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EAW list of units website


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Fosh sure is picky :shock: Well the Scouts are interesting but do they do good enough damage from what you seen ? 3 shots and then 5 second pause then 3 shots again, good or bad damage ? I seen about 10 -20 scouts just waiting for some action.
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Strange, this can't be a complete list. There is a lot of equipment shown in Episode III thats missing, not to mention the Z-95 (Which along with the Y-wing should be the Rebels only fighters at game start), AT-PT, Super Star Destroyer, Dreadnaughts, who knows what else.


Of course if they aren't in there we could probably mod them in. 8)

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well the Deathstar was kept quiet until sometime in the past, More units will pop up. Like the AT-TE look alike which I think was a Sphat or something. Theres more to be added for sure.
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Well that "unknown" ship still hasn't been named. I'm sure that in another video I saw a Republic Dreadnought and an Assault frigate they're not there. :lol:
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I was under the impression this game is set before ANH. If that is true I would not expect to see super stardestroyers. I recall reading a preview which said that a mission sees you as the Rebels stealing the prototype X-wings from the Empire (If you didn't notice their earlier forms were in Ep III).

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Welcome to the Forum :lol:, I hope you enjoy your Stay. The SSD was introduced just before Yavin. The Executor belonged initially to Admiral Griff who was ordered to blockade the YAvin System after Vader was rediscovered in his TIE.

The Game Starts a few years before Yavin so there is a chance that there will be SSDs and other EU Ships like the Liberator and Dauntless. Maybe the Eclipse will be there but as yet don't hold your hopes up.

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Heres one of them units from Clone Wars or EU part.



TX-130 tank and it belonged to the Imperials or the Republic.



and a Tie Crawler which here it says it belongs to the Rebels.


Fosh should I let you say the rest or should I ?

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Actaully ghostly, it says the Tie Crawler was used by the Galatic Empire, says it under Affiliation.


And nice list of units, wonder if the bulwurk (sp?) cruiser is in there for the rebels?

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:arrow: _ELeMeNTz_ you can make an elaborate post with them on - it will help us coment more easly on them.

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Well hmm, I looked at the banner and it had the Rebel logo so I used that but whatever, we all know Tie's belong to Empire.


I believe they had a question relating to this on the official website (which that is from) The symbols have to do with the era in the Galaxy. The Rebel symbol stands for New Republic Era, The Imperial symbol stands for the Era of the Galactic Empire. The one on the other tank was the Republic's (check the symbol compared to lets say an AT-AT http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atat/index.html), It is not the tank in the game it was used in the Clone Wars. The one shown in the game looks similar to the one from Battlefront.

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I thought it was just the symbol of the Republic. It's odd that palpatine would keep any symbols pertaining to jedi around

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Well I looked at a box on a Star Wars Stratego box with Empire vs Republic or

Empire vs Rebels and I saw the difference but it was a slight difference but meant the same thing. Well i'm just showing you whats from the game and from what I saw :?

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If you look on the Dais in SW ROTS there is the Symbol of the Republic, kind of a marajuana leaf shape with a crystal in the middle. The Symbol on the sides of the Jedi fighters is the symbol of the Empire.
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what i'm trying to say above was that they were still trying to make a perfect logo going from Republic to Empire since but only with a slight difference in design but still looks the same and means the same, Republic turns into the Empire. :?


i'll check out that weed shaped thing.

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All I hope is that the Venator-Class Cruiser is in there.It would prove extremely interesting because unlike the Acclamator-Class Assault Ships it was more of a Escort/Carrier.
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You'll probably find that the original ships on either side will be pretty similar IE both have Clone Wars ships which will be phased out into suicide missions as soon as we have researched and constructed the bigger Mothers. Lots and Lots of Fishsticks or Impstars. Bliss. A fleet of a Dozen fishsticks and 3 Dozen Impstars and half a Dozen Corvettes. 8)
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one thing confuses me

the game starts 2 years before the battle of yavin so the imperial capital ships available are: Acculamator, Venator, Victory and ISD. The Acc is a transport vessel, but since the transports are considered putside the capital ships I think they will be used as combat vessels. Venator are mainly carriers that can carry large amounts of fighters into battlefield. Yet again, I believe they will be (even if used) used as combat vessels. Victory are produced for planetary bombardment in mind, however it seems we can only conduct orbital bombardment via TIE Bombers, so Victory classes will also be used as combat vessels. However, as everyone would acknowledge, the allmighty ISD is far more powerfull than any of these. So why build the others, if we can build the ISD? the answer should be that the other craft have some special abilities, which can be used in Star Wars Rebellion, and that they are cost effective. Now, I really wonder petroglyphs solution for this... Any one can enlighten me?

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