDs when Admiral Griff brought the Executor out of hyperspace on top of 3 of them. Vader killed him and Ozzel took over. The destruction was just after Vader was picked up and during the Rebel Evacuation of Yavin when Dodonna was captured.
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  • 2 weeks later...

In terms of Fighters maybe between 4 types per side and 8 types.

In terms of Capital Ships upwards of 10 per side

In terms of Troops upwards of 10 per side with special forces like Dark Troopers and Wookie Assault troops.

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ya that sounds good leaves enough room for tie interceptors and SSD and also I'd say there will be about 7 or 8 land vehicles per side. Seems to be alot of those.


Update :P : After looking at the units again the second to last on the imperial page is the Demolisher Class Star Destroyer, its listed on http://insd.swcombine.com/insd.htm

I strike again!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Sorry for bringing this up but I did an update to the unit list and now they all have the right names! Be sure to head over to http://www.empire-at-war.de (be sure to change the language if your browser does not) and have a look :)
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Assault Frigate Mk2


This frigate has enough firepower to challenge larger imperial spaceships.

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